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Organ-on-a-Chip technology for in vitro grafting and vascularisation of 3D tissues

Description du projet

Une technologie de puces pour la culture in vitro de mini-organes vascularisés

Le développement et la recherche de médicaments dépendent en grande partie de modèles animaux, mais les différences en matière de biologie et de physiologie peuvent compliquer l’interprétation des résultats. Les modèles cellulaires in vitro sont simplistes et ne reflètent pas la physiologie tissulaire, c’est pourquoi de meilleurs modèles s’avèrent nécessaires. Le projet OrganoPlate Graft, financé par l’UE, élaborera la première méthode de culture in vitro à haut débit pour des tissus vascularisés. À l’aide d’une technologie d’organe sur puce développée précédemment, les scientifiques pourront cultiver et suivre in vitro des mini-organes en 3D de manière contrôlée. L’application de ce système permettra la conception de nouvelles expériences dans la recherche et le développement et il pourra être utilisé à des fins cliniques.


PROBLEM – The drug development cycle, from basic research to testing efficacy, toxicity, and safety of new therapeutics, is largely depending on animal models. However animal biology and pathology differ from human biology at crucial points. The sector is aware of the significant complications in their usage, but lacks better alternatives. Highly advanced technology exists for the culture of cell systems, organs, tumors, etc. outside the body (‘in vitro’). However, the existing culture models lack functional blood vessels – a vital structure inside the body (‘in vivo’). There is a great unmet need for better models of human biology, to speed up both basic research on human biology as well as the development of novel, much needed therapeutic solutions. SOLUTION – OrganoPlate Graft involves the development to market readiness of the first high-throughput in vitro culture method for vascularized tissue that is unrivalled by the available in vitro options. An extensive proof of concept (PoC) for this method has been obtained. The new product will be launched within 6-months post-project and, for the first time, allow for the study and manipulation of human tissues with functional human vascularization. COMPANY – Founded in 2013, the Dutch SME MIMETAS was the first party to commercially exploit organ-on-a-chip technology that enables accurately controlled and monitored in vitro cultivation 3D ‘mini-organs’. MIMETAS currently employs > 60 professionals, generates year-on year multi-million revenues, and is projected to be profitable as of 2020. RESULTS – The results of the 2-year OrganoPlate Graft project will empower Users by aiding them to grow tissues with human vascularization in vitro – enabling the replacement of a wealth of animal experiments and the design of completely novel experiments in research, development and clinical settings. OrganoPlate Graft will cost €3M, employ 10 new FTEs, and is projected to add 40 FTE and >€50M annual revenues to MIMETAS by 2022.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 110 303,13
2342 DH Oegstgeest

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 3 014 718,75