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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe

Descrizione del progetto

La segnalazione dell’insulina è alla base della morbilità delle malattie

L’alterazione della segnalazione dell’insulina è associata al diabete, alla sindrome metabolica e all’obesità. Il ruolo della multimorbilità dell’insulina si estende al cervello, dove un’alterata segnalazione dell’insulina si associa alla demenza osservata nella malattia di Alzheimer e alle patologie mentali caratterizzate da comportamenti compulsivi quali disturbo ossessivo compulsivo e autismo. Il progetto PRIME, finanziato dall’UE, riunisce un team multidisciplinare per sviluppare il nuovo concetto di segnalazione dell’insulina come fattore chiave nelle molteplici forme di morbilità associate alle principali malattie mentali e somatiche. La loro ricerca aiuterà a comprendere la multimorbilità dell’insulina lungo tutto l’arco della vita, scoprendo i meccanismi che collegano le malattie somatiche e mentali correlate all’insulina. Il progetto svilupperà anche strumenti per la diagnosi precoce, l’assistenza clinica e la prevenzione delle condizioni di morbilità correlate all’insulina.


PRIME introduces the novel concept of insulin signalling as a key mechanism underlying the multimorbidity of major mental and somatic illnesses. It is well known that aberrant insulin signalling causes high health and socioeconomic burden through its role in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. We posit that the impact of ‘insulinopathies’ is still largely underestimated, since insulin multimorbidity also extends to the brain, where altered insulin signalling appears to be implicated in dementias such as Alzheimer disease and – based on our pilot work - in mental illnesses characterized by compulsivity, especially obsessive compulsive disorder and autism. We therefore further posit that insulin multimorbidity evolves throughout life, necessitating a lifespan approach.
PRIME brings together a multidisciplinary team to (1) extend our understanding of insulin multimorbidity across the lifespan, (2) understand the causal mechanisms linking somatic and mental insulin-related illnesses, (3) develop tools for early diagnosis, improved clinical care, and prevention of insulin-related lifespan multimorbidity. We will leverage the world’s largest registry, clinical cohort, and population data sets to identify and validate new insulinopathies. Through an interdisciplinary battery of innovative approaches, we will clarify the causal mechanisms linking peripheral and central insulin signalling to body-brain comorbidity, integrating across animal models and studies in humans from molecule to cell, brain, cognition, and behaviour. Our prior evidence enables PRIME to bring the new knowledge to society, based on e.g. repurposing medication and lifestyle interventions (diet/exercise monitored by mHealth assessment), identifying and validating novel drug targets, developing and testing candidate biomarkers, and by improving existing medical guidelines and policy. Furthermore, educational approaches to inform clinicians, patients, and general public will be developed.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 257 414,00
6525 GA Nijmegen
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

Oost-Nederland Gelderland Arnhem/Nijmegen
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 257 415,00

Partecipanti (22)