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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Connecting Obligated Parties to Adopt Innovative Schemes towards Energy Poverty Alleviation


Neue Energieeffizienz-Verpflichtungssysteme zur Reduzierung von Energiearmut

Die Energieeffizienzrichtlinie der EU verfolgt ehrgeizige Ziele. Sie legt Schlüsselmaßnahmen fest, um die Energieeffizienz EU-weit zu verbessern und Energiearmut zu verringern. Zu diesen Maßnahmen zählen auch die sogenannten Verpflichtungssysteme, nach denen Energieunternehmen zu jährlichen Energieeinsparungen angehalten sind. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SocialWatt wird Energieversorger in der EU dabei unterstützen, innovative Programme zur Bekämpfung der Energiearmut in Europa zu entwickeln, einzuführen, zu testen und zu replizieren. Das Team wird dazu spezifische Werkzeuge entwickeln, mit denen Energieunternehmen energiearme Haushalte unter ihrer Kundschaft effektiver identifizieren und Programme zur Verringerung von Energiearmut besser umsetzen können. Mithilfe von innovativen Finanzierungsinstrumenten, wie z. B. Finanzierung über Rechnung, werden diese Programme dazu beitragen, die nachhaltige Energienutzung zu fördern, die Umsetzung von Interventionen für mehr Energieeffizienz zu erleichtern und zu einer verstärkten Nutzung von erneuerbaren Energiequellen anzuregen.


SocialWatt aims to support obligated parties under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive to develop, adopt, test and spread innovative energy poverty schemes across Europe. Utilities and energy suppliers will be able to build their capacity and exploit the SocialWatt tools developed for effectively engaging with their customers and implementing schemes that aim to alleviate energy poverty. Energy efficiency interventions at the household level and the increased use of renewable energy will be triggered, by promoting innovative financing options, such as Energy Performance Contracts, Energy Saving Agreements or on-bill repayment.
SocialWatt will contribute to the following 3 main pillars:
- Supporting utilities and energy suppliers contribute to the fight against energy poverty through the use of the SocialWatt decision support tools. They will be able to identify energy poverty among their clients, elaborate Energy Poverty Action Plans after having evaluated and selected energy poverty schemes, as well as monitor and assess the overall procedure.
- Bridging the gap between energy companies and social services by promoting collaboration and implementing knowledge transfer and capacity building activities.
- Implementing and replicating innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty. Participating utilities and energy suppliers, operate in 26 European countries, with primary markets in Croatia, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Spain. The latter will be the focus of the pilot cases for developing and implementing energy poverty schemes, whilst the replication of SocialWatt across Europe will be pursued.
Energy poor citizens are the main target group that will benefit from the innovative schemes. SocialWatt will support energy companies to fulfil their energy efficiency obligations, as well as improve public relations, promote Corporate Social Responsibility strategies, reduce debt and overhead in managing debt and enhance their public image.

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