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Fake news and pseudo-science as post-modern mythology: The case of the anti-vaccination movement

Descripción del proyecto

Los efectos para la salud de las noticias falsas

El debate sobre la función de las vacunas en la salud y las enfermedades es un debate escandaloso, y está cobrando aún más importancia hoy en día debido al número creciente de padres que se cuestionan los beneficios de la vacunación y si en realidad estos son mayores que los riesgos. Gran parte de esta incertidumbre, se deriva de las noticias falsas (información sanitaria sin verificar) que, en los últimos años, proliferan por internet. El proyecto FAKEOLOGY, financiado con fondos europeos, estudia la forma en que las noticias seudocientíficas se difunden en línea y cómo esto afecta a la percepción, el pensamiento y el comportamiento de las personas. El proyecto combinará la comunicación científica con nuevas tecnologías de análisis de medios de comunicación para desarrollar una herramienta digital analítica que ayude a denunciar la desinformación intencionada en internet.


FAKEOLOGY draws links between pseudoscience, populism and health literacy and focuses on the anti-vaccination movement to provide a key venue wherein mis- and dis-information can be studied. Specifically, the project studies how pseudo-scientific news is diffused within social networks and how it affects human judgement and behaviour. FAKEOLOGY aims at enhancing the efficiency of science communication and at empowering public health policy makers to introduce fake-proof health literacy initiatives. Bridging large-scale social media data with news media (network analysis, content and discourse analysis) and behavioural data (focus groups, expert interviews, lab experiment), the project focuses on how pseudo-science propagates within the digital media ecosystem.
Pseudoscience, and, specifically, the anti-vaccination movement, demonstrate a unique case study that indicates the longevity of the ‘fake news phenomenon’ as anti-vaccine myths started spreading decades ago and still feed the movement’s narrative. The popularity of vaccine hesitancy is growing, in spite of the scientific data that systematically debunk its claims, resulting in the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases. Within the digital terrain, anti-vaccination groups have even grown in visibility and volume and research demonstrates that Twitter constitutes a popular platform for anti-vaccination supporters.
Using state-of-the-art media analytics technologies developed by the MIT Media Lab and building on science communication developed at the University of Zurich, the project contributes to cutting-edge research with an analytic model that can be fine-tuned to study veracity and falsity in the digital networked paradigm.

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Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 278 840,64
8006 Zurich

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Zürich Zürich
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 278 840,64

Socios (1)