CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
A detailed report on the lessons learnt and how future sites can take these into account will be presented environmental and technical
SO WHAT tool KPI Panel - useful also for validation activitiesThe development of a KPI panel to be transformed into a dashboard for decision making and comparison and validation of sites will be reported
Report on current barriers to industrial WH/C recovery and exploitationStrategies and protocols for input data collection
This report will include additional methods for how data for example could be pre-processed before passing it to the SO WHAT decision support tool in order to minimise effort and post-processing
SO WHAT lessons learnt and recommendationsA final report on lessons learnt and recommendations for future development will be presented
Lessons learnt about integration of WH/C in DHNsA report on how these lessons could be applied to future DHNs will be presented
Report on the CBA of industrial waste heat and cold and RES in industry investments in EuropeThis report will include the CBA for both waste head/cold and the integration of RES within the industrial environment.
Report on H/C recovery/storage technologies and renewable technologiesThis report will build upon that presented in Section 1.3 of the proposal and provide a comprehensive review of the available H/C and RES technologies, which could be exploited by the demo sites.
Scenario definitionReport on the generic scenarios that will be coded within the SO WHAT decision support tool as a first set of scenarios that the industrial site can investigate.
Available databases for SO WHAT analysis and tool integrationReport on the available databases to be integrated with the SO WHAT tool.
Validation of the SO WHAT tool in real demo casesA feasibility study for the actions that could be carried out in each demo site will be presented outlining the accuracy of the tool and its impact on the demo sites
Report on Networking and Clustering ActivitiesFinal report on networking and clustering that has occurred between the SO WHAT project and other similar EU and national grant funded projects
Lessons learnt from ClustersThis report summarizes the different perspectives and main differences within the various clusters of SO WHAT
First version of Dissemination and Communication Plan including Stakeholders’ engagement strategyA report on the first dissemination and communication strategies will be presented
Replication strategy of SO WHATThe final replication strategy of how the SO WHAT platform can be rolled out just in Eastern Europe will be presented
SO WHAT Training plan and guidelines for training materialThe final SO WHAT training plan and associated material will be available.
First release of SO WHAT Industrial Sectors WH/C recovery potentialThis report will provide an assessment of what potential there is for WH/C recovery in each of the site.
Requirements for data formats and indicatorsThis report will outline the requirements for the data and how they will input to the SO WHAT decision support tool as well as in what format. The report will also provide a set of indicators which will be used to compare the sites later in tools developed in WP4.
Replication strategy of SO WHAT in Eastern EuropeA final report on the potential for WHC across all demosites will be presented
Business and risk models for industrial WH/C recovery and exploitation towards replicationThis report will present a number of business and risk models for the industrial WH/C recovery and will identify the implications on the business model replicability of RES integration in heat recovery investments.
Final release of SO WHAT Industrial Sectors WH/C recovery potentialFinal report on SO WHAT Industrial Sectors WHC recovery potential
Report summarizing economic driversA final report summarizing all of the economic drivers will be presented here
Financing and ESCO models for industrial WH/C recovery and exploitation towards replicationThis report will outline the various financing and ESCO models that are currently available for industrial WH/C recovery
Final version of Dissemination and Communication PlanA report on the final dissemination and communication strategies will be presented
SO WHAT Positioning paperThe final position of the SO WHAT tool will be evaluated and presented
SO WHAT lessons learnt: regulatory issuesA detailed report on the lessons learnt and how future sites can take these into account will be presented regulatory
SO WHAT ManualThe SO WHAT training manual will be delivered including online videos and tutorials for how to use the final platform
Report and presentation on SO WHAT integrated tool functionalitiesDescription of the tool to be developed to be used for feedback from stakeholders.
Public and industrial perspective of WH/C recoveryA report on the perspective from the public citizens and the industrial stakeholders will be presented
Update of Dissemination and Communication PlanA report on the updated dissemination and communication strategies will be presented
Report on end-users’ current status, practices and needs in waste H/C recovery and RES integrationReport on specific needs for the recovery potential and employment of industrial WH/C from an end users perspective.
Policy instruments to promote industrial WH/C recoveryHow SO WHAT can be enhanced through policy instruments will be presented
Report on current Contractual Arrangements for WH/C exploitationThis report will present the various contractual arrangements for WH/C exploitation as identified from the industrial demosites including a detailed analysis into the GOTE site.
Further training material for different stakeholders will be available, e.g. videos and online tutorials
Project Website and Social media operativeThe project website and social media channels will be available.
Monitoring management systemBased on the data collected from the monitoring management system, the architecture of the monitoring system including the required sensors, location of them and communication protocols will be delivered (second iteration).
Simplified Version of SO WHAT tool for Quick Decision MakingThe first beta version for the SO WHAT free tool, providing quick analysis for the end user will be available.
Giovanni MANENTE, Yulong DING, Adriano SCIACOVELLI
Published in:
IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference -Heating, Cooling and Power Generation - 26-29 July 2020, Glasgow, UK, 2020, Page(s) 9
IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference -Heating, Cooling and Power Generation - 26-29 July 2020, Glasgow, UK
Giovanni MANENTE, Yulong DING, Adriano SCIACOVELLI
Published in:
IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference -Heating, Cooling and Power Generation - 26-29 July 2020, Glasgow, UK, 2020, Page(s) 10
IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference -Heating, Cooling and Power Generation - 26-29 July 2020, Glasgow, UK
Giovanni Manente; Yulong Ding; Adriano Sciacovelli
Published in:
Kristina Lygnerud Sofia Klugman Nathalie Fransson Johanna Nilsson
Published in:
Science Direct - El Sevier, 2022, Page(s) Volume 255, 15 September 2022, 124452, ISSN 0346-251X
Pergamon Press Ltd.
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