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Big Time Series Analytics for Complex Economic Decisions

Descripción del proyecto

Mejorar la toma de decisiones económicas

La expansión de las fuentes de datos masivos aporta muchas oportunidades en el ámbito de la economía. A su vez, aumenta los desafíos estadísticos ya que los métodos pueden calcular modelos de alta dimensionalidad que contienen muchos parámetros necesarios. Dichos modelos se pueden encontrar en la comunidad de la enseñanza estadística, pero no son adecuados para las series temporales económicas. El proyecto BigTime, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo —basándose en la econometría, la estadística y el aprendizaje automático— desarrollar métodos de aprendizaje estadístico que ofrezcan una cuantificación de la incertidumbre honesta, un análisis de la función de la respuesta del impulso económico interpretable y la identificación de modelos de series temporales de alta dimensionalidad. El proyecto desarrollará una caja de herramientas de grandes series temporales que apoyará y mejorará la toma de decisiones económicas en problemas de series temporales complejas, dinámicas y grandes.


Big time series data are commonplace in economics. Their variety and sheer size provide nearly endless opportunities to improve economic decision making at European governments, companies and universities: amongst others, internet search data could shed light on consumer sentiment, social media provide opportunities for improving economic policy analysis, and high-frequency volatility data could be informative for financial risk analysis.

While the expansion of these Big Data sources bring possibilities, it also raises ever-increasing statistical challenges since novel methods (for instance, 'penalized' methods) are needed to estimate high-dimensional models containing many parameters. The development of such methods has flourished in the statistical learning community, but they are not geared towards the specificities of economic time series. Econometric time series models typically differ from traditional statistical models in that they require (i) an accurate assessment of the certainty of the economic findings and predictions, (ii) a description of how the economy responds, over time, to exogenous shocks, and (iii) an identification strategy that maps the observed data to the relevant economic parameters of interest. The proposal builds a partnership between econometrics, statistics and machine learning with the aim of addressing these three econometric objectives. It develops statistical learning methods for (i) honest uncertainty quantification (inference), (ii) interpretable economic impulse response functions analysis and (iii) identification of high-dimensional time series models. The suitability of the developed Big Time Series methods is demonstrated for economic applications including financial risk analysis and macro-economic policy analysis.

As such, the proposal provides a Big Time Series Analytics toolbox to modern empirical economists that aims to support and improve economic decision making in big, dynamic and complex time series problems.

Régimen de financiación

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 175 572,48
6200 MD Maastricht
Países Bajos

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Zuid-Nederland Limburg (NL) Zuid-Limburg
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 175 572,48