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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe

Description du projet

Pour une culture des données équitable dans le nuage européen pour la science

Les infrastructures incarnent le pilier indispensable des sciences. En tant que tel, le développement d’un nuage européen pour la science ouverte (EOSC) est considéré comme indispensable pour soutenir la gestion des données de recherche et garantir le fait que les scientifiques européens bénéficient pleinement de données FAIR (faciles à trouver, accessibles, interopérables et réutilisables). Le projet financé par l’UE FAIRsFAIR ( a formé un consortium qui coopérera avec d’autres projets et initiatives pertinents pour développer une infrastructure de connaissance et des solutions pratiques pour l’utilisation des principes de données FAIR tout au long du cycle de vie des données de recherche. Ce projet garantira une large adoption et une mise en œuvre correcte des principes susmentionnés dans l’EOSC par l’ensemble des fournisseurs de données.


Now the H2020 EOSC pilot project has taken the first steps towards creating the blueprint for an open European Science Cloud, this proposal aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. Emphasis is on fostering FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR.

Keeping in mind that there is no ‘one size fits all’, the consortium will focus on all scientific communities for supporting, creating, further developing and implementing a common scheme to ensure data development, wide uptake of and compliance with FAIR data principles and practices by data producers as well as national and European research data providers and repositories contributing to the EOSC. Furthermore, the consortium will closely collaborate with other relevant (global) projects and initiatives already on the way e.g. GO-FAIR, Research Data Alliance (RDA), World Data System (WDS), CODATA.

We will provide a platform for using and implementing the FAIR principles in the day to day work of national and European research data providers and repositories. The consortium cooperates with other projects that will be funded under the INFRAEOSC-05-2018 topic (e.g. the EOSC governance (5a) and where appropriate 5b, the projects funded in the INFRAEOSC-04-2018 topic (e.g. the ESFRI clusters SSHOC, PANOSC, ENVRI FAIR, ESCAPE and EOSCLife) and with the EOSC coordination structure developed in the existing EOSC-pilot and EOSC-hub projects.

According to the research data life cycle (planning/creating, processing, analysing, preserving and reuse) the consortium partners have defined goals, activities and outputs on
- making data FAIR through research workflows
- ensuring long-term preservation of data
- making data FAIR through data curation
- improving accessibility of research data (e.g. legal barriers)
- improving findability of data through creation and interconnection of metadata catalogues
- curricula/education

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 945 625,00

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Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 945 625,00

Participants (25)