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This deliverable described the operative plan for this tasks, including the distributors, customers, and stakeholders to be approach together with the channels to reach them.
Ethical compliance reportThis report is the result of task 5.3 and it will contain the ethical guidelines that the project must comply with, especially during WP2.
Quality assurance and risk management planThis report will be an extended and revised version of Table 3.e and it will serve as a reference throughout the project execution.
Intermediate project management reportThis report includes the a description of the state of the project, the risks occurred and the related mitigation actions taken, a summary of the expenses made and the mismatches with respect to the forecasts.
The data plan will contain the details of how the project will deal with data, especially during the validation activities carried out in WP2.
This is a demonstration of the three fully-functional Facer units produced within WP1.
Joaquim Vives, Núria Marí-Buyé, Alba López-Fernández, Margarita Blanco, Sílvia Torrents, Clémentine Mirabel, Paula Martínez, David Horna, Miquel Costa, Susana G. Gómez, Sergi Querol
Veröffentlicht in:
BMC Proceedings, 2020, Seite(n) Volume 14, supplement 5
BMC Proceedings
Mireia Ruiz
Veröffentlicht in:
National Instrument case – Real world applications, 2019
National Instruments
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