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Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Replication report

D74 Replication report M36 Report on the dissemination of the HARP initiatives in nonHARP participating countries including report on the workshops held within Task 74 EN

Heating solutions and potential

D2.3 Heating solutions and potential (M7) – Report with the characterization of available heating technologies, covering both conventional and renewable solutions and potential adoption scenarios in the HARP countries.

Best practices for introducing indicative labelling for existing heating solutions

D61 Best practices for introducing indicative labelling for existing heating solutions 1st report M31 Final report M38 Report with the success stories lessons learned and opportunities EN

Guidelines for national policy integration

D62 Guidelines for national policy integration M38 recommendations for MS stakeholders responsible for definition and implementation of energy efficient heating policies Portuguese Spanish French Italian and German summary in EN

Dissemination and communication plan

D71 Dissemination and communication plan M3 and updated M13 EU and national plans for HARP communication and dissemination and collection of communication and dissemination materials EN Portuguese Spanish French Italian and German

Labelling methodologies and validation report

D3.1 Labelling methodologies and validation report (M13) – Harmonized methodologies for the energy labelling of installed space, water and combi-heating solutions (excel sheet and word detail) (EN)

Quality assessment and evaluation reports

D83 Quality assessment and evaluation reports M12 M24 final M39 Annual reports on quality assessment peer review methodology and ongoing evaluation of the project achievements

5 National Action Plans Reporting - 1st and 2nd heating seasons

D44 Five National Action Plans Reporting 1st heating season M27 2nd heating season M37 Summary of the initiatives implemented in the HARP countries including the contributions from the national expert forums Portuguese Spanish French Italian and German summary in EN

EEAB Report

D84 EEAB Report M18 M25 final M39 Report summarising EEAB contributions trends risks quality issues and the minutes from the three meetings held

Building vs heating stock (space and water) matrix, EU and country level

D2.2 Building vs heating stock (space and water) matrix, EU and country level (M5) – Report summarizing the heating appliances stock in France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain and at the EU level (EN)

Business models for exploitation and sustainable management features

D63 Business models for exploitation and sustainable management features M34 Guidelines for managing the installed heating label system at national and EU levels including financial requirements business models and mainstreaming opportunities

Co-benefits analysis per technology

D2.4 Co-benefits analysis per technology (M10) – Report on the characterization of the co-benefits associated to heating technologies, considering and overall, EU and country specific valuation (EN, Summary in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and German)

Monitoring indicators and evaluation strategy

D51 Monitoring indicators and evaluation strategy M14 Report on the monitoring indicators metrics and procedures and on the evaluation methodology EN

Consumer behaviour change model regarding the adoption of efficient heating systems

D21 Consumer behaviour change model regarding the adoption of efficient heating systems M11Consumer survey English Portuguese Spanish French Italian and GermanConsumer survey analysis EU level and detailed country analysis ENChange model generic integrated approach to consumers engagement and country specific EN

Five National Action Plans (revised for the 2nd heating season campaign)

D41 Five National Action Plans M17 revised for the 2nd heating season campaignM28 Definition of the HARP initiatives at the national level Portuguese Spanish French Italian and German summary in EN

Evaluation report 2nd heating season

D53 Evaluation report 2nd heating season Report evaluating the results achieved with the HARP Action Plan initiatives during the 2nd heating season campaign EN summary in Portuguese Spanish French Italian and German

Database of key influencers at EU level

D72 Database of key influencers at EU level M11 and then updated M23 Report on the list approach strategy and feedback to EU relevant stakeholders EN

Guideline for the application of the labelling methodologies for installed appliances

D3.2 Guideline for the application of the labelling methodologies for installed appliances (M13) - guidelines to support relevant stakeholders, including industry and public authorities, to put the methodologies in practice (EN)

Final Publishable Report

D810 Final Publishable Report M 38

Evaluation report 1st heating season

D52 Evaluation report 1st heating season Report evaluating the results achieved with the HARP Action Plan initiatives during the 1st heating season campaign EN summary in Portuguese Spanish French Italian and German

Dissemination and communication reports

D73 Dissemination and Communication reports 1st report M24 Final report M39 Report on communication and dissemination activities at EU HARP countries and nonHARP countries level EN

Consumers interaction toolbox

D4.2 Consumers interaction toolbox (M17) – materials for consumer initiatives (English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and German)

HARPa online application

D3.3 HARPa online application (M17) – online tool covering the consumer decision process five-step journey (English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and German)

Professional training toolbox

D4.3 Professional commitment training toolbox (M17) - materials for professionals’ initiatives (English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and German)

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