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Development of A Novel Submerged Anaerobic Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor (e-SAnMBR) for bilge water treatment

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ElectroSAnMBR (Development of A Novel Submerged Anaerobic Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor (e-SAnMBR) for bilge water treatment)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-03-01 bis 2022-02-28

Bilge water (BW) is a complex mixture of seawater and numerous types of wastes with high pH pH (up to 9.0) and oil content (up to 2953 mg/L). Salinity fluctuates between 25 and 35 g/L, hindering the biological treatment, while COD is also high (>3-15 g/L). Compounds like diesel fuel, glycol-based coolants, engine, transmission and hydraulic oils are among the detected components. Additionally, several hydrocarbons, PAHs, anionic surfactants, organic solvents, detergents and metals have been identified.
Oil residue discharge to marine environments is prohibited by MARPOL 73/78 of IMO and European directive 2000/59/EC. As a result, BW is treated enroute before being discharged (oil content 15 mg/L) or deposited at reception facilities on land. However, due to the high extend of oil emulsification in BW, its treatment via physical methods is unsatisfactory, while physicochemical methods contribute substantially to operational costs. Furthermore, conventional biological processes are unsuitable due to existence of toxic refractory organics high salinity of BW.
To overcome this challenge ElectroSAnMBR project aimed to provide an alternative and innovative technology for real BW treatment. This was investigated by developing a single chamber electrolysis cell (EC) inside a Submerged Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (SAnMBR) to effectively treat BW and therefore, recalcitrant wastewater was converted to methane.
ElectroSAnMBR project through the implementation of 8 work packages (WPs) went beyond traditional treatment practices by manufacturing novel microbial biocompatible electrodes with surface characteristics that can promote biofilm formation and excellent conductivity, design, construction, batch operation of integrated EC at anaerobic digestion system and examination of fundamentals aspects involved in their operation, design, construction and operation under continuous flow of SAnMBRs/e-SAnMBR for possible industrial application, biotransformation and ecotoxicity assessment of effluents, evaluation of microbial developed during treatment process and correlation to treatment efficiency.
A series of carefully designed and conducted experiments led to the successful achievement of the goals and objectives of the ElectroSAnMBR project. The overall conclusions demonstrated that treatment of recalcitrant and toxic wastewaters like BW is beneficial by submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor with microbial electrolysis cells. Due to the complex nature of BW, gradual acclimatization of anaerobic biomass is substantial for achieving higher removal rates of organic load and production of gasses such as methane that can be used for energy generation. All related results were published in scientific journals and presented in international conferences.
The objectives were fully achieved despite that at the beginning of the ElectroSAnMBR project coincided with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe (February/ March 2020). Complete lockdown during the first months in Cyprus and in specific periods the following months affected the implementation of the whole project (e.g. no access in the Laboratory during lockdown periods, significant delays in consumables arrival etc.). However, the arisen difficulties were addressed and the project achieved the initial goals.
3 different carbon-based electrodes were successfully synthesized (carbon foam, carbon cloth, 3-dimensional graphene foam) and examined for their ability to degrade BW. Microbial electrolysis cell coupled with anaerobic granular sludge (MEC-AGS) bioreactors were designed and constructed. Their effectiveness was investigated and validated under batch mode. 2 pilot-scale SAnMBR/e-SAnMBR bioreactors were designed, constructed and operated under continuous flow testing of various critical parameters involved in the treatment process. Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry technology (GC-MS), evaluation of biotransformation products after treatment by MEC-AGSs was performed. Toxic effect on different types of plant seeds was examined. Microbial community was fruitfully monitored, providing a clear overview regarding strains abundance involved during treatment by EC-AD.
The overall implementation of ElectroSAnMBR project allowed Dr Gatidou to involve novel aspects from many disciplines such as environmental biotechnology, material science, molecular microbiology, bioelectrochemistry, chemical engineering and environmental analysis to solve a complex problem. She manufactured and modified electrodes after training, learned anaerobic biotechnology techniques, learned and operated bioelectrochemical systems, actively involved in designing and constructing MEC-Ads, set up and operated pilots' SAnMBRs with MECs, investigated the microbial profile in bioreactors and assessed the ecotoxicology of SAnMBRs effluents. She was actively involved in managing the project, attended several webinars and international scientific conferences, trained to analytical techniques,supervised and supported students during the implementation of their thesis. Consequently, she broadened her research network and increased her knowledge and skills regarding successful and well-targeted research achievement. She enhanced her leadership skills by supervising students, staff from Ecofuel and coordinating the Environmental Engineering Laboratory (EEL) with tasks including MSc/PhD student's supervision and organization of the group meetings, a workshop for students and open day tours. As a result, her career prospects were widened and became a more competitive candidate in Academia and industry. Indeed, after completing the fellowship, she received a permanent job as a Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Promotion of the ElectroSAnMBR project was performed through a website specially constructed for the project and social media (ResearchGate, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), participation to international scientific conferences (4), open access publications to international scientific journals with peer review (3), open day tours and workshop about the project. These activities took place at EEL, Ecofuel Ltd Company which treats BWs and in Sewerage Board of Limassol-Amathus. Dr Gatidou developed short videos regarding the results of the ElectroSAnMBR project, short articles to newspapers and websites of public interest, and a patent draft.
The main ambition of the ElectroSAnMBR project was to develop a novel Anaerobic Microbial Electrolysis Cell suitable for recalcitrant wastewaters treatment targeting the elimination of organic load and generation of methane that can be used for energy. This system was successfully developed and operated at the laboratory and pilot-scale level under actual conditions. This project pointed out a new perspective on the treatment of recalcitrant wastewater. The findings of the ElectroSAnMBR project are helpful to scientists working in the field as the system was deeply examined by monitoring and critically evaluating the operational parameters under the following analysis: physicochemical analysis, microbial profile, ecotoxicological assessment and GS-MS analysis of the organic compounds. Apart from the scientific perspective, the developed system that shows a novel wastewater ecological approach will be a paradigm for the industries that treat recalcitrant wastewater and are mainly based on the high energy physicochemical process.
ElectroSAnMBR project logo
Concept of ElectroSAnMBR project