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Data Management Plan Year 2

The Data Management Plan comprises the provision for making the project data findable accessible interoperable and reusable This deliverable will be developed in T13

Communication and Dissemination

Report covering the description of the activites carried out and the results obtained through of the communication and dissemination of the project Indicators used for monitoring will be updated with the final results D86 will be generated through tasks T81 and T82

Floating Wind Farm Control Strategies Definition

Report describing the MooringSense Floating Wind Farm control strategies The design and validation of the holistic control strategy will be accomplished in line with the specifications provided in D25 The control strategy will include Active Wake Control This deliverable will be generated as part of T63

Integrity Management Strategy Definition -v2

Public version of D61

Communication Plan v3

2nd version updated of the Communication Plan D84 will be generated within the task T81

Mooring systems integrity management technologies - Public

Public version of D.2.1. This deliverable will be developed in T.2.1.

SHM Solution - Testing & Validation - v2

Public version of D54 report that describes the testing and validation procedures for the SHM system as well as the assessment of the obtained results

Communication Plan v1

Report detailing the communication plan. The report will include the project visual identity and communication material. Updated versions of this report will be generated along the project execution (M12 and M24). D.8.1 will be generated within the task T.8.1.

Closed Loop Control Strategies Definition-v2

Public version of D63

Floating Wind Farm Control Implementation & Validation

Report describing the implementation and validation results of the control strategies developed within the project A 10 mooring system life time extension has been stablished as a KPI related to D64 D65 and D66 This document will complement D65 providing information Both deliverables will be generated as part of T63

Communication Plan v2

Update of the 1st version of the Communication Plan. D.8.2 will be generated within the task T.8.1.

Data Management Plan Year 3

The Data Management Plan comprises the provision for making the project data findable accessible interoperable and reusable This deliverable will be developed in T13

Simulation Dataset

A first dataset generated through simulations with the available coupled numerical model will be provided to start the development of the SHM solution and the smart sensor. This dataset will include simulation results under several operational and environmental conditions, and a mooring system without degradation. D.3.2 will be developed in T.3.3.

Data Management Plan Year 1

The DPM comprises the provision for making the project data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.


Cost effective monitoring – application of TURBU as building block for a (floating) offshore wind turbine digital twin

Auteurs: TNO
Publié dans: NAWEA/WindTech, 2022
Éditeur: NAWEA/WindTech

MooringSense - European research and innovation project to reduce the floating offshore wind costs

Publié dans: REEF3D Workshop and Coastal Eng Day 2022, 2022
Éditeur: REEF3D Workshop and Coastal Eng Day 2022

MooringSense Project, WP4 – Smart Sensor HW/SW Design Description

Auteurs: Petar Jankovic
Publié dans: EERA JP Wind, 2021
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5520628

Poster presentation of MooringSense

Auteurs: CTC
Publié dans: 11 Conferencia del Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea, 2022
Éditeur: 11 Conferencia del Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea

Risk Based Integrity Management Strategy for Floating Offshore Wind - MooringSense

Publié dans: HOIS 1st World Conference for Digitalisation of Inspection and Asset Integrity, 2021
Éditeur: HOIS 1st World Conference for Digitalisation of Inspection and Asset Integrity

Presentation of the MooringSense concept and preliminay results

Auteurs: CTC
Publié dans: OMAE 2021, 2021
Éditeur: OMAE 2021

Detección de daño en el sistema de amarre de aerogeneradores flotantes marinos para un mantenimiento basado en el riesgo

Auteurs: IKERLAN
Publié dans: Jornadas Sobre Mantenimiento En El Sector De La Energia (AEM), 2021
Éditeur: Jornadas Sobre Mantenimiento En El Sector De La Energia (AEM)

Risk Based Integrity Management Strategy for Floating Offshore Wind - MooringSense

Publié dans: ADIPEC, 2021
Éditeur: ADIPEC

A Concept for Floating Offshore Wind Mooring System Integrity Management Based on Monitoring, Digital Twin and Control Technologies

Auteurs: Alberto Puras Trueba / CTC - Fundacion Centro Tecnologico de Componentes Jonathan Fernandez / Vicinay Marine Innovación Carlos A. Garrido-Mendoza / Saitec SA Alessandro La Grotta / Worley Jon Basurko / IKERLAN BRTA Nuno Fonseca / Sintef Ocean Iratxe Arraibi / Zunibal, S.L. Feike Savenije / TNO Payam Pourmand / Bridon-Bekaert
Publié dans: OMAE - 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Numéro OMAE2021-61936, 2021
Éditeur: OMAE - ASME

Technical solution for the GNSS Smart Sensor for the structural health monitoring of the FOWT mooring lines

Auteurs: CTC
Publié dans: EERA JP WIND, 2021

MooringSense Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) for floating offshore wind turbines' mooring system damage detection

Auteurs: Jon Basurko
Publié dans: EERA JP Wind, 2021
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5524222

Presentation of the MooringSense concept

Auteurs: TNO
Publié dans: IQPC Offshore Foundations conference, 2022
Éditeur: IQPC Offshore Foundations conference

Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: A slightly different way to look at the ‘negative damping’ problem

Auteurs: IKERLAN
Publié dans: EERA JP WIND, 2021

Ocean basin tests with the MoorringSense floating wind turbine - experimental methods, challenges and preliminary results

Auteurs: SINTEF
Publié dans: EERA JP WIND, 2021

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) for floating offshore wind turbines’ mooring system damage detection

Auteurs: IKERLAN
Publié dans: EERA JP WIND, 2021

Presentation of the MooringSense Concept

Auteurs: ZUNIBAL
Publié dans: SEANERGY, 2021

Risk-based integrity management

Publié dans: EERA JP WIND, 2021

Presentation Mooringsense SHM solution

Auteurs: IKERLAN
Publié dans: Spanish maintenance association (AEM), 2021
Éditeur: Spanish maintenance association (AEM)

Modelling and control of floating wind farms - MooringSense

Auteurs: TNO
Publié dans: Deepwind 2022, 2022
Éditeur: Deepwind 2022

Open Presentation Mooringsense’s Advances into the 2rd Workshop of the Project.

