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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare

Description du projet

Une solution innovante pour des services de santé sécurisés dans le cloud

L’utilisation croissante des services de santé en ligne met en lumière les risques liés à la protection de la vie privée des patients. Il s’agit de risques auxquels les progrès de la cryptographie peuvent remédier. Le projet ASCLEPIOS, financé par l’UE, permettra d’accroître et de renforcer la confiance des utilisateurs dans les services de santé en ligne, en garantissant la protection des données sensibles des entreprises et des personnes. La solution fera appel à de nouvelles méthodes cryptographiques pour établir une structure de santé en ligne basée sur le cloud qui préserve la vie privée des utilisateurs et prévient les attaques internes et externes. ASCLEPIOS permettra aux utilisateurs de contrôler l’intégrité de leurs dispositifs médicaux avant de les utiliser et de recevoir diverses garanties quant à la fiabilité du fournisseur de services dans le cloud. Il permettra également aux professionnels de la santé et aux chercheurs médicaux de compiler des statistiques sur des données médicales dans le respect de la vie privée.


The vision of ASCLEPIOS is to maximize and fortify the trust of users on cloud-based healthcare services by developing mechanisms for protecting both corporate and personal sensitive data. The core idea of the project is derived from two observations. The first is based on an extensive analysis of the market on currently available cloud-based health services that aim to preserve users’ privacy without sacrificing functionality. From this study, we observed the following: “Once data is placed on the cloud in an unencrypted form or encrypted with a key that is known to the cloud service provider, data privacy becomes an illusion”. The second observation is based on the consideration of the latest advancements in cryptography. More precisely, one of the saddest but at the same time most fascinating things about cryptography is how little cryptography we actually use. While researchers have developed many theoretical models that could enhance the security level of healthcare services, only a rudimentary set of techniques are currently in use. ASCLEPIOS is addressing these limitations by utilizing several modern cryptographic approaches to build a cloud-based eHealth framework that protects users’ privacy and prevents both internal and external attacks. ASCLEPIOS also offers the ability to users to verify the integrity of their medical devices prior using them while at the same time receiving certain guarantees about the trustworthiness of their cloud service provider. Furthermore, ASCLEPIOS offers a novel solution through which healthcare practitioners and medical researchers are able to calculate statistics on medical data in a privacy-preserving way. Finally, a list of activities with the aim to raise security awareness within the healthcare industry will be organized by project. All these results will be showcased by three real-life near production quality demonstrators provided by ASCLEPIOS healthcare partners, involving three leading European hospitals.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 551 875,00
W1B 2UW London

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London Inner London — West Westminster
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 551 875,00

Participants (10)