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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Support Unit for the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group

Descrizione del progetto

Una piattaforma di comunicazione per portare in primo piano la comunità geotermica europea

Poiché l’energia geotermica svolgerà un ruolo centrale nei sistemi energetici europei del futuro, è fondamentale sensibilizzare soprattutto i responsabili delle politiche, la società civile e gli investitori sui suoi benefici. Affinché l’Europa diventi leader nella produzione di energia a basse emissioni di carbonio, è stato istituito un Implementation Working Group for Deep Geothermal (DG-IWG, letteralmente gruppo di lavoro per l’attuazione dell’energia geotermica profonda). Il progetto SU-DG-IWG, finanziato dall’UE, creerà un’unita di supporto volta a fornire dati e informazioni pertinenti di parti interessate provenienti dal mondo della ricerca, dal settore industriale e da istituzioni a livello regionale e nazionale, al fine di supportare le procedure decisionali e le azioni di DG-IWG. Verranno inoltre incentivate e organizzate iniziative quali workshop per mobilizzare la comunità geotermica.


Following the endorsement of the Deep Geothermal Implementation Plan (DG-IP) by the SET-Plan Steering Group, a Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group (DG-IWG) is being established to advance the DG-IP, with the aim of reaching collectively the technology targets that will place Europe at the forefront of the next generation of low carbon technologies.

The objective of this project proposal is to create a support unit for the DG-IWG to achieve its goals efficiently and productively. The support unit will have three main work streams, 1) to provide the DG-IWG with relevant information and data from the various stakeholder groups to support the decisionmaking process and the implementations actions of DG-IWG on required actions; 2) to promote and organise initiatives to mobilize growth of and implementation within the geothermal community, e.g.: workshops, brokerages, consortium building and exploitation of RD&I results; 3) provide a secretariat for the DG-IWG for assistance on administrative issues and synergies & strategy support.

The consortium will push forward a broad mobilisation of the Geothermal community to implement the action in the IP. Furthermore the project will focus on the development of synergies and strategies. New ways will be explored to maximize the impact of knowledge, funding and market growth at european, national and regional scale. This aproach supports to creation of a durable and long-lasting R&I ecosystem in the different Member-Sates and regions. The partners will focus on a multi-actor, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach. As such the project will support the collaboration and networking among representatives of the triple helix (research, industry and government) at the regional and national level and with their counterparts from the Horizon 2020 Associated Countries.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 144 437,50
108 Reykjavik

Mostra sulla mappa

Ísland Ísland Höfuðborgarsvæði
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
€ 144 437,50

Partecipanti (6)