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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations

Risultati finali

Update - Governance model implementation plan

Update to deliverable D3.4.

Case Studies

This deliverable presents the analysis of the selected case studies from EU and international cooperation as examples of impact, promoting the outcomes of the strategic alliances (in collaboration with other WPs) and industry sponsorship of skills development.

Governance needs and objectives

A report on indentified governance needs and objectives will be based on analysis of the initial experience of the Consortium in implementation of the governance and management for the included in the project centers. Study of typical needs and objectives for the network governance and management of publicly available cases will contribute to improving and verification of the initial proposal.

Governance alternatives

This report will present the results of the study of existing models and their comparison with the experience within the consortium. In parallel, we will develop goal and specific criteria for the assessment of these alternatives for the purposes of the project.

Governance model implementation plan

Deliverable will be developed within the framework of T3.4. based on identified Current Operating Model and Target Operating Model for the Network governance and management, implementing ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) change management model, using the experience of Consortium governance and management and the engagement with new partners. Based on implementation of the plan in T3.4. will develop at M36 and M48 update of the above 3 deliverables, using the experience gained / results of T3.4 and T3.5.

Update 2 - Governance needs and objectives

Update to deliverable D3.1.

ECHO Multi-sector Assessment Framework

The deliverable will report on the analysis of challenges and opportunities derived from sector-specific use cases, and will contribute to the development of the ECHO multi-sector risk assessment framework. The document will focus on horizontal technologies and cybersecurity in selected critical sectors, as well as addressing inter-sector dependencies and transversal security aspects. The developed framework will provide a foundational approach for organisations to assess their current security standing and to develop a roadmap to investments in technological advancements, training and process innovations aimed to protect their assets against cyber-attacks.

Update Final - Governance alternatives

Last update to Deliverable D3.2.

Governance model description

Based on agreed goals and criteria, alternatives will be assessed, using the technology of expert assessment of alternatives with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (HAP). Selected options will be defined using the architectural approach and COBIT (Control OBjectives of Iformation and related Technologies) framework.

Transversal technical cybersecurity challenges report

This deliverable will provide an initial analysis and categorisation of transversal technical cybersecurity challenges based on WP2 outcomes and expert reports by relevant agencies.

Update - Governance model description

Update to deliverable D3.3.

Update - ECHO Cybersecurity Certification Scheme

Update to deliverable D2.9.

Update - Inter-sector cybersecurity technology roadmap

Update to deliverable D4.3.

Update 2 - Governance model description

Update to deliverable D3.3.

ECHO Cyberskills Framework

A learning-outcome based competence framework for professionals in the cyber security domain includes a set of skills and knowledge, professional profiles, three sample training programmes, methodology and content for blended training(s), monitoring and assessment framework.

Update - Governance needs and objectives

Update to deliverable D3.1.

Inter-sector cybersecurity technology roadmap

This deliverable provides details of inter-sector cybersecurity challenges and needs along with conceptual solution roadmaps and their associated requirements.

Update - Inter-sector technical cybersecurity challenges report

Update to deliverable D4.2.

Inter-sector technical cybersecurity challenges report

This deliverable will provide an initial analysis and categorisation of inter-sector technical cybersecurity challenges based on WP2 outcomes and expert reports by relevant agencies.

Training Results

Provides documented outcomes of the training modules including participant performance and participant evaluation of training modules.

ECHO Information sharing models

This deliverable consists of a comprehensive review of information sharing and trust models from within the cyber domain, as well as models from other domains (e.g., healthcare information sharing models). From these models a set of system requirements and features will be established to support a model that promotes information sharing among partners, while also meeting regulatory requirements. The deliverable includes a set of system requirements and features will be established to support a model that promotes information sharing among partners, while also meeting regulatory requirements. Moreover, the final analysis includes the requirements for information sharing within and between partners across organizational boundaries as derived from multi-sector analysis.

ECHO Operations status report

This document provides a synthesis of the project’s activities related to implementation of the governance model and includes reports of achievements compared to the plan, along with challenges and an updated risk assessment.

Update 2 - Governance model implementation plan

Update to deliverable D3.4.

Update 2 - Governance alternatives

Update to deliverable D3.2.

ECHO Cybersecurity Certification Scheme

Derived from the ECHO Multi-sector Assessment Framework, the ECHO Cybersecurity Certificatino Scheme documents the methodology to be used to achieve security certification status of sector and inter-sector technologies compliant with the ENISA defined approach for an EU-wide cybersecurity certification framework.

