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DEcision Support system for Smart Agriculture

Description du projet

Un système basé sur l’Internet des objets pour des pratiques agricoles sûres et durables

L’utilisation excessive et incontrôlée de produits agrochimiques a un impact négatif sur l’environnement et sur la santé humaine. La pollution de l’eau et du sol ainsi que l’élimination d’espèces non ciblées figurent parmi les nombreux effets environnementaux de ces produits, tandis qu’un lien étroit entre pesticides et carcinogenèse a été établi. Le projet DESSA, financé par l’UE, proposera un système basé sur l’Internet des objets qui fournit des informations précises et spécifiques à l’exploitation aux agriculteurs concernant les applications de protection des végétaux, et selon les conditions de l’exploitation. Le système DESSA permettra aux agriculteurs d’augmenter le rendement des cultures, de réduire l’utilisation de produits agrochimiques et de réaliser des économies financières significatives.


Fertilizers and conventional pesticides have been used in agriculture to improve crop yield and control plant pests. However, the excessive and uncontrolled application of agrochemicals has had a negative side effect on both environment and human health. Contamination of water and soil as well as death of non-target species are a few of the environmental effects whilst these pesticides have carcinogenic effects on humans. The EU implemented Directive 128/2009 on Sustainable Use of Pesticides, which incorporates a crop protection practice called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Rather than solely relying on agrochemicals, in IPM all plant protection measures are considered jointly with the necessary actions that prevent pest population growth. IPM is complex and farmers require decision support systems to assist them in making the best choice about plant protection measures to be taken. Our consortium – agricultural expert Agri2000 Net and ICT/IT specialist 3CiME Technology – has created DESSA, a service which provides accurate, farm-specific information to farmers on the plant protection actions to be performed based on farm conditions. Our system is IoT based and consists of sensors placed on the farm which measure key parameters (e.g. pest/spore presence, humidity, moisture). These parameters are input into cloud-based software that incorporates plant models that have been constructed using Agri2000 Net’s years of agricultural research on plant. The software consists of algorithms that process the data and output to the farmer, in a user-friendly manner on smart devices, the exact measures that must be performed. The decision support is given to the farmer in real-time, based on the conditions on each farm. DESSA results in 15-20% increased plant productivity, 10-30% reduced agrochemical use and 10-30% financial savings for farmers. With this project, our consortium will generate cumulative profit of €8.56 million and ROI of 5.96 by the 5th year of launch.

Appel à propositions


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Sous appel


Régime de financement

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 71 429,00

Participants (1)