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Boosting Crop Growth using Natural Product and Synthesis Enabled Solar Harvesting


Spezielle Moleküle könnten Pflanzen widerstandsfähiger gegen Kältestress machen

Kältestress kann die Ernteerträge erheblich beeinträchtigen. Niedrige Temperaturen schränken das Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Pflanzen ein, während Frost Gewebeschäden verursacht. Die Ertragseinbußen sind noch gravierender, wenn der Kältestress während der Reproduktionsphase auftritt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BoostCrop zielt darauf ab, die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Pflanzen gegen Kältestress zu erhöhen und ihr Wachstum unter verschiedenen Bedingungen mithilfe eines bahnbrechenden Konzepts namens molekulare Heizer zu stimulieren. Dabei handelt es sich um von der Natur inspirierte Moleküle, die Teile des elektromagnetischen Spektrums absorbieren, welche entweder für die Pflanze schädlich sind oder bei der Photosynthese nicht genutzt werden, und diese Wellenlängen dann in längere Wellenlängen (Wärme) umwandeln. Die vorgeschlagene Methode könnte Ertragsverluste erheblich verringern und die Wachstumsperioden verlängern.


Cold and freezing stress are important constraints for crops and for horticulture. BoostCrop seeks to reduce such stress by an invention called 'molecular heaters'. These are nature-inspired molecules that absorb solar radiation and convert it to heat energy. The invention would reduce yield losses due to cold stress, extend growth seasons and the geographical locations suitable for agriculture, increase crop yield at high crop density and, concomitantly, reduce greenhouse energy costs. BoostCrop strives to increase food production to feed a continuously growing population, thus tackling a major European and Global Challenge in Food Security. The multidisciplinary research programme outlined in BoostCrop will demonstrate how intrinsic molecular processes that underlie energy transfer, and which occur on timescales of tens of trillionths of a second, can be manipulated such that macroscopic properties are impacted. The targets of the research programme include: (1) applying state-of-the-art experiments and theory to track and understand, in unprecedented detail, energy flow in targeted, nature-inspired molecules; (2) manipulating this energy flow through chemical modification; and (3) developing a suite of molecules to suit the needs of crop growth in the field and under protected (greenhouse) conditions. These molecules will then be applied to crops through an aqueous foliar spray. The proposed research programme offers a transdisciplinary and synergistic approach to developing, and understanding the properties of novel photon-to-molecule heaters. The combined expertise of 6 universities (and staff spanning Chemistry, Physics and Biology), one government institute and an SME with an outstanding track record for developing sustainable agro-technologies will ensure that the longterm vision of BoostCrop, to develop molecular heaters for use in a foliar spray, are met, thereby contributing significantly to Europe’s future technological and Food Security.

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