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Cost-effective, Multilingual, Privacy-driven voice-enabled Services

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Initial COMPRISE SDK prototype

First prototype integrating the research results of WP2 WP3 and T41

Final platform demonstrator and updated data protection and GDPR requirements

Final platform demonstrator populated with additional data and trained models Updated version of D51 taking the latest research and legal advances into account

Initial platform demonstrator

Fully functional platform demonstrator implemented populated with a few initial data and trained models deployed in working environment ready for use in other WPs

Final COMPRISE SDK prototype and documentation

Final prototype integrating the research results of WP2 WP3 and T41 and Swagger online documentation

Second dissemination and communication report

Update on the actions conducted lessons learned on the innovation ecosystem proposed in COMPRISE and planned dissemination and communication after the end of the project

Dissemination and communication action plan

Summarises all planned dissemination actions and provides communication material to the partners (logo, graphical chart, public website, short presentation of the project, templates, poster, leaflet)

First dissemination and communication report

Update on the actions conducted and web document defining the COMPRISE knowledge repository on multilingual voice-enabled applications.

Final weakly supervised learning library

Final design implementation and evaluation of weakly supervised learning for all considered tasks

Baseline speech and text transformation and model learning library

Design, implementation, and evaluation of baseline transformations focusing on deleting the user’s identity and words carrying critical information, and model learning.

Improved transformation library and initial privacy guarantees

Design, implementation, and evaluation of speech and text transformations addressing more types of private information and initial statistical utility/privacy bounds.

Final personalised learning library

Final design implementation and evaluation of model personalisation strategies for speechtotext spoken language understanding and dialog management

Initial multilingual interaction library

Software components and documentation for speech-to-speech translation and integration of dialog systems in the operating branch.

Final transformation library and privacy guarantees

Final design implementation and evaluation of speech and text transformations and final statistical utilityprivacy bounds

Data collection and curation features of the platform

Platform with data collection and curation features implemented and deployed in working environment

Final multilingual interaction library

Software components and documentation for speechtospeech translation and integration of dialog systems in both the operating and the training branch

Initial weakly supervised learning library

Design, implementation, and evaluation of weakly supervised learning for spoken language understanding.

Initial personalised learning library for speech-to-text

Design, implementation, and evaluation of initial model personalisation strategies for speech-to-text.

Initial scientific evaluation

First combined evaluation of baseline speech, dialog, and translation tools.

Platform hardware and software architecture

Platform specification including main requirements, hardware and software architecture

SDK software architecture

SDK specification including main requirements and software architecture

Data protection and GDPR requirements

Guidelines, procedures and recommendations how to implement personal data protection in the platform.


Transfer Learning and Distant Supervision for Multilingual Transformer Models: A Study on African Languages

Author(s): Michael A. Hedderich; David Ifeoluwa Adelani; Dawei Zhu; Jesujoba O. Alabi; Udia Markus; Dietrich Klakow
Published in: 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Issue 16/11/2020, 2020
Publisher: ACL
DOI: 10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.204

Distant supervision and noisy label learning for low resource named entity recognition: A study on Hausa and Yorùbá

Author(s): Adelani, David Ifeoluwa; Hedderich, Michael,; Zhu, Dawei; Van Den Berg, Esther; Klakow, Dietrich
Published in: AfricaNLP / PML4DC Workshop 2020 @ICLR 2020, Issue 26/04/2020, 2020

Preventing author profiling through zero-shot multilingual back-translation

Author(s): Adelani, David,; Zhang, Miaoran; Shen, Xiaoyu; Davody, Ali; Kleinbauer, Thomas; Klakow, Dietrich
Published in: 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Issue 07/11/2021, 2021
Publisher: ACL

The effect of domain and diacritics in Yorùbá-English neural machine translation

Author(s): Adelani, David,; Ruiter, Dana; Alabi, Jesujoba,; Adebonojo, Damilola; Ayeni, Adesina; Adeyemi, Mofetoluwa; Awokoya, Ayodele; Espana-Bonet, Cristina
Published in: 18th Biennial Machine Translation Summit, Issue 16/08/2021, 2021
Publisher: AMTA

Benchmarking and challenges in security and privacy for voice biometrics

Author(s): Bonastre, Jean-Francois; Delgado, Hector; Evans, Nicholas; Kinnunen, Tomi; Lee, Kong Aik; Liu, Xuechen; Nautsch, Andreas; Noe, Paul-Gauthier; Patino, Jose; Sahidullah, Md; Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal; Todisco, Massimiliano; Tomashenko, Natalia; Vincent, Emmanuel; Wang, Xin; Yamagishi, Junichi
Published in: 1st ISCA Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication, Issue 10/11/2021, 2021
Publisher: ISCA

Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Representation Learning in ASR: Reality or Illusion?

Author(s): Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal; Bellet, Aurélien; Tommasi, Marc; Vincent, Emmanuel
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2019, Issue 15/09/2019, 2019, Page(s) 3700-3704
Publisher: ISCA

Introducing the VoicePrivacy initiative

Author(s): Tomashenko, Natalia; Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal,; Wang, Xin; Vincent, Emmanuel; Nautsch, Andreas; Yamagishi, Junichi; Evans, Nicholas; Patino, Jose; Bonastre, J.-F; Noé, Paul-Gauthier; Todisco, Massimiliano
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2020, Issue 25/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: ISCA

Evaluating