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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe

Description du projet

Des centres de compétences en matière de cybersécurité pour l’Europe

Face aux défis toujours plus nombreux en matière de cybersécurité, l’Union européenne s’engage à améliorer ses connaissances et sa réponse aux cyberattaques visant les États membres ou ses institutions. CyberSec4Europe entend stimuler les défenses au sein des secteurs verticaux des infrastructures numériques, de la finance, du gouvernement, des transports, de la santé et des villes intelligentes. Le projet utilisera l’expérience pratique acquise au cours de CyberSec4Europe afin de mettre au point une feuille de route spécialisée et des recommandations pour la mise en œuvre de centres de compétences en matière de réseaux. CyberSec4Europe est un consortium axé sur la recherche comptant 44 participants issus de 21 États membres de l’UE et de pays associés. Il a reçu des dizaines de lettres de soutien et de promesses de coopération de la part d’administrations publiques, d’organisations internationales et de grandes associations dans le monde, y compris d’Europe (par exemple, ECSO), d’Asie et d’Amérique du Nord.


CyberSec4Europe is a research-based consortium with 44 participants covering 21 EU Member States and Associated Countries. It has received more than 40 support letters and promises of cooperation from public administrations, international organisations, and key associations worldwide including Europe (such as ECSO), Asia, and North America. As pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of competence centres using the best practices examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN. CyberSec4Europe will support addressing key EU Directives and Regulations, such as GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS, and ePrivacy, and help to implement the EU Cybersecurity Act including, but not limited to supporting the development of the European skills-base, the certification framework and ENISA’s role. The 26 ECSO participants in CyberSec4Europe are active in all 6 ECSO Working Groups, including chairing many subgroups in cybersecurity certification, vertical sectors, and international cooperation, as well as having representatives on the ECSO Board of Directors and the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Board. CyberSec4Europe participants address 14 key cybersecurity domain areas, 11 technology/applications elements and nine crucial vertical sectors. With over 100 cybersecurity projects, CyberSec4Europe participants have been addressing a comprehensive set of issues across the cybersecurity domain. The project demonstration cases will address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, health and medicine and transportation. In addition to the demonstration of the governance structure and the operation of the network, CyberSec4Europe will develop a roadmap and recommendations for the implementation of the Network of Competence Centres using the practical experience gained in the project.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 829 686,78
60323 Frankfurt Am Main

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Hessen Darmstadt Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 829 686,78

Participants (47)