ECHO demonstration summary report

This deliverable will consolidate the results from the demonstration workshops from T8.3 and highlight the common and unique features, future challenges and future opportunities for the implementation and deployment of the collected ECHO tools as a future concept of operations (CONOPS).

Update - ECHO Multi-sector Assessment Framework

Update to deliverable D2.2.

Update - Transversal technical cybersecurity challenges report

Update to deliverable D4.1.

Update 3 - Event calendar

Update to deliverable D9.5.

E-EWS and E-FCR demonstration surveys

Collection of surveys used to gather feedback from participants of the E-EWS and E-FCR demonstration events allowing evaluation of prototypes effectiveness and applicability to the challenge of improving cybersecurity across the identified constituents.

Project leaflets

This deliverable includes project promotional material such as leaflets and brochures. All marketing material and collateral shall have a common look and associated branding.

eSkills & Training assessment toolkit

The toolkit of eSkills and Training will include the components and resources of easy-to-use form for assessment. eSkills and Training Assessment Toolkit is a resource to sustain and improve the assessment skills. It is based on relevant requirements, policies, analysis, guidelines (such as European e-skills agenda and the Digital Agenda), frameworks and certification.

ECHO Web Platform

Describe the design of the web-based platform including web-based templates and of the web graphical layouts. The approach for the implementation and maintenance of graphic design & branding will also be included.

Update 2 - Event calendar

Update to deliverable D9.5.

Inter-sector prototypes demonstration survey

Collection of surveys used to gather feedback from participants of the inter-sector prototypes demonstration events allowing evaluation of prototypes effectiveness and applicability to the challenge of improving cybersecurity across the identified sectors.

Societal impact toolkit

This deliverable develops tools and procedures for the societal impact assessment covering diverse aspects related to governance, assets, people (eSkills + training; jobs) in a form of Societal Impact Toolkit.

Update - Event calendar

Update to delvierable D9.5.

Communication collateral, social media channels set-up

Details the communication strategy and all the used communication formats, such as brochures, press releases, video clips, collateral, banners, etc. ensuring a common look and feel to all social media activities including LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.. Regular social media activities will be carried out and continuously managed. Presents the coordination strategy and the main steps regarding production of ECHO branding and material and visual presentations such as word documents, presentation files, project leaflets, etc.

Event calendar

Continuously updated calendar of the relevant conferences, workshops and other public or industry specific expert events.


ECHO Early Warning System as a Preventive Tool against Cybercrime in the Energy Sector

Autori: Casper Almén; Nicholas Hagström; Jyri Rajamäki
Pubblicato in: Numero 17, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.11610/isij.5301

Towards a Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification Scheme

Autori: Kristine Hovhannisyan; Piotr Bogacki; Consuelo Assunta Colabuono; Domenico Lofù; Maria Vittoria Marabello; Brady Eugene Maxwell
Pubblicato in: IEEE Cyber Science 2021 Conference - 2021, Numero 1, 2021
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CyberSA52016.2021.9478255

Trends and challenges for balanced scoring in cybersecurity exercises: A case study on the example of Locked Shields

Autori: Sten Mäses; Kaie Maennel; Agnė Brilingaitė
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2022.958405

A New Method for Image Protection Using Periodic Haar Piecewise-Linear Transform and Watermarking Technique

Autori: Andrzej Dziech; Piotr Bogacki; Jan Derkacz
Pubblicato in: Numero 17, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.3390/s22218106

Quality Models for Artificial Intelligence Systems: Characteristic-Based Approach, Development and Application

Autori: Vyacheslav Kharchenko; Herman Fesenko; Oleg Illiashenko
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2022
Editore: hh
DOI: 10.3390/s22134865

Towards Selecting Informative Content for Cyber Threat Intelligence

Autori: Panos Panagiotou; Christos Iliou; Konstantinos Apostolou; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Periklis Chatzimisios; Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: CSR, Numero 15, 2022
Editore: 98u
DOI: 10.1109/csr51186.2021.9527909

A dynamic simulation approach to support the evaluation of cyber risks and security investments in SMEs

Autori: Stefano Armenia; Marco Angelini; Fabio Nonino; Giulia Palombi; Mario Francesco Schlitzer
Pubblicato in: Numero 5, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2021.113580

Towards Trustworthy Safety Assessment by Providing Expert and Tool-Based XMECA Techniques

