Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Grass Paper (Grass Fibre as raw material for innovative Grass Paper products: the new economic and ecological resource for the European paper industry)
Reporting period: 2020-06-01 to 2020-11-30
To further reduce transportation distances and allow a local production, a mobile production unit was realised. Creapaper designed, constructed, and commissioned the mobile resource module in collaboration with engineering partners.
The work for commercialisation and dissemination of Grass Paper boosted the popularity of Grass Paper and led to a strong rise in demand for Grass Fibre raw material for paper production. Grass fibre is even listed as standard material statistics in the European paper industry. We further developed our business model and move with our focus from Grass Fibre raw material production towards Grass Paper and Grass Paper products. With the ban of single-use plastics in the EU in 2021, we plan to use this business opportunity to develop and commercialise own Grass Paper products, like drinking straws, trays and plates, but as well support and advise paper mills, paper converters and package manufacturers in how to process Grass Fibre and Grass Paper with high productivity and cost-efficiency. The result will be mass marketable Grass Paper products at competitive prices. This creates a ""positive sustainable positioning"" as a supplier for the entire Grass Paper solution: from raw material to product.
In 2019, Creapaper was awarded the Red Herring Top 100 Awards Europe and North America. This proves the innovativeness and huge potential of Creapaper and Grass Paper. Furthermore, several paper manufacturers were won as customers, as well es many leading brand owners like EDEKA, REWE, ALDI, LIDL and DUNI realised pilot projects and products with Creapaper using Grass Paper."