Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FASTER (First responder Advanced technologies for Safe and efficienT Emergency Response)
Période du rapport: 2020-11-01 au 2022-04-30
FASTER addressed the challenges associated with the protection of first responders in hazardous environments, while at the same time enhancing their capabilities in terms of situational awareness and communication. FASTER provided innovative, accepted and efficient tools covering 1) Data collection, providing a secure IoT platform for distributed, real-time gathering and processing of heterogeneous physiological and critical environmental data from smart textiles, wearables, sensors and Social Media, 2) Operational capabilities, providing flexible, multi-functional autonomous vehicles, including swarms of them, for extended inspection capabilities and physical mitigation, 3) Risk assessment, providing tools for individual health assessment and disaster scene analysis for early warning and risk mitigation, 4) Improved ergonomics providing augmented reality tools for enhanced information streaming, as well as body and gesture-based interfaces for vehicle navigation and communication, 5) Resilient communication, at the field level providing haptic communication capabilities, emergency communication devices, communication with K9s; and at the infrastructure level through 5G technologies and UAVs, 6) Tactical situational awareness, providing innovative visualisation services for a portable Common Operational Picture for both indoor and outdoor scenarios representation. 7) Efficient Cooperation and Interoperability amongst first responders, LEA, community members and other resource providers to request and deliver assistance where and when it is most needed using blockchain technology to give everyone involved the ability to write and read data (including sensor data) on an open source platform to speed up disaster relief to a whole new level.
Despite the challenges introduced by the pandemic crisis, FASTER managed to produce a plethora of tools covering the aforementioned domains. All the tools were integrated with the FASTER Common Operational Picture to provide unique situational awareness and to enable the collaborative use of the tools, creating added value. The tools developed were tested extensively by First Responders in 13 demonstration and piloting activities in multiple countries (Portugal, Japan, Italy, Spain, Finland, Greece, France, Poland) and diverse scenarios to ensure that they cover their real operational needs in an adequate way. FASTER has a solid plan to pursue the exploitation of both individual and joint Key Exploitation Results after the lifetime of the project.
FASTER collected requirements and specifications following a plan of continuous interaction of technical partners with the users, fine-tuning the design in short iterations.
A Secure IoT Computing and Communication framework was developed featuring: a Smart Textiles Framework with sensors for physiological measurements, a harness for K9 activity recognition, and a Social Media Analysis tool.
FASTER developed two ground vehicles with sensors and autonomous navigation and UAVs that perform mapping, monitoring, and equipment transfer tasks. An AI-based analysis tool provided disaster scene analysis.
FASTER tested 5G infrastructure with ML-powered QoS Monitoring. Relay network capabilities, emergency communication devices, haptic communication, and DLT-based trusted communication were developed.
FASTER developed Augmented Reality technologies including Extended Vision, gesture-based UxV navigation, intuitive UI for providing FRs information, and localization.
FASTER developed an Information Model to allow fusion of data. A COP dashboard for indoor and outdoor environments was developed, integrating mission management functionalities.
FASTER held 13 pilot events for FRs. Impact assessment and evaluation was performed.
The FASTER communication and dissemination strategy included the launch of multiple websites, social media campaigns, newsletters, publications and project videos.
16 FASTER’s Key Exploitable Results (including joint) have been selected and analysed with the support of the Horizon Results Booster service. An MoU has been signed.