Autori: Ievgen Babeshko; Oleg Illiashenko; Vyacheslav Kharchenko; Kostiantyn Leontiev
Pubblicato in: Numero 2, 2022
Editore: 09
DOI: 10.3390/math10132297

National Cyber Threat Prevention Mechanism as a part of the E-EWS

Autori: Simola Jussi; Lehto Martti
Pubblicato in: ICCWS 2020 : Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Numero 1, 2020, Pagina/e 539-548, ISBN 978-1-912764-52-5
Editore: Payne, Brian K.; Wu, Hongyi
DOI: 10.34190/ICCWS.20.106

ECHO Federated Cyber Range: Towards Next-Generation Scalable Cyber Ranges

Autori: Nikos Oikonomou; Notis Mengidis; Minas Spanopoulos-Karalexidis; Antonis Voulgaridis; Matteo Merialdo; Ivo Raisr; Kaarel Hanson; Paloma de La Vallee; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Konstantinos Votis
Pubblicato in: CSR, Numero 17, 2022
Editore: iuh
DOI: 10.1109/csr51186.2021.9527985

Towards a Robust and Scalable Cyber Range Federation for Sectoral Cyber/Hybrid Exercising: The Red Ranger and ECHO Collaborative Experience

Autori: George Sharkov; Christina Todorova; Georgi Koykov; Ivan Nikolov
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.11610/isij.5319

Learning Analytics Perspective: Evidencing Learning from Digital Datasets in Cybersecurity Exercises

Autori: Kaie Maennel
Pubblicato in: 2020
Editore: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy 2020
DOI: 10.1109/euros&pw51379.2020.00012

ECHO Federated Cyber Range: Towards Next-Generation Scalable Cyber Ranges

Autori: Nikos Oikonomou; Notis Mengidis; Minas Spanopoulos - Karalexidis; Antonis Voulgaridis; Matteo Merialdo; Ivo Raisr; Kaarel Hanson; Paloma de La Vallee; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Konstantinos Votis
Pubblicato in: in the proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR), Numero 1, 2021
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527985

Towards a Healthcare Cybersecurity Certification Scheme

Autori: Kristine Hovhannisyan; Piotr Bogacki; Consuelo Assunta Colabuono; Domenico Lofù; Maria Vittoria Marabello; Brady Eugene Maxwell
Pubblicato in: eisbn: 978-1-6654-2529-2, Numero 2, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1109/cybersa52016.2021.9478255

Towards Selecting Informative Content for Cyber Threat Intelligence

Autori: Panos Panagiotou; Christos Iliou; Konstantinos Apostolou; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Periklis Chatzimisios; Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: IEEEInternational Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2021, pp. 354-3, Numero 1, 2021
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527909

Unravelling Ariadne's Thread: Exploring the Threats of Decentalised DNS

Autori: Patsakis, Constantinos; Casino, Fran; Lykousas, Nikolaos; Katos, Vasilios
Pubblicato in: Numero 18, 2022
Editore: iuhiuh
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1912.03552

A tree-based machine learning methodology to automatically classify software vulnerabilities

Autori: Georgios Aivatoglou; Mike Anastasiadis; Georgios Spanos; Antonis Voulgaridis; Konstantinos Votis; Dimitrios Tzovaras
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2023
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527965

Digital Image Representation by Atomic Functions: The Compression and Protection of Data for Edge Computing in IoT Systems.

Autori: Vladimir Lukin; Vyacheslav Kharchenko; Victor Makarichev; Oleg Illiashenko
Pubblicato in: Sensors; Volume 22; Numero 10; Pages: 3751, Numero 16, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.3390/s22103751

Named Entity Recognition in Cyber Threat Intelligence Using Transformer-based Models

Autori: Pavlos Evangelatos; Christos Iliou; Thanassis Mavropoulos; Konstantinos Apostolou; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2021, pp. 348-353, Numero 1, 2021
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527981

Governance Consulting Services and Tools: Governance Model Design for Collaborative Networked Organisations in the Cyber Domain

Autori: Irena Mladenova; Velizar Shalamanov; Antoniya Shalamanova-Filipova
Pubblicato in: okkk, Numero 14, 2022
Editore: ppo
DOI: 10.11610/isij.5309

Cyber Red Teaming: Overview of Sly, an Orchestration Tool

Autori: Paloma de la Vallée; Georgios Iosifidis; Wim Mees
Pubblicato in: Numero 11, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.11610/isij.5318

