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Open ENergy TRansition ANalyses for a low-carbon Economy

Project description

Powering clean energy transition

The EU has set the ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the point of becoming climate neutral by 2050 and prevent the negative and even catastrophic effects of climate change. This goal includes shifting the energy system to renewable and clean, as well as technological, behavioural and organisational changes in the economy and society. For doing so, the coordination of relevant technologies, policies, funding, and organisations, with well-defined goals based on mathematical analyses will be required. In response, Open ENTRANCE is working on developing an open-source modelling platform that integrates and links macro-economic and energy system models, and provides economic and human behavioural data relevant for the energy transition to be used in the modelling analyses. This aims at helping stakeholders determine macro-economic consequences of the energy transition and identify the best ways to transition to a 'low-carbon' economy. At the conclusion of the project, the open platform will be available to use by any interested stakeholder.


Open ENTRANCE addresses the development, use and dissemination of an open, transparent and integrated modelling platform for assessing low-carbon transition pathways. The platform will be populated with a suite of state-of-the-art modelling tools and data for covering the multiple dimensions of the energy transition. This will facilitate and improve the dialogue between researchers, policy makers and industry when investigating central questions in the transition. Open ENTRANCE will improve the adequacy of the energy modelling approaches in different ways: i) the quality of the models that will be included in the suit ii) the linking of models which makes it possible to run analyses faster and to conduct a number of sensitivity analyses iii) by integrating large-scale empirical data about human behaviour into energy modelling tools iv) by combining detailed bottom-up and top-down approaches. Open ENTRANCE will demonstrate the functionality of the platform by conducting scenario building exercises, in-depth (case) studies and macro-economic analyses of the transition. Energy transition pathways will provide strategic recommendations to policy-makers.

The platform allows 3rd party users to link own tools to the database and to conduct comparative studies to the results from Open ENTRANCE. IIASA guaranties that the database will be open accessible at least 10 years after the end of the project. If new projects will use the platform, it is possible to develop it further.

Open ENTRANCE is built on a number of national and European energy modelling projects. The Consortium includes 13 energy modelling groups in addition to World Future Council which is responsible for dissemination and communication. Open ENTRANCE will arrange 12 workshops for stakeholder discussions, 4 annual conferences and 1 workshop in the European Parliament. 45 stakeholders have signed for their interest in the project so far. Open ENTRANCE is a 4-year project with a budget of 4.9 mill Euro.

Call for proposal


See other projects for this call

Sub call



Net EU contribution
€ 1 192 408,74
Sem Saelandsveg 11
7465 Trondheim

See on map

Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 1 192 408,74

Participants (14)