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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Supporting new Opportunities for Waste Heat And cold valorisation Towards EU decarbonization

Descrizione del progetto

Un software per le tecnologie del calore e del freddo residui

Il progetto SO WHAT, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà e sottoporrà a dimostrazione un sistema di software integrato a un livello 8 di maturità tecnologica che sostenga le industrie e i servizi energetici nella selezione, nella simulazione e nel confronto di tecnologie e opzioni alternative di recupero del calore e del freddo residui. Lo strumento del progetto supporterà l’identificazione di fonti di calore e freddo residui, nonché la mappatura del potenziale di fonti di energia rinnovabili accessibili a livello locale da integrare con il calore e il freddo residui. Consentirà all’utente di mappare e valutare la domanda locale prevista per il riscaldamento e il raffreddamento, integrando la comunità circostante nelle simulazioni per identificare ulteriori opzioni di recupero. Il progetto SO WHAT valuterà gli impatti delle tecnologie alternative e promuoverà accordi contrattuali innovativi, nonché modelli di finanziamento per fornire soluzioni economicamente sostenibili.


SO WHAT main objective is to develop and demonstrate at TRL8 an integrated software which will support industries and energy utilities in selecting, simulating and comparing alternative Waste Heat and Waste Cold (WH/C) exploitation technologies that could cost-effectively balance the local forecasted H&C demand also via RES integration. The SO WHAT integrated tool will be designed to support industries, and energy utilities in 1) auditing the industrial process to understand where WH/WC could be valorised 2) mapping the potential of locally available RES sources to be integrated with WH/WC potential 3) mapping the local forecasted demand for heating and cooling 4) define and simulate alternative cost-effective scenarios based on WH/WC technologies also leveraging TES introduction 5) evaluate the impacts (in terms of energetic, economic and environmental KPIs) that the adoption of the new scenarios will generate against the current situation (i.e. baseline) both at industrial and local level 6) promoting innovative contractual arrangements and financing models to guarantee economically viable solutions and less risky investments. To do so SO WHAT will capitalize already existing tool and knowledge from previous research experiences (REEMAIN, PLANHEAT, REUSEHEAT, CELSIUS…) and the expertise of 11 industrial validation sites from different REII/ non-REII sectors (petrochemical, chemical, metallurgic, food etc.) that will be involved in the project to validate the tool and provide relevant insights for its development. SOWHAT tool will be built indeed following a participatory approach involving both National clusters from Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Romania (composed by local industries, public authorities/energy agencies, energy utilities/ESCOs) and external stakeholder since the very beginning of the development in order to have a wide, clear and structured promotion of WH/C also thanks to a robust training campaign and policy oriented dissemination actions.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 434 000,00
16129 Genova

Mostra sulla mappa

Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 620 000,00

Partecipanti (20)