Method of Increasing Security of Spatial Intelligence in the Industrial Internet of Things Systems

Autori: Aleksandr Serkov; Volodymyr Tkachenko; Vyacheslav Kharchenko; Volodymyr Pevnev; Karyna Trubchaninova; Nikolans Doukas
Pubblicato in: 2020 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), Numero 1, 2020
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/cscc49995.2020.00058

ECHO Federated Cyber Range as a Tool for Validating SHAPES Services

Autori: Jyri Rajamäki; Harri Ruoslahti
Pubblicato in: Numero 14, 2022
Editore: trd
DOI: 10.34190/EWS.21.076

Perspectives in the Design of a Modern Cybersecurity Training Programme: The ECHO Approach

Autori: Pavel Varbanov
Pubblicato in: Numero 17, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.11610/isij.5312

Detecting User Behavior in Cyber Threat Intelligence: Development of Honeypsy System

Autori: Murat Odemis; Cagatay Yucel; Ahmet Koltuksuz
Pubblicato in: Security and Communication Networks, Vol 2022 (2022), Numero 6, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1155/2022/7620125

An Artificial Intelligence Cyberattack Detection System to Improve Threat Reaction in e-Health

Autori: Carmelo Ardito; Tommaso Di Noia; Eugenio di Sciascio; Domenico Lofu'; Andrea Pazienza; Felice Vitulano
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7833277

An Asynchronous AAA Blockchain-Based Protocol for Configuring Information Systems

Autori: Michał Bajor; Marcin Niemiec
Pubblicato in: Energies; Volume 15; Numero 18; Pages: 6516, Numero 1, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.3390/en15186516

Combining text analysis techniques with unsupervised machine learning methodologies for improved software vulnerability management

Autori: Mike Anastasiadis; Georgios Aivatoglou; Georgios Spanos; Antonis Voulgaridis; Konstantinos Votis
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2023
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1109/CSR54599.2022.9850314

Piloting the ECHO e-Skills and Training Toolkit

Autori: Ilona Frisk; Ilkka Tikanmäki; Harri Ruoslahti
Pubblicato in: Numero 11, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7833334

Governance Consulting Services and Tools: Governance Model Design for Collaborative Networked Organisations in the Cyber Domain

Autori: Georgi Penchev; Velizar Shalamanov
Pubblicato in: Numero 8, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.11610/isij.5310

Lightweight compression with encryption based on Asymmetric Numeral Systems

Autori: Jarosław Duda; Marcin Niemiec
Pubblicato in: Numero 6, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.34768/amcs-2023-0004

Host-based Cyber Attack Pattern Identification on Honeypot Logs Using Association Rule Learning

Autori: Papoutsis, Angelos; Iliou, Christos; Kavallieros, Dimitris; Tsikrika, Theodora; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 17, 2022
Editore: oiuoiu
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6684449

Synchronization of Tree Parity Machines Using Nonbinary Input Vectors

Autori: Miłosz Stypinski; Marcin Niemiec
Pubblicato in: Numero 15, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3180197

Named Entity Recognition in Cyber Threat Intelligence Using Transformer-based Models

Autori: Pavlos Evangelatos; Christos Iliou; Thanassis Mavropoulos; Konstantinos Apostolou; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: CSR, Numero 15, 2022
Editore: trd
DOI: 10.1109/csr51186.2021.9527981

A RAkEL-based methodology to estimate software vulnerability characteristics & score - an application to EU project ECHO

Autori: Georgios Aivatoglou; Mike Anastasiadis; Georgios Spanos; Antonis Voulgaridis; Konstantinos Votis; Dimitrios Tzovaras; Lefteris Angelis
Pubblicato in: Numero 2, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-021-11073-x

A Sponge-Based Key Expansion Scheme for Modern Block Ciphers

Autori: Maciej Sawka; Marcin Niemiec
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.3390/en15196864

Heuristic Intrusion Detection Based on Traffic Flow Statistical Analysis

Autori: Wojciech Szczepanik; Marcin Niemiec
Pubblicato in: Numero 2, 2022
Editore: p
DOI: 10.3390/en15113951

Cybersecurity in Next Generation Energy Grids: Challenges and Opportunities for Blockchain and AI Technologies

Autori: Notis Mengidis; Theodora Tsikrika; Stefanos Vrochidis; Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2021
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65722-2_18

