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High powEr density FC System for Aerial Passenger VEhicle fueled by liquid HydrogeN

Descripción del proyecto

En el camino hacia sistemas de propulsión eléctricos de hidrógeno con cero emisiones para pequeñas aeronaves

Las aeronaves propulsadas por pilas de combustible de hidrógeno vaticinan ser muy prometedoras para la descarbonización de la industria de la aviación. El proyecto HEAVEN, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo construir el sistema de propulsión —el mecanismo que impulsa la aeronave— para las actuales aeronaves pequeñas (capaces de alojar hasta cuatro pasajeros). En concreto, el proyecto adaptará dos sistemas de pila de combustible con membrana de electrolito polimérico de 45 kW para aplicaciones en aeronaves y los integrará con componentes de equilibrio de planta optimizados. El sistema mejorado de pila de combustible de 90 kW debería impulsar la aeronave sin batería. El almacenamiento del hidrógeno líquido necesitará temperaturas criogénicas. Por primera vez, se utilizará la tecnología criogénica en aplicaciones aeronáuticas con el objetivo de mejorar las densidades de energía de los tanques de hidrógeno presurizados. Los sistemas criogénicos y de pilas de combustible se integrarán en el tren de transmisión actual de la aeronave.


The main goal of HEAVEN project is to design, develop and integrate a powertrain based on high power fuel cell and cryogenic technology into an existing 2-4 seats aircraft for testing in flight operation. Specifically, the project proposes to design a modular architecture with modular systems that can be scale-up to other sizes of aircrafts and UAV applications. The design methodology is complemented with safety and regulation analysis. Regarding the fuel cell technology, two high power PEM fuel cell systems of 45 kW based on metallic bipolar plates will be adapted for aircraft applications and integrated with optimized balance of plant components to obtain an enhanced 90kW fuel cell system able to propel without support of a battery the aircraft operating modes. The hydrogen storage will be based on cryogenic technology successfully applied in previous space applications in order to achieve a gravimetric index of about 15% for a hydrogen payload between 10 and 25 kg that provides an autonomy range to the demonstrator of 5-8 hours. Moreover, HEAVEN project will leverage existing drivetrain components and an aircraft demonstrator in order to achieve an overall and successful TRL6 at the end of the project. The technology developments will be enriched with economic and business assessments during the execution of the project. Thus, HEAVEN will produce estimations of a total cost of ownership for the entire life cycle of the technology and business plan for the deployment of the technology in different aeronautics applications.
Finally, HEAVEN consortium comprises large companies, SMEs and well-known research center with a strong experience and knowledge in fuel cell technology development for aeronautic applications that is supported with the participation in previous relevant H2020 projects and national projects.

Palabras clave

Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 269 705,00
70327 Stuttgart

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Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Stuttgart, Stadtkreis
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 720 466,43

Participantes (7)