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OFF-network Wireless communications for Emergencies and General Operations

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OFF-WEGO (OFF-network Wireless communications for Emergencies and General Operations)

Período documentado: 2018-11-01 hasta 2019-02-28

First responders have the critical tasks of working in emergency situations where conditions can be difficult. It is therefore imperative that their communication devices function optimally regardless of external conditions. These Mission Critical Forces therefore need a full-proof communication system that will allow them to maintain open channels between users despite commercial network unavailability and adverse operating circumstances (underground, tall buildings). SMS Data Systems is developing a Direct Mode (DMO) Push-to-Talk (PTT) solution that gives Mission Critical Forces continuous, robust and high-quality voice and data transfer communication links between users regardless of network availability and environmental conditions. During the Phase1, we analyzed the technical, commercial and financial feasibility of our OFF-WEGO project to assure a successful commercialization.
We have identified the necessary upgrades required for our system as requested by our customers, notably our primary customer base: Mission Critical Forces. We have also identified the tasks that are needed for the upgrade of our system, the personnel resources, the materials and equipment, the subcontracting work, as well as a risk management plan that includes mitigation measures for technical, commercial and financial facets of our project.
We have researched our competition, and also evaluated the First Responder and Emergency Response, and the Personal Mobile Radio markets to confirm that we are well positioned to enter these markets. We have performed an FTO assessment to verify that we can proceed with our project without and IP conflicts.
We have also established the required budget to finalize our OFF-WEGO system to bring it to commercially ready status, as well as defined our financial projections for the first 5-year post-Phase 2 period.
OFF-WEGO will enable Mission Critical Forces to have a robust, reliable and highly performing communication system that will function even when Telco networks are unavailable. Current systems are fully dependent on commercial networks and have failed when used in difficult conditions, such as during terrorist attacks and underground. SMS Data Systems will mitigate these limitations and allow for an interoperable, voice and data transfer capable, secure solution for First Responders. We expect to have a fully functional product by 2021, and we project a cumulative profit of €47.08 million during the first 5 years of commercialization.