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Expanding PadovaFIT! Home Solutions

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PadovaFIT Expanded (Expanding PadovaFIT! Home Solutions)

Período documentado: 2020-12-01 hasta 2022-11-30

The project started from the former experience of the IEE-funded PadovaFIT project, focused on the energy refurbishment of condominiums in the metropolitan area of Padova, exploiting the ESCo model and the use of standardized Energy Performance Contracts. These schemes were successful but limited in their effectiveness in covering a large part of the building stock. To overcome these criticalities, PadovaFIT Expanded was aimed at creating and piloting a One-Stop-Shop, enlarging the target to all private residential buildings, and giving a central role to citizens, the weaker player in the energy market, subject to information asymmetry and in need for specific support. Moreover, the project was trying to replicate the business model in other countries (Romania and Bulgaria) with different backgrounds and economic conditions. PadovaFIT Expanded was also trying to provide support to families in energy poverty condition. In this regard, the project was quite ambitious and important for society, because it was aimed at reducing the inequalities in the access to the energy refurbishment market.
PadovaFIT Expanded has developed new OSS in Padova and Timisoara (and other ones are expected in 2023 in Bulgaria). In all cases, the role of public authorities was important in starting the process and bundling the relevant stakeholders. The collaboration among the technical players was strenghtened by Padova, which adopted this approach as a new modus operandi within the Climate Neutral strategy by 2030, given the selection of the Municipality amongst the 100 European cities of the “Climate Neutral and Smart City” Mission. This collaboration is even more important considering the overlapping between the role played by the OSS in the market and the services provided by the local stakeholders in the same segment. The One Stop Shop activated within the project have a long term perspective and the ambition of increasing and maintaning over the time a high renovation rate, exploiting the existing opportunities (fiscal incentives, external funds, ect.) with a local multiplier effect.
26 EU best practices (having already been tested and proved) have been studied to help the pilot cities in defining the most successful business models. The analysis led to the drafting of 3 SWOT analyses and 3 strategic assessments and to the fine-tuning of the Business Plans for the OSS of Padova and Timisoara and the Strategic Plans for the Municipalities of Vidin & Smolyan. Citizens, being the main target of the OSS services, have been informed and engaged in the 4 pilot areas through the implementation of a tailor-made engagement strategy, which included online tools, traditional communication (around 13,000 flyers, leaflets and poster were distributed) and the support of the community facilitators, trained and selected by the Project Partner. 21 demonstration buildings in different neighborhood and conditions have been selected and renovated and recognized as pioneers of the PadovaFIT Expanded model.
The services provided by the OSS have been coinceived in collaboration with the technical and financial players, which have been engaged to understand the suppliers’ needs and to exchange opinions on technical and financial solutions and contractual matters. 73 technical players and 38 financial players have been mapped, selected and involved in the project activities and the OSS activation, becoming part of the OSS action groups. More than 35 financial products have been mapped and made available to the OSS technicians. In order to provide tailored services to the OSS clients, 12 case studies have been studied, considering different types of buildings, with indicators to express the technical and financial sustainability, the bankability, and the financing product to be coupled with.
A wide range of public authorities at all governance levels and private stakeholders, from the technical and the financial sector, have been involved in capacity building and peer-to-peer events at local, regional, national and EU level (overall 14 events were organized). These stakeholders benefited from the outcomes of the project: 1 policy recommendation document focusing on 3 topics (homeowners engagement, business modelling, EU and national policies to remove the barriers and foster the drivers facilitating access of citizens to innovative financing schemes and longterm finance) and 1 sustainability strategy providing insights from the pilot territories. The main results achieved by the OSS in Padova and Timisoara have been summarized in the impact assessment document. The results have been disseminated in 45 unique events (webinars/conferences) attended by the project and in the final event partecipated by more than 100 representatives. About 1,800 stakeholders have been reached directly or indirectly. In addition to the key stakeholders participating to the events, the project has been widely disseminated through the websites (more than 30,000 visits considering the project website and the OSS websites) and local media (16 press releases, 50 popular articles).
22 relevant stakeholders have been engaged by Padova, Timisoara and EAP to set-up the OSS action groups towards the foundation of the OSS. 3 renovation packages have been prepared, considering the business model of the OSS, the services provided to the clients, the technical and financial boundary conditions and the role played by the OSS in the local markets.
The OSS of Padova has been activated in February 2021 in the form of the Energy Desk (an upgrade of the OSS has been performed in November 2022). The main purpose was to help citizens who intended to carry out energy efficiency works in their homes, trying to provide them with support along all stages of the complex home renovation process. The Energy desk/OSS has therefore been designed to provide technical and financial consultancy services, but also to increase the interest and awareness of citizens, favouring more interventions on the territory. This support was specific to each user, giving concrete and personalized answers. In 21 months of activity, 652 personalized appointments have been managed by the OSS. Also, the OSS supported the Municipality in building relationships among important stakeholders in the area. This activity helped the activation of an important public private project for the refurbishment of the social housing building stock, involving about 580 apartments.
The OSS of TIMISOARA has been activated in November 2022. It has been developed as part of the local public administration apparatus, as a component of the Citizens Information and Counselling Service - Community Relations Department. In November 2022, the Municipality started a massive communication campaign to make citizens aware of the new web portal ( and the services provided. Moreover, the physical desk has been activated to provide direct answers to the homeowners.
Overall, the OSS activities supported the achievement of the following results: the renovation of about 444 dwellings; about 4,8 GWh of primary energy savings (including the RES production); about 1,195 tons of CO2 avoided; about 19,3 M€ of investments.
The action plans for the activation of the OSS in Vidin and Smolyan have been finalized in November 2022. The OSS are expected to be launched during the first quarter of 2023.
From the Strategic Assessment to the SWOT analysis: identifying the key factors for the OSS
Technical indicators for a preliminary analysis of the OSS
Classification based on the provider
The main website of the OSS in Timisoara
Five main elements constituting the OSS business model (WP1)
Financial indicators for a preliminary analysis of the OSS
The main website of the OSS in Padova
Classification based on the degree of support to the customer
Innovative financing options and revenue schemes provided by the OSS
Citizens engagement tools for the OSS