Auteurs: Promoted by CTC, participation of ALL Members of the Consortium
Publié dans: WindEurope 2022, 2022
Éditeur: MoorinSense Consortium

Presentation Mooringsense

Auteurs: CTC
Publié dans: Online Cluster Event WATEREYE, 2021
Éditeur: Online Cluster Event WATEREYE

Presentation of MooringSense Project

Auteurs: CTC
Publié dans: ENERMAR, 2021
Éditeur: ENERMAR

Risk Based Integrity Management Strategy for Floating Offshore Wind - MooringSense

Publié dans: SUT, 2022, 2022
Éditeur: SUT

Ocean basin tests with the MoorringSense floating wind turbine - methods, challenges and observations

Publié dans: Deepwind 2022, 2022
Éditeur: Deepwind 2022

Poster entitled “Structural health monitoring of the mooring system of floating wind turbines through satellite positioning.Awarded.

Publié dans: WindEurope 2022, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium

Communication Plan I

Auteurs: Alberto Puras, María Campo-Cossio, Marisa Pila, Jon Basurko, Iratxe Arraibi, Simon Ford, Alessandro La Grotta, Feike Savenije, Jonathan Fernández, Timothy Hunter, Nuno Fonseca, Carlos Garrido-Mendoza
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2020
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7147760

Datasets of the work named Development of a Low-Cost Smart Sensor GNSS System for Real-Time Positioning and Orientation for Floating Offshore Wind Platform

Auteurs: Neus Revert Calabuig; PhD. Ismail Laarossi; Antonio Álvarez González; Abraham Casas; Ph.D. Alejandro Pérez; Laura González Pérez
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7630056

Floating wind farm control strategies definition

Auteurs: Edwin Bot, & Feike Savenije (TNO)
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consorium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7294290

Integrity Management Strategy Definition

Auteurs: Róisín Harris, & Alessandro La Grotta
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2021
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7188135

Communication Plan III

Auteurs: Petar Jankovic, Álvaro Rodriguez Ruíz, Verónica González de Lena, Marisa Pila González, Jon Basurko, Iratxe Arraibi, Alessandro La Grotta, Feike Savenije, Jonathan Fernández, Timothy Hunter, Nuno Fonseca, & Carlos Garrido-Mendoza
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7188044

Simulation results for the control development at farm level

Auteurs: Feike Savenije
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium/TNO
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7221211

MooringSense D3.2 - Public simulation dataset

Auteurs: Silva de Souza, Carlos Eduardo
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2020
Éditeur: MoorinSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4147066

Control DLL OpenDisc: Open source Open source implementation of popular wind turbine controller interfaces.Currently available distributions are for MooringSense (tuned for DTU 10MW wind turbine with SAITEC SATH floating offshore platform models used in the MooringSense EU project) (only DISCON distribution available for this configuration).

Auteurs: IKERLAN
Publié dans:, Numéro 5 October 2022, 2022
Éditeur: IKERLAN

Communication Plan II

Auteurs: Alberto Puras, María Campo-Cossio, Marisa Pila, Jon Basurko, Iratxe Arraibi, Alessandro La Grotta, Feike Savenije, Jonathan Fernández, Timothy Hunter, Nuno Fonseca, Carlos GarridoMendoza
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2020
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7147783

Decision support tool demo

Auteurs: Vadim Uritsky (TNO) & Feike Savenije (TNO)
Publié dans: GitLab DevOps Platform, Numéro 26 October 2022, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium

Mooring System Integrity Management Technologies

Auteurs: Simon Ford, Alessandro La Grotta, Hasib Rasul, Raúl Arnau, María Campo-Cossío, Alberto Puras, Jenifer Sainz, Jaime Rodríguez, Jonathan Fernandez, Timothy Hunter, Jon Basurko, Iker Elorza, Nuno Fonseca
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2020
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7147605

Closed Loop Control Strategies Definition

Auteurs: Raul Jaras (IKERLAN), Iker Elorza (IKERLAN), Nassir Cassamo (TNO), Feike Savenije (TNO)
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7294281

Presentation of MooringSense’s

Auteurs: CTC
Publié dans: University of Cantabria’s and Menéndez Pelayo University’s summer Courses, 2022
Éditeur: University of Cantabria’s and Menéndez Pelayo University’s summer Courses

Data Management Plan Year 1

Auteurs: Raúl Arnau, María Campo-Cossío, Carlos Garrido, Jon Basurko, Iker Elorza, Iratxe Arraibi, Jonathan Fernández, Feike Savenije, Nuno Fonseca
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2020
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7147715

Data Management Plan Year 2

Auteurs: Raúl Arnau, María Campo-Cossío, Carlos Garrido, Jon Basurko, Iker Elorza, Iratxe Arraibi, Jonathan Fernández, Feike Savenije, & Nuno Fonseca
Publié dans: ZENODO - OpenAire, 2022
Éditeur: MooringSense Consortium
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7188120

Development of a Low-Cost Smart Sensor GNSS System for Real-Time Positioning and Orientation for Floating Offshore Wind Platform

Auteurs: Neus Revert Calabuig; Ismail Laarossi; Antonio Álvarez González; Laura González Pérez; Abraham Casas García-Minguillán; Alejandro Pérez Núñez
Publié dans: Sensors (Basel), 2022, ISSN 1424-8220
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s23020925

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