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Enabling a future of safer laundry products and cleaner oceans

Description du projet

Faire sa lessive sur un mode écologique

Tout le monde aime ce parfum de fraîcheur tout droit sorti du lave‑linge, mais il peut avoir une énorme empreinte environnementale. Pour fournir une fraîcheur durable, la plupart des lessives commerciales contiennent des microcapsules de parfum fabriquées à partir de matériaux toxiques et non biodégradables qui se retrouvent dans les océans. Selon l’Agence européenne des produits chimiques, jusqu’à 60 000 tonnes de microplastiques ajoutés intentionnellement à des produits comme les détergents s’infiltrent dans l’environnement chaque année. Pour aider à inverser cette tendance désastreuse, le projet EnviroCaps, financé par l’UE, développe une technologie de pointe de microcapsules biodégradables. L’objectif consiste à faire en sorte que le parfum des vêtements soit plus agréable qu’avec les produits non biodégradables existants sur le marché.


Getting clothes to smell fresh after laundering and drying is no easy task. To solve this, fragrance microcapsules are now used in all laundry products. They reduce the amount of fragrance in the final product by up to 10 times, and provide long-lasting freshness to clothes during use.
Unfortunately, these microcapsules are made from toxic and non-biodegradable materials which at the end of their lifecycle, accumulate in the oceans, contributing to the global microplastic epidemic.
The European Commission is leading a world-wide effort to eliminate all non-biodegradable microplastics in consumer products, starting from 2022. However, today, there is no biodegradable microcapsule technology and thus, no solution for laundry product manufactures to produce safe and high-performance products.
To solve this problem, Calyxia has developed a game-changing scalable process to produce the world’s first perfectly sealed biodegradable microcapsule technology, EnviroCaps.
EnviroCaps are readily biodegradable microcapsules that are formulation stable and provide an olfactory performance 2 times greater than existing non-biodegradable alternatives. The patented technology has been validated by large actors in the market.
Support from H2020 SMEi2 for EnviroCaps, leveraged by Calyxia investment, would accelerate Calyxia’s access to the international market by transforming a functional microcapsule prototype (TRL6) into an industrial product (TRL9) with over 5000 tonnes EnviroCaps production in 2028 . In 2028, Calyxia will aim to achieve sales of €250 million, representing a market share of 25%, establishing Calyxia to a European and Global leadership position.
To succeed in this ambitious endeavour, Calyxia has assembled a world-leading team of entrepreneurs, expert scientists and engineers, alongside executives from the chemical industry, all united to build a new world of safer, environmentally sustainable and advanced performance laundry products.

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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 259 600,00
94380 Bonneuil-Sur-Marne

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Val-de-Marne
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 3 228 000,00