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Teaming to Upgrade to Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - BIOPOLIS (Teaming to Upgrade to Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-10-01 al 2024-03-31

BIOPOLIS project addresses the upgrade of CIBIO to a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for R&D&I, through a teaming with the University of Montpellier (France), and with Porto Business School (PBS; Portugal). The project envisions to establish BIOPOLIS as one of the best international CoE in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity, with the capacity for spreading excellence towards innovation in the areas of Environment, Biodiversity and Agriculture, and thus contributing to socioeconomic development. The CoE will advance biological understanding from genes to ecosystems, and to use this knowledge to address pressing societal challenges through the development of world-leading research, the establishment of long-term strategic partnerships, the engagement of stakeholders, and the transfer and exploitation of research outputs. This will be achieved by attracting talented researchers, providing excellent conditions for research, training, internationalisation and networking, aligning research with societal challenges and smart specialisation strategies, engaging in advanced training programmes, developing communication, dissemination and exploitation activities, and setting a strong affiliates programme to promote the translation of research and innovation into applications and business opportunities.
Creation of BIOPOLIS CoE Legal Entity (WP1)-This task contributed to all the specific objectives of BIOPOLIS, and involved the establishment of the BIOPOLIS Association as an independent legal entity, with full autonomy. This will sets the basis to increase the critical mass of science by hiring a range of talented researchers, and enhancing lab and logistic capacities to develop excellent research and innovation.

The Human Resources Recruitment Strategic Plan for the BIOPOLIS (WP2) was developed. The first revision of this deliverable initially provided in the Teaming proposal was undertaken, involving a thorough analysis of the workforce of CIBIO contracted by ICETA, and that will be transferred to the BIOPOLIS Association in 2021. This revised strategy was incorporated in the Business Plan submitted to the Commission to obtain the financial validation of the Association BIOPOLIS, and it will be regularly revised if needed. In addition,PBS prepared a Human Resources Strategy for BIOPOLIS (D2.1) that will guide all aspects of human resource management, including recruitment, career development, performance evaluation, gender balance and equality of opportunities, among other aspects.

The activities developed to set-up the education and training programme of BIOPOLIS (WP5)–submission of the BIODIV doctoral program renewal application and the protocol established with Centro de Ciência LP to secure a regular annual flow of 20 PhD grants – highly contribute to reinforce the on-going doctoral programme BIODIV. Also the creation of a Transnational Master Course in Biodiversity, Genetics and Conservation, in Association with the TwinLabs of Angola and Namibia, will contribute to strength the Education and Training programmes of BIOPOLIS.

Promoting corporate partnerships through problem-solving research (WP8).
BIOPOLIS as strongly engaged with the private sector at national and international level to reinforce and expand the program of Invited Chairs and Programs that CIBIO has with major companies. These efforts resulted in the establishment of 3 new invited Chairs – Parques de Sintra, EDIA and TOTAL as well as in the renewal of another 2 – EDP and REN, in addition to a collaboration agreement established with SONAE for the design and implementation of a Strategy for Nature and Biodiversity.

Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
The BIOPOLIS activities and achievements have been communicated and disseminated to other researchers, the private and the public sectors, and the general public, mainly through the participation in conferences and workshops, scientific publications, dissemination material, via the BIOPOLIS dedicated website and the weekly CIBIO newsletter.
BIOPOLIS project will have fundamental impacts on research/innovation development. Concretely by:

WP1-Upgrading CIBIO facilities into a hub for excellent research and innovation in the biological sciences; By reinforcing the partnerships among Portuguese institutions hosting CIBIO which together have prepared a successful proposal to retain the status of Associate Laboratory; Consolidating and expanding education and training activities by attracting highly skilled students, focusing research tackling societal issues and retaining them for post-doctoral training programmes; Developing innovative concepts, tools and approaches for nation-wide research to be disseminated; Creating capacities and facilitating research in Africa.This component has been boosted as CIBIO was awarded the ERAChair TROPIBIO to upgrade its network of TwinLabs in Africa; Providing a benchmark that can be used by other institutions to achieve excellence.

WP2-Contributing to the regional and national smart specialisation strategies by engaging stakeholders from different sectors to address priority topics; Developing innovation-led, problem-solving research together with business by enhancing the visibility of CIBIO and its capacity to attract investment of companies to develop problem-solving research; Developing innovations for the conservation, management, and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services by innovative research that can be used by private and public stakeholders to increase the cost-effectiveness of environmental management and monitoring; Developing innovations for the sustainability of food production systems and the use of agrobiodiversity; Enhancing cooperation with least developed countries for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources; More efficient approaches for innovation management and knowledge transfer promoting the link with stakeholders and the translation of research and innovation results into practical applications by end users.

WP3-increasing CIBIO´s ability to seek international competitive funding: 2 ERC Consolidator grants were awarded to CIBIO’s researchers after the beginning of the project, and by increasing the invitations to integrate consortia in the H2020/Horizon Europe framework.

WP4-enhacing public appreciation for science and for the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in human wellbeing and the sustainability of socioeconomic development through the communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy that is being prepared.

WP5- impacting on the sustained excellence of the CoE. A battery of KPIs has been established, and the progress towards achieving the targets set by the project is being monitored at all that levels.

WP6 -UM contributed to set up the organizational structure of the CoE and establish efficient and fair management procedures. Work in progress includes training for researchers and technicians, education programmes, international collaborative networks, training and mentoring regarding innovation management and knowledge transfer, advice, collaboration on research in least developed countries, and partnerships with business.

WP7-UM early benefits included the involvement of its researchers in the co-supervision of Portuguese students, participation in joint projects, co-authorship in research papers, new projects and activities, and development of new opportunities.
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