Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Nubart7 (From museums to everywhere: Nubart's highly innovative audio guides are looking for new verticals)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-02-01 al 2019-07-31
Since Nubart can be used without any devices that have to be picked up at the end of the tour, we realized that its potential field of use goes far beyond museums: outdoors spaces, private companies, shops.... The plan of our SME-Instrument was to explore which other verticals are suitable for our innovative audio guides, so that we can focus our sales and marketing efforts on it.
By adding companies with a higher and faster purchase power to our list of clients, our company would be in a position to devote all the time necessary to win museums and other public sites as customers. At the same time, by extending the scope of the audioguides to other verticals that could not afford them until now, we would have a much wider field to develop our educational work.
We started with a very broad list of potential verticals. During the six months of the project, the goal was to take all the necessary steps to get a viability-based short-list. Lead prospecting, personal meetings and pilot projects were done on several verticals.