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Wireless for Mission Critical Applications


Ein neuartiges Kommunikationssystem zur Abschaffung von Kabeln

Die Industrie 4.0 revolutioniert die traditionelle Fertigungslandschaft und etabliert die Automatisierung und den Datenaustausch bei Technologien und Verfahren. Diese neue Phase ist das Zeitalter intelligenter Fabriken, des Internets der Dinge, des Cloud-Computings und vieler weiterer Innovationen. Allerdings beruht die Kommunikation in vielen der heutigen Fabriken auf Kabeln und Drähten, die Geräte, Sensoren und Aktoren miteinander verbinden. Das geht mit Herausforderungen bei der Wartung, Sicherheit und Leistung einher. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Wi-MCA, das von CoreTigo geleitet wird, wird diesen Missstand beseitigen. Es entwickelt den IO-Link Wireless Standard (IEC 61131-9), ein neues Kommunikationssystem, das zuverlässig, schnell und auf Fabrikautomatisierung skalierbar ist. Das allgemeine Ziel von Wi-MCA besteht darin, Marktforschung durchzuführen, um Rückmeldungen einzuholen, die zur Entwicklung eines Geschäftsplans beitragen sollen, welcher die Technologie so effizient wie möglich auf den Markt bringen kann.


Releasing manufacturing from cables! Industry 4.0 is about flexible production line, mobile robotics, connected machines and data collection from multiple sensors up to the cloud. Since the beginning of Industrial Automation, all communications have occurred via copper wires.
By presenting a reliable, low-latency and secure industrial wireless protocol, CoreTigo is going to minimise cable use in industrial automation and by this bring mobility, flexibility and scalability to the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Wi-MCA stands for Wireless for Mission-Critical Applications. CoreTigo, the proposer, is the initiator and developer of a new communications protocol known as the IO-Link Wireless standard (IEC 61131-9) . There are many potential fields of application that are candidates for adoption and implementation. In some, it will substantially improve the existing wiring system thus leading to substantial cost saving and reduced downtime of manufacturing equipment. In others, by changing the rules of the game, it can open whole new possibilities by enabling trusted and robust wireless communications which were not possible to implement until now in industrial environments. European industry is expected to be most benefited and profoundly impacted from the Industry 4.0 revolution and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) evolution, and as such, CoreTigo is seeking to make a significant footprint and impact in this market. The revolution in the market is already happening; therefore, there is a sense of urgency in going to the market as soon as possible.
The purpose of this proposal is to identify, through market research and feedback from key market players, what are those handful applications that will provide the most substantial impact in terms of value proposition based on market demand. These will define the case scenarios and niche markets that the business plan will entail, in order to focus and develop specific solutions that will bring the technology to the market.

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€ 50 000,00
4250405 Netanya

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00