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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Cyber security cOmpeteNCe fOr Research anD InnovAtion

Descrizione del progetto

Una rete di competenze per la sicurezza informatica aumenta la sovranità digitale dell’UE

Tra gli interessi strategici dell’UE rientrano lo sviluppo e la preservazione delle sue capacità in materia di sicurezza. Questo obiettivo è tuttavia difficile da raggiungere, poiché che le competenze dell’UE nell’ambito della sicurezza informatica sono disperse in tutta Europa e non sono ben allineate fra loro. CONCORDIA, un progetto di ricerca e innovazione multidisciplinare finanziato dall’UE, si è prefisso l’obiettivo di affrontare il problema di tale frammentarietà e migliorare ulteriormente la sovranità digitale dell’UE. Il progetto intende connettere tutte le capacità di sicurezza informatica europee in una rete di competenze tesa a costruire un ecosistema sicuro, affidabile, resiliente e competitivo. CONCORDIA svilupperà inoltre il piano d’azione dell’UE per la ricerca e innovazione in materia di sicurezza informatica.


Europe needs to step up its efforts and strengthen its very own security capacities to secure its digital society, economy, and democracy. It is time to reconquer Europe’s digital sovereignty. The vision for Europe can only be to join forces across Europe’s research, industry and public sector and to include all talents not just those that have representation in the EU mainstream or are within big organizations. Diversity and inclusion are keys for success. Europe has incredible coverage and talent in the area of IT and cybersecurity. The area of cybersecurity is geographically fragmented across Europe for competences, and often also technically fragmented with problem-specific development of security solutions. There is no doubt that excellent research exists in Europe. Nevertheless, it is a fact that this research does not result in IT products and solutions that contribute to the European Single Digital Market. On contrary, a lot of research, also financed by EU ERC grants, is tested on real data in large US companies that cooperate with them. Europe has to and is already rethinking this strategy. CONCORDIA addresses the current fragmentation of security competence by networking diverse competences into a leadership role via a synergistic agglomeration of a pan-European Cybersecurity Center. The vision of CONCORDIA is to build a community a strong cooperation between all stakeholders, understanding that all stakeholders have their KPIs, bridging among them, and fostering the development of IT products and solutions along the whole supply chain. Technologically, it projects a broad and evolvable data-driven and cognitive E2E Security approach for the ever-complex ever-interconnected compositions of emergent data-driven cloud, IoT and edge-assisted ICT ecosystems.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 549 249,99
85579 Neubiberg

Mostra sulla mappa

Bayern Oberbayern München, Landkreis
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 549 249,99

Partecipanti (61)