Periodic Reporting for period 1 - gammaCam (Multiphoton coincidence camera with high temporal resolution)
Período documentado: 2019-05-01 hasta 2020-07-31
Developing new tools for imaging is of relevance for many fields of science and technology going from range measurements (3D imaging) to new microscopy methods.
In order to make the sensors available for various applications and potentially for other researchers, we develop a first prototype of a camera, including a case for the sensors and its board together with standard optical and electrical connections. The firmware was improved in order to optimize the frame rate of the SuperAlice and the acquisition and processing software was developed to be able to treat the large amount of data when measuring higher order correlations.
The developed sensor was used different experiments: characterization of entangled photon pairs, high rate single photon counting, fluorescence lifetime imaging and high dynamic range imaging. The results were published in a peer reviewed journal and presented in several conferences.
In parallel a comparison between the performances of the sensors and of selected commercial cameras has been realized, showing that the new sensors are particularly good at measuring correlations between several photons at arbitrary times.
Finally, an estimate of the cost of production of small series of the camera was done.