Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IPC (Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation)
Période du rapport: 2019-02-01 au 2019-07-31
The overall objective of the project was to assess the technological feasibility and production conditions for market demand for Rat1 system. In addition, we wanted to identify key requirements to be addressed in Phase 2, with focus on the cost benefit analysis of Rat1 and design a solid route-to-market leveraged by a strong stakeholder network.
1. Technical Feasibility Assessment – main outputs: product design matured, and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis completed;
2. Business Planning – main outputs: a) establishment of a market entry roadmap for product deployment and scalability; b) further definition and characterization of the market positioning of Rat1 and competitive landscape and c) outline of the regulatory requirements.
3. Innovation Project Planning – main outputs: a) design of the work plan to be implemented during the Phase 2 in order to overcome the identified market barriers and b) end-user interest for Phase 2 demonstrations were obtained from our wide network with stakeholders and value chain players successfully established.
Rat1 will contribute to minimize the socio-economic costs of poor pest control by providing an effective online and real-time pest monitoring, thus improving efficiency and reduce (virtually to zero) the risks of proliferation of rodents in surrounding of industrial areas, at identical costs for companies.