Descrizione del progetto
Coinvolgere le parti interessate nel settore energetico per intervenire sul benessere e sui cambiamenti climatici
L’accesso all’energia si conferma determinante per soddisfare gli obiettivi di benessere definiti negli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite e per la mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici, come stabilito dall’accordo di Parigi. Il progetto INTERACTION, finanziato dall’UE, si dedicherà all’elaborazione di percorsi di transizione energetica, alla trasformazione di risultati di modelli in strategie di attuazione concrete nei paesi meno sviluppati, fornendo riscontri personalizzati a livello regionale alla comunità di modellizzazione. Un metodo interdisciplinare inedito trarrà vantaggio da forti partenariati in paesi selezionati per la creazione di collaborazioni con le parti interessate locali. Ciò condurrà allo sviluppo di ulteriori piani per sistemi energetici, favorendo cambiamenti nei sistemi energetici e garantendo che tali piani e i contributi stabiliti a livello nazionale dai paesi siano allineati all’accordo di Parigi, alle strategie di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nonché agli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite.
A primary challenge in the near future is to accelerate improvements in human well-being as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and mitigate climate change, as required by the Paris Agreement. INTERACTION recognises that access to energy correlates with improved well-being, that climate change mitigation and adaptation require a rapid transition to sustainable, renewable energy sources, and that stakeholder engagement is key to the success of energy transformations. INTERACTION will bridge the gap between high-level modeling of energy systems and evaluation of solutions by working with scientific partners to develop energy-transition pathways, translate model results to realistic implementation strategies in least-developed partner countries through stakeholder workshops, and to provide regionally-specific feedback to the modelling community. Evaluation of results will lead the researcher to gain skills through on-site assessments and participatory engagement with stakeholders, focusing on the multi-dimensional development priorities and commitments made by governments to SDGs and climate change mitigation. An innovative and interdisciplinary process is proposed by INTERACTION, leveraging strong existing partnerships in selected countries to work with local actors, enabling consultation and discussion to develop alternative energy-system plans, while contributing to energy-system transformations and ensuring consistency between these plans and countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement's, climate change adaptation strategies, and SDGs. This country-specific research will provide case studies relevant for other regions as well as fulfill the goal of the MSCA by enabling the researcher to diversify his expertise in energy systems from a theoretical and macro-level to implementation at an international level and in developing countries.
Campo scientifico
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsrenewable energy
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringecosystem-based managementclimate change adaptation
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencesatmospheric sciencesclimatologyclimatic changes
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsenergy conversion
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EFCoordinatore
10969 Berlin
L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.