A New Steganographic Algorithm for Hiding Messages in Music

Autori: Michał Bajor, Marcin Niemiec
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 47/2, 2020, Pagina/e 261-275, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: DIGILIENCE 2020
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4718

Information Sharing Models for Early Warning Systems of Cybersecurity Intelligence

Autori: Jyri Rajamäki, Vasilis Katos
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/2, 2020, Pagina/e 198-214, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4614


Autori: О. О. Illiashenko; М. А. Kolisnyk; А. E. Strielkina; І. V. Kotsiuba; V. S. Kharchenko
Pubblicato in: Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control; № 4 (2020): Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control; 139 - 150, Numero 1, 2021, ISSN 1445-3312
Editore: Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control; № 4 (2020): Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control; 139 - 150
DOI: 10.15588/1607-3274-2020-4-14

Organizational Learning in the Academic Literature – Systematic Literature Review

Autori: Harri Ruoslahti, Amir Trent
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/1, 2020, Pagina/e 65-78, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4605

Invariant-Based Safety Assessment of FPGA Projects: Conception and Technique

Autori: Kharchenko, Vyacheslav; Illiashenko, Oleg; Sklyr, Vladimir
Pubblicato in: Conception and Technique. Computers, 10(125), 19, Numero 1, 2021, ISSN 2073-431X
Editore: Conception and Technique. Computers
DOI: 10.3390/computers10100125

From Classroom to Online Teaching – A Case during COVID19

Autori: Harri Ruoslahti
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/3, 2020, Pagina/e 285-292, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4620

Age and gender as cyber attribution features in keystroke dynamic-based user classification processes.

Autori: Ioannis Tsimperidis; Cagatay Yucel; Vasilios Katos
Pubblicato in: Electronics 2021, 10(7), 835;, Numero 1, 2021, ISSN 1445-3312
Editore: Electronics 2021, 10(7), 835;
DOI: 10.3390/electronics10070835

Cybernetic Approach to Developing Resilient Systems: Concept, Models and Application

Autori: Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Sergiy Dotsenko, Yuriy Ponochovnyi, Oleg Illiashenko
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 47/1, 2020, Pagina/e 77-90, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4705

MonSys: A Scalable Platform for Monitoring Digital Services Availability, Threat Intelligence and Cyber Resilience Situational Awareness

Autori: George Sharkov, Yavor Papazov, Christina Todorova, Georgi Koykov, Georgi Zahariev
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/2, 2020, Pagina/e 155-167, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal 46, no. 2 (2020): 155-167.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4611

Addressing the Security Gap in IoT: Towards an IoT Cyber Range

Autori: Oliver Nock, Jonathan Starkey, Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos
Pubblicato in: Sensors, Numero 20/18, 2020, Pagina/e 5439, ISSN 1424-8220
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s20185439

A Governance Model of a Collaborative Networked Organization for Cybersecurity Research

Autori: Yantsislav Yanakiev
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/1, 2020, Pagina/e 79-98, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4606

Multivariable Heuristic Approach to Intrusion Detection in Network Environments

Autori: Marcin Niemiec; Rafał Kościej; Bartłomiej Gdowski
Pubblicato in: Computer Science, Medicine Entropy, Numero 1, 2021, ISSN 1099-4300
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/e23060776

Societal Impact Assessment of a Cyber Security Network Project

Autori: Kirsi Aaltola, Harri Ruoslahti
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/1, 2020, Pagina/e 53-64, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4604

Business, Organisational and governance modalities of collaborative cybersecurity networks

Autori: Todor Tagarev; Bríd Á. Davis; Michael Cooke
Pubblicato in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Numero 1, 2021, ISSN 1445-3312
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-021-11109-2

Towards the Design of a Collaborative Cybersecurity Networked Organisation: Identification and Prioritisation of Governance Needs and Objectives

Autori: Todor Tagarev
Pubblicato in: Future Internet, Numero 12/4, 2020, Pagina/e 62, ISSN 1999-5903
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/fi12040062

Unravelling Ariadne’s Thread: Exploring the Threats of Decentralised DNS

Autori: Constantinos Patsakis, Fran Casino, Nikolaos Lykousas, Vasilios Katos
Pubblicato in: IEEE Access, Numero 8, 2020, Pagina/e 118559-118571, ISSN 2169-3536
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3004727

Integrated Security Management System for Enterprises in Industry 4.0

Autori: Sergiy Dotsenko, Oleg Illiashenko, Sergii Kamenskyi, Vyacheslav Kharchenko
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/3, 2019, Pagina/e 294-304, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4322

Blockchain and AI for the Next Generation Energy Grids: Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities

Autori: Notis Mengidis, Theodora Tsikrika, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/1, 2019, Pagina/e 21-33, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4302

CISE as a Tool for Sharing Sensitive Cyber Information in Maritime Domain

Autori: Jyri Rajamäki, Ilkka Tikanmäki, Jari Räsänen
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/2, 2019, Pagina/e 215-235, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4317

An architecture for resilient intrusion detection in ad-hoc networks

Autori: Mohammed Al Qurashi, Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos, Vasilios Katos
Pubblicato in: Journal of Information Security and Applications, Numero 53, 2020, Pagina/e 102530, ISSN 2214-2126
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2020.102530

Comparative Research of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Models

Autori: Jussi Simola
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/2, 2019, Pagina/e 175-195, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4315

Integrated Model of Knowledge Management for Security of Information Technologies: Standards ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045

Autori: Sergiy Dotsenko, Oleg Illiashenko, Sergii Kamenskyi, Vyacheslav Kharchenko
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/3, 2019, Pagina/e 305-317, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4323

Improving Forensic Triage Efficiency through Cyber Threat Intelligence

Autori: Nikolaos Serketzis, Vasilios Katos, Christos Ilioudis, Dimitrios Baltatzis, Georgios Pangalos
Pubblicato in: Future Internet, Numero 11/7, 2019, Pagina/e 162, ISSN 1999-5903
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/fi11070162

Quantum-Based Solutions for the Next-Generation Internet

Autori: Marcin Niemiec, Andrzej Dziech, Miłosz Stypiński, Jan Derkacz
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/1, 2019, Pagina/e 62-72, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4306

Utilising Experiential and Organizational Learning Theories to Improve Human Performance in Cyber Training

Autori: Kirsi Aaltola, Petteri Taitto
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/2, 2019, Pagina/e 123-133, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4311

Interoperability Challenges in the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Ecosystem

Autori: Konstantinos Rantos, Arnolnt Spyros, Alexandros Papanikolaou, Antonios Kritsas, Christos Ilioudis, Vasilios Katos
Pubblicato in: Computers, Numero 9/1, 2020, Pagina/e 18, ISSN 2073-431X
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/computers9010018

Cyber Situational Awareness and Information Sharing in Critical Infrastructure Organizations

Autori: Jouni Pöyhönen, Viivi Nuojua, Martti Lehto, Jyri Rajamäki
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 43/2, 2019, Pagina/e 236-256, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Procon Ltd.
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4318

A Governance Model for an EU Cyber Security Collaborative Network – ECSCON

Autori: Georgi Penchev, Antoniya Shalamanova
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 46/1, 2020, Pagina/e 99-113, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4607

A Digital Twin for the Logistics System of a Manufacturing Enterprise Using Industrial IoT

Autori: Vyacheslav Kharchenko
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 47/1, 2020, Pagina/e 125-134, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4708

Enhancing the European Cyber Threat Prevention Mechanism

Autori: Jussi, Simola
Pubblicato in: Journal of Information Warfare: 20 pp. 17-32 (1)., Numero 1, 2021, ISSN 1445-3312
Editore: Journal of Information Warfare: 20 pp. 17-32 (1).
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5566578

A Logical Model for Multi-Sector Cyber Risk Management

Autori: Todor Tagarev, Salvatore Marco Pappalardo, Nikolai Stoianov
Pubblicato in: Information & Security: An International Journal, Numero 47/1, 2020, Pagina/e 13-26, ISSN 0861-5160
Editore: Information & Security: An International Journal
DOI: 10.11610/isij.4701

Comparing Cybersecurity Information Exchange Models and Standards for the Common Secure Information Management Framework

Autori: Simola Jussi
Pubblicato in: Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience of Modern Societies. Studies in Big Data, vol 84, Numero 1, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-65722-2
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65722-2_9

Error Reconciliation in Quantum Key Distribution Protocols

Autori: Miralem Mehic, Marcin Niemiec, Harun Siljak, Miroslav Voznak
Pubblicato in: Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing - Selected Results of the COST Action IC1405, Numero 12070, 2020, Pagina/e 222-236, ISBN 978-3-030-47360-0
Editore: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-47361-7_11

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