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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Thermochemical HYDROgen production in a SOLar structured reactor:facing the challenges and beyond

CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.

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1st PR-Publishable Summary

Publishable summary report of the 1st periodic report

Novel process solutions integration to the plant set-up_Pubishable Summary Report

Public version of deliverables 6.2

Advanced redox materials/structures-Publishable Summary Report

Public version of deliverable 4.1 and 4.2

Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of results- (mid-term)

Mid-term report on the plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of project results.

Novel concepts-Publishable Summary Report

Public version of deliverable 2.1

FR-Publishable Summary

Publishable summary of the final project report

Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of results- (final)

Final report on the plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of project results.

Inert gas minimization-Publishable Summary Report

Public version of deliverable 31

2nd PR-Publishable Summary

Publishable summary of the second periodic report

Report with results of solar hydrogen production campaign and assessment vs. call-topic targets
Heat recovery-Publishable Summary Report

Public version of deliverable 32

Organization of workshop

Workshop organization.

Project’s website, electronic communications network

Setting-up of the project’s website and electronic communications network.


Application of ceramic lattice structures to design compact, high temperature heat exchangers: material and architecture selection

Autoren: Pelanconi, Marco & Zavattoni, Simone & Cornolti, Luca & Puragliesi, Riccardo & Arrivabeni, Edoardo & Ferrari, Luca & Gianella, Sandro & Barbato, Maurizio & Ortona, Alberto
Veröffentlicht in: Materials, 2021, ISSN 1996-1944
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma14123225

Parametric investigation of a volumetric solar receiver-reactor

Autoren: A. Lidor, T. Fend, M. Roeb, C. Sattler
Veröffentlicht in: Solar Energy, Ausgabe 204, 2020, Seite(n) 256-269, ISSN 0038-092X
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2020.04.045

Conceptual design of an innovative gas–gas ceramic compact heat exchanger suitable for high temperature applications

Autoren: Zavattoni Simone, Cornolti Luca, Puragliesi Riccardo, Arrivabeni Edoardo, Ortona Alberto, Barbato Maurizio
Veröffentlicht in: Heat Mass Transfer, 2022, ISSN 0947-7411
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00231-022-03284-1

Lessons learnt during the construction and start-up of 3 cylindrical cavity-receivers facility integrated in a 750 kW solar tower plant for hydrogen production

Autoren: Aurelio González-Pardo, Thorsten Denk, and Alfonso Vidal
Veröffentlicht in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020
Herausgeber: AIP Publishing
DOI: 10.1063/5.0029579

Conceptual design and performance evaluation of an innovative high temperature ceramic heat exchanger

Autoren: S A Zavattoni, L Cornolti, E Arrivabeni, R Puragliesi, A Ortona and M C Barbato
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Herausgeber: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2116/1/012096

Rechte des geistigen Eigentums


Antrags-/Publikationsnummer: 05 106614
Datum: 2005-07-19


Antrags-/Publikationsnummer: 05 106614
Datum: 2005-07-19

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