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Financing scheme for Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy Guaranteed in Deep renovations of building stock

Descrizione del progetto

Un sostegno all’efficienza energetica nelle ristrutturazioni

In quanto principali consumatori di energia nell’UE, gli edifici offrono anche la maggiore opportunità di risparmio energetico in termini di efficienza dei costi. L’installazione di nuove tecnologie efficienti dal punto di vista energetico negli edifici più vecchi riduce le emissioni e migliora la sicurezza energetica. In questo contesto, il progetto FinEERGo-Dom, finanziato dall’UE, perfezionerà e realizzerà schemi di finanziamento garantiti per l’efficienza energetica e l’energia rinnovabile nelle ristrutturazioni profonde degli edifici di cinque paesi europei. Il concetto è stato sviluppato basandosi sulla struttura lettone di efficienza energetica, uno schema finanziario attuato con successo in Lettonia per il sostegno all’efficienza energetica e all’energia rinnovabile nelle ristrutturazioni profonde di edifici pubblici e privati. I tipi di edifici e infrastrutture inclusi nel progetto spaziano da edifici pubblici a edifici residenziali.


The National Fund “NFOSiGW” supported by KAPE and partners seek to replicate the financing scheme, systems and procedures developed for private and public sectors under the Latvian Baltic Energy Efficiency Facility’ “LABEEF”. The Fund will structure demand and execute the financing scheme of a pilot project through the existing online platform SHAREX. Partner organizations in Austria, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria will be replicating in their countries.

The public funding will work as a leverage for ESCO to take on new projects without the need to wait for the repayment of already implemented projects. Therefore, their funds could be reinvested faster. The standardisation of procedures, expert verification of archived savings and increased amount of investments will motivate the financial sector to support energy efficiency and environmental protection projects.

The standardisation and scaling up the number of investments in energy efficiency and environment protection will increase the trust of banks, increasing their involvement on the market.

The support from public funds will aim at already implemented, successful projects assuring the repayment of invested public money in a long-term, providing the leverage effect in increasing the number of projects carried out by ESCOs and making the public funds available in the future for reinvesting.

The stimulation of the ESCO market will help to utilise the potential for energy efficiency in the SME sector. The solution will work as a guarantee for energy savings and environmental effect which will be furtherly verified with the unified procedures implemented in the mechanism.
Types of buildings and infrastructure included in the project (might be different in different countries):
- multifamily private and municipal buildings,
- public buildings,
- individual residential buildings, housing communities, cooperatives.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 352 875,00
00 697 Warszawa

Mostra sulla mappa

Makroregion województwo mazowieckie Warszawski stołeczny Miasto Warszawa
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 352 875,00

Partecipanti (8)