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Integrated, Fail-Operational, Cognitive Perception, Planning and Control Systems for Highly Automated Vehicles

Descripción del proyecto

Operaciones muy automatizadas para la próxima generación de vehículos

La aparición de un mercado de vehículos altamente automatizados requiere tecnologías avanzadas que garanticen unos mayores niveles de concienciación, conocimientos y mando. El proyecto NewControl, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará plataformas virtuales que proporcionan operaciones altamente automatizadas para vehículos automatizados basándose principalmente en la seguridad. El proyecto combinará tecnologías lidar, radar y de sensores para diseñar una plataforma integrada operativa a prueba de fallos. Esta plataforma virtual permitirá controlar los sistemas de propulsión con eficacia. Elaborará y validará los hallazgos del proyecto para demostrar una reducción de costes, su eficacia energética, su fiabilidad y una mejora de la seguridad para su futura comercialización masiva. NewControl aumentará la cuota de mercado de los sistemas de automatización seguros y respaldará el objetivo de la Unión Europea de cero accidentes de tráfico en 2050.


NewControl will develop virtualized platforms for vehicular subsystems that are essential to highly automated driving (realizing functions such as perception, cognition and control), so as to enable mobility-as-a-service for next generation highly automated vehicles.
Its overarching goal is to provide an industrially calibrated trajectory towards increased user-acceptance of automated control functions, through an approach that is centered on the premise of safety by design.

Newcontrol will deliver:
1. Fail-operational platform for robust holistic perception through a combination of Lidar, Radar, and sensor fusion
2. Generalized virtual platform for stable and efficient control of propulsion systems
3. Cost- and power-efficient, high-performance embedded compute-platforms for in-vehicle perception, cognition, and control
4. Robust approaches for implementing, verifying, and certifying automated control for safety-critical applications

Several (12) demonstrators will be built to showcase the project’s findings and their capability to facilitate perception, cognition and control of next generation highly automated vehicles.

The developments in NewControl will facilitate significant cost reductions for essential modules necessary for future automated vehicles. Concomitantly, these developments will improve the safety and reliability of automated systems to levels necessary for mass-market deployment. These innovations will leverage the expertise of industrial (OEMs, Tier-1, Tier-2 and technology providers) and research partners along the complete semiconductor, automotive, and aviation value chains, providing Europe with a competitive edge in a growing market.

Importantly, NewControl's innovations will improve the market penetration of safety-centric automation systems, contributing directly to the European goal of zero road fatalities by 2050.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 154 053,75
8020 Graz

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Südösterreich Steiermark Graz
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 4 616 215,00

Participantes (47)