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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Strategic programs for advanced research and technology in Europe

Descrizione del progetto

Ricerca avanzata sulla sicurezza informatica in Europa

L’era digitale ha portato con sé molti vantaggi per l’umanità, ma la questione della sicurezza nello scambio dei dati rimane tra le principali preoccupazioni. Per risolvere le problematiche della sicurezza informatica, il progetto SPARTA, finanziato dall’UE, riunisce un insieme straordinario di operatori al crocevia tra eccellenza scientifica, innovazione tecnologica e scienze sociali. Il progetto si propone di creare collaborazioni uniche, sviluppare capacità di trasformazione e formare centri di competenza di spicco a livello internazionale. Attraverso una governance innovativa, alcuni ambiziosi casi dimostrativi e l’impegno attivo della comunità, SPARTA intende ripensare il modo di condurre la ricerca sulla sicurezza informatica in Europa in vari settori e ambiti di competenza.


In the domain of Cybersecurity Research and innovation, European scientists hold pioneering positions in fields such as cryptography, formal methods, or secure components. Yet this excellence on focused domains does not translate into larger-scale, system-level advantages. Too often, scattered and small teams fall short of critical mass capabilities, despite demonstrating world-class talent and results. Europe’s strength is in its diversity, but that strength is only materialised if we cooperate, combine, and develop common lines of research. Given today’s societal challenges, this has become more than an advantage – an urgent necessity. Various approaches are being developed to enhance collaboration at many levels. Europe’s framework programs have sprung projects in cybersecurity over the past thirty years, encouraging international cooperation and funding support actions. More recently, the Cybersecurity PPP has brought together public institutions and industrial actors around common roadmaps and projects. While encouraging, these efforts have highlighted the need to break the mould, to step up investments and intensify coordination. The SPARTA proposal brings together a unique set of actors at the intersection of scientific excellence, technological innovation, and societal sciences in cybersecurity. Strongly guided by concrete and risky challenges, it will setup unique collaboration means, leading the way in building transformative capabilities and forming world-leading expertise centres. Through innovative governance, ambitious demonstration cases, and active community engagement, SPARTA aims at re-thinking the way cybersecurity research is performed in Europe across domains and expertise, from foundations to applications, in academia and industry.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 454 356,25
75015 PARIS 15

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 1 454 356,25

Partecipanti (46)