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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society

Description du projet

Des propositions innovantes concernant des mesures de défense NRBC

Les risques nucléaires, radiologiques, biologiques et chimiques (NRBC) constituent une préoccupation majeure pour l’UE. Le rôle des professionnels peut être renforcé par la préparation et l’engagement de la société civile. Le projet PROACTIVE, financé par l’UE, évaluera la réponse des professionnels de la sécurité, tels que les forces de l’ordre (LEA), aux demandes de la société civile, notamment des citoyens vulnérables. L’estimation de l’efficacité des procédures existantes débouchera sur des propositions innovantes à l’intention des décideurs et des professionnels de la sécurité et soutiendra le plan d’action de l’UE contre les menaces NRBC. Le projet a pour objectif de créer des outils innovants, notamment une plateforme d’information destinée aux LEA ainsi qu’une application mobile conçue pour répondre aux besoins des groupes vulnérables.


In line with the EU Action Plan to enhance preparedness against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) security risks and the overall Security Union approach to fight crime and terrorism, PROACTIVE aims to enhance societal CBRN preparedness by increasing Practitioner effectiveness in managing large, diverse groups of people in a CBRN environment.

This will be achieved by testing common approaches between European Practitioners such as Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and First Responders. These will be evaluated and validated against the requirements of civil society, including vulnerable groups of citizens reflected in the European Security Model. A Practitioner Stakeholder Advisory Board and a Civil Society Advisory Board will extend the representation of both sides in several surveys, focus-groups, workshops and field exercises. A benchmark study between LEAs will identify common approaches in assessing CBRN threats and the protocols and tools used to help citizens. Liaising with the eNOTICE H2020 project, three joint exercises will include role play volunteers recruited by PROACTIVE. They will evaluate the acceptability and usability of existing procedures and test new tools developed within PROACTIVE to provide innovative recommendations for Policy-makers and safety and security Practitioners.

PROACTIVE will result in toolkits for CBRN Practitioners and for civil society organisations. The toolkit for Practitioners will include a web collaborative platform with database scenarios for communication and exchange of best practice among LEAs as well as an innovative response tool in the form of a mobile app. The toolkit for the civil society will include a mobile app adapted to various vulnerable citizen categories and pre-incident public information material. These will provide valuable inputs to the EUROPOL initiative to develop a knowledge hub for CBRN activities and help consolidate the EU Action Plan to enhance preparedness for CBRN threats.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 929 937,50
75015 Paris

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 929 937,50

Participants (15)