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This is part of Task 8.2. The parametric cost model will include all the parameters that are considered relevant to the cost of energy for the LiftWEC concept and implemented as software code to enable use in parametric design. The software code will be supported by a document describing its structure and implementation
LCoE calculation toolThis is part of Task 83 The LiftWEC LCoE calculation tool will be implemented as an openaccess spreadsheet easily accessible online including a full description in the form of a UserGuide of how to use this tool The updated tool will incorporate the parametric cost model as well as added features ie allow for single device as well as for array calculations
Documentation of implementation results performanceThis deliverable is associated with Task 5.5 and 5.6 and provides the implementation of the real-time controller for the final configuration of the LiftWEC concept. The core deliverable is in the form of real-time software code and will be accompanied by documentation that describes the performance of the real-time control, including its robustness.
This is part of Task 2.8. This report will review the performance of the final configurations from a fundamental conceptual perspective, including explanations of the decisions that support the identification of the final configurations. This will include a comparative analysis with other wave energy technologies.
Development of models and operational frameworkThis deliverable will outline the models and design frameworks, which will be developed to assess the LIFTWEC concepts and is primarily linked to Task 7.4. The installation strategy design framework developed to review the concept designs and identify viable installation strategies will be fully described. Similarly, full details will be provided on the decommissioning strategy design framework. For O&M, the reliability assessment methodology will be described, including a summary of the various reliability assessment approaches that were assessed. The reliability assessment methodology adopted will be fully detailed and will include reasons its selection. This deliverable will outline how existing UCC in-house models were modified to model the lifetime operations of the LiftWEC concept. These models comprise of three separate modules that simulate installation, O&M and decommissioning activities. This deliverable will contain a full description of these models. Including their functionality, development history the model validation & verification processes undertaken during their development.
Review of current liftbased WEC concepts and specification of preliminary configurationThis is part of Task 2.3. This will consist of a report that reviews the current lift-based WEC concepts and describe the configuration specifications that will be used in the preliminary numerical and physical models, as well as for the design development. The specification will be provided in sufficient detail to ensure that the configurations are unambiguously defined.
Extreme load analysisThis is part of Task 34 This report will describe the analysis of the loads on the LiftWEC concepts in extreme waves
Operational design considerationsThis deliverable is linked to Task 7.1 and will contain a set of key design considerations for the LIFTWEC concept, which will feed into the concept development and evaluation work package. This will ensure that the major operational factors, which are likely to, adversely affect the viability of the concept can be considered early in the design process and be accounted for in preliminary device configurations. It will contain a review of all operational phases of a marine renewable energy technology lifecycle and detail the results of an examination of other related sectors (offshore wind, Oil &Gas, Aquaculture). Transferable knowledge and methodologies from these other sectors, which have been demonstrated to be safe, efficient and cost effective, will be described.
Report on design of 2D scale modelsThis is part of Task 4.1. This report will describe the design of the 2D models with sufficient detail so that the model could be replicated if necessary
Assessment of baseline configurationsThis deliverable is linked to Tasks 72 and 73 and will describe the results of the assessment of the baseline configuration designs of the LiftWEC concept It will fully detail the Scenario Test Cases that were run on the baseline configuration designs including any changes made to the test cases run on the preliminary configurations and provide reasons for these changes The baseline configuration outputs from the installation OM and decommissioning models will be provided The fully detailed results for each of these phases will be provided A discussion on the results including any potential design improvements or any operational risk areas identified will included A comparison of the results with those achieved for the preliminary design configurations will be included and reasons provided for any improvement of disimprovement in results Finally a series of recommendations for consideration for the final configuration designs will be included which will incorporate learnings on the progression of results from the preliminary to baseline designs
Assessment of final configurationsThis deliverable will describe the results of the assessment of the final configuration designs of the LiftWEC concept and is primarily associated with Task 7.5. It will fully detail the ‘Scenario Test Cases’ that were run on the final configuration designs, including any changes made to the test cases run on the preliminary and baseline configurations and provide reasons for these changes. The fully detailed results for the final configurations outputted from the installation, O&M and decommissioning models will be provided. A comparison of the results with those achieved for the preliminary and baseline design configurations will be included. A discussion on the results, taking into account how the overall results have changed from the preliminary to final design configurations, will also be included. Recommendations will be provided on operation considerations for further future design iterations of the LiftWEC beyond the project.Finally, an overall assessment will be made into the success and potential learnings from this work package in terms of attempting to provide feedback from device operational assessments at early TRLs levels to improve design. We will highlight areas where we feel we have successfully done this and challenges and potential improvements in this approach for marine renewable energy developers of other concepts.
LCoE of baseline configurationsThis is part of Task 84 The LCoE of the baseline configurations for the device operating individually as well as in array will be presented in a report detailing the methodology and assumptions used A set of different target deployment locations will be used for the LCoE calculations Also both current and projected costs taking into consideration cost reduction opportunities will be estimated The obtained LCoE will be benchmarked against that of stateoftheart wave energy technologies as well as other competing marine renewable technologies
Specification of design and evaluation software toolsThis is part of Task 2.5. This report will describe the desired functionality of the software tools that will be used to support the concept development. The required functionality will include calculation of the Evaluation Criteria defined in D2.2 and allow the design to be referenced using the configuration specifications defined in D2.3
Scoping report of the Environmental Impact AssessmentThis deliverable is part of Task 9.3. A report will be delivered with a preliminary Scoping exercise identifying environmental key issues and define future EIA spatial and temporal boundaries for the LiftWEC technology.
Preliminary assessment of computational capability reportThis is part of Task 3.2. This report will provide a preliminary assessment of the numerical modelling capabilities together with initial modelling results
Tool validation and extension reportThis is part of Task 32 This report will describe the validation of the numerical models against the wavetank testing that will be undertaken in WP4 The comparison with the preliminary assessment will demonstrate the advancements that have been made during the extension phase
Data management planThis is part of Task 10.2. A report that describes the plans for data management. This will be based on the H2020 template: Data management plan v1.0 – 13.10.2016. It will include references to all of the data that is expected to be generated in the project together with plans for how it will be stored and made available to users.
Life-cycle assessment of the LiftWEC designThis deliverable is part of Task 9.4. A report will be delivered on the “cradle to grave” analysis of the technology based on CO2 emissions and energy consumption per produced electricity, using the LCA technique.
Hydrodynamic validation of final designThis is part of Task 3.5. This report will describe the validation of the numerical model of the final LiftWEC concept designs. In addition to the comparison of numerical and experimental data, an analysis of scale effects is conducted. As a final part of the report, an analysis of device performance in short crested spectra is presented.
Assessment of baseline configurations and specification of final configuration(s)This is part of Task 27 This report will provide an assessment of the baseline configurations and describe that configuration specifications of the final configurations that will be used for assessment of the LiftWEC concept potential and business case The specification will be provided in sufficient detail to ensure that the final configurations are unambiguously defined
Idnetification of potential technology strssors and environmental receptors of the LiftWEC technologyThis deliverable is part of Task 9.1. A report will be delivered with the identification of stressors and receptors considering the technology characteristics and the natural sensitivity of potential deployment sites.
Report on synthesis of design knowledgeThis is part of Task 2.6. This report will update and improve the design knowledge that will be used for the identification of the baseline configurations. All refinements to the design knowledge will be explained and associated with specific knowledge gained.
Scoping report of the social acceptance of LiftWECThis is part of Task 92 This preliminary report will cover the social acceptability of the technology from the market sociopolitical and community perspectives This report will include a review of relevant previous studies and details of the semistructured interviews undertaken with key stakeholders
Report on physical modelling of 3D LiftWEC conceptThis is part of Task 4.4. This report will describe the physical modelling of the 3D LiftWEC concept with sufficient detail to allow the testing to be repeated by a third party
LiftWEC materials life-cycle assessmentThis is part of Task 6.5. This report will describe the analyses of materials for the structure including alternatives and will present these in terms of strength, relative cost, durability and recyclability. The report will detail methodology, databases used and characteristics of the analyses. The deliverable will allow optimal use of materials within the final concept design
Report on physical modelling of 2D LiftWEC conceptsThis is part of Task 42 A report will describe the physical modelling of the 2D LiftWEC concept with sufficient detail to allow the testing to be repeated by a third party
Specification of baseline configurationsThis is part of Task 2.6. This report will describe the baseline configuration specifications that will be used in the numerical and physical models, as well as for the design development. . The choice of the baseline configurations will be justified based on the design knowledge reported in D2.7. The specification will be provided in sufficient detail to ensure that the baseline configurations are unambiguously defined.
Optimised device parametersThis is part of Task 86 This report will present the optimised parameters of the final device configurations
Outline business planThis deliverable is part of Task 104 A report will be delivered on an initial outline business plan for the development and exploitation of the LiftWEC concept
Assessment of preliminary configurationsThis deliverable is linked to Tasks 7.2 and 7.3 and will describe the results of the assessment of the preliminary configuration designs of the LiftWEC concept. It will fully detail the ‘Scenario Test Cases’ that were run on the preliminary configuration designs. These will include details on the representative sites, met-ocean resource data, vessel parameter data, technician requirements and cost details. This deliverable will provide the outputs from the installation, O&M and decommissioning models for each of the preliminary configurations. A discussion on the results will be included and any potential design improvements or any operational risk areas identified will be consolidated into a series of recommendations for consideration for the baseline configuration designs.
LiftWEC structural dynamic modelThis is part of Task 63 A full threedimensional timefrequency based numerical model will be delivered accompanied by a report describing the methodology employed characteristics assumptions and discussion of structural dynamic behaviour This deliverable will set the basis for the Fatigue Assessment to be carried out as detailed in Task 64
Performance functionThis deliverable is associated with Task 5.1 and involves specification of the parametric form, and outline parameters, for the performance function. This will be provided in the form of a report
Final business planThis deliverable is part of Task 104 A report will be delivered on a final business plan for the development and exploitation of the LiftWEC concept
Report on design of 3D scale modelThis is part of Task 43 This report will describe the design of the 3D model with sufficient detail so that the model could be replicated if necessary
Preliminary report on synthesis of design knowledgeThis is part of Task 2.1. This report will provide the details of the design knowledge that supports the identification of the preliminary baseline configurations. The source of all design knowledge will be included together with a review of each piece of knowledge with reference to the LiftWEC design.
LCoE of final configurationThis is part of Task 8.4 and 8.5. The LCoE of the final optimised configurations will be presented in a report, detailing the methodology and assumptions used and the confidence in the obtained LCoE estimates.
Cost databaseThis is part of Task 8.1. The cost database will be compiled in the form of a report. The cost database will be a critical component of the parametric cost model and the LCoE calculation tool. A successful delivery of a cost database will ensure reliable estimates of the device LCoE
Extreme event LiftWEC ULS assessmentThis is part of Task 6.1 This model will provide an assessment of the ULS for the concepts assessed. A finite-element model will be delivered in addition to a report describing the methodology employed, characteristics, assumptions and discussion of pertinent elements of the study. This deliverable will ascertain whether or not the concepts can withstand any anticipated extreme loading event.
Transportation and maintenance LiftWEC ULS assessmentThis is part of Task 6.2 The model developed in Task 6.1 will be further utilised to analyse loads under transportation, maintenance and decommissioning. The report will describe the loads applied and resulting stresses critically reviewing these in terms of survivability under transportation and maintenance modes. This deliverable will ascertain whether or not the concepts can withstand transportation loads and the degree to which the concepts considered are maintainable and decomissionable from a structural perspective.
Identification of evaluation criteriaThis is part of Task 2.2. This report will describe the evaluation criteria that will be used to guide the selection of the baseline configurations and assess their performance and provide clear guidelines for their use by an external party. This report will also include details of the knowledge gathering workshop
LiftWEC fatigue assessmentThis is part of Task 64 The Fatigue Assessment Report will describe the fatigue analyses conducted and means for the alleviation of fatigue under operational conditions The report will also describe the methodology employed characteristics and assumptions made within the analyses This deliverable will ascertain whether or not the concepts can withstand fatigue loading during the operational lifetime of the device
Performance function parameterisationThis deliverable is associated with Task 55 and comes in the form of a report This report will describe the parameterisation used to develop the performance function which will include consideration of both power performance and structural loads
This is part of Task 10.1. The project website and social media accounts will be created using standard tools to minimise the required investment in development. The website will contain details of the project, links to public project deliverables and a feedback page
This is part of Task 4.4. This deliverable is a database with the data from the 3D LiftWEC tests. Data will be stored in an open-access repository with sufficient Meta-data to allow use of data by third parties
Open-access experimental data from testsThis is part of Task 4.2. This deliverable is a database with the data from the 2D LiftWEC tests. . Data will be stored in an open-access repository with sufficient Meta-data to allow use of data by third parties
Amélie Têtu; Julia Fernandez Chozas
Publié dans:
Energies, Numéro 14, 2021, Page(s) 4699, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Andrei Ermakov, Florent Thiebaut, Grégory S. Payne, John V. Ringwood.
Publié dans:
Journal of Fluids and Structures, Numéro 119, 2023, ISSN 0889-9746
Academic Press
Andrei Ermakov; John V. Ringwood
Publié dans:
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, Numéro 7, 2021, Page(s) 201-210, ISSN 2198-6452
Springer Nature
Abel Arredondo-Galeana, Gerrit Olbert, Weichao Shi, Feargal Brennan
Publié dans:
Renewable Energy, 2023, ISSN 1879-0682
Andrei Ermakov, John V. Ringwood
Publié dans:
IET Renewable Power Generation, 2021, ISSN 1752-1424
Andrei Ermakov, Alice Marie, John Ringwood
Publié dans:
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, ISSN 1949-3037
Matt Folley, Paul Lamont-Kane, Carwyn Frost
Publié dans:
International Marine Energy Journal, 2023, ISSN 2631-5548
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC)
Andrei Ermakov, John Ringwood
Publié dans:
International Marine energy Journal, 2022, ISSN 2631-5548
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
Andrei Ermakov, Alice Marie, John Ringwood
Publié dans:
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, ISSN 1949-3037
Matt Folley, Paul Lamont-Kane
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 14th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
EWTEC 2021
Gerrit Olbert, Martin Scharf, Sebastian Felten, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 14th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
EWTEC 2021
Andrei Ermakov, Florent Thiebaut, Gregory Payne, John Ringwood
Publié dans:
OCEANS 2023, 2023
Julia Fernández Chozas, Amélie Têtu, Abel Arredondo Galeana
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 14th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
EWTEC 2021
Abel Arredondo-Galeana, Weichao Shi, Gerrit Olbert, Martin Scharf, Andrei Ermakov, John V. Ringwood, Feargal Brennan
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 14th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
EWTEC 2021
L Papillon, R Pascal, C Baron, G Olbert
Publié dans:
International conference on Ocean energy ICOE 2022, 2022
Ocean Energy Europe
John Ringwood, Andrei Ermakov
Publié dans:
ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2022
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paul Lamont-Kane, Matt Folley, Carwyn Frost, Trevor Whittaker
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 14th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
EWTEC 2021
Andrei Ermakov, John Ringwood
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 14th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
EWTEC 2021
J. Fernandez-Chozas, K. Nielsen and R. Pascal
Publié dans:
International conference on Ocean energy ICOE 2022, 2022
Ocean Energy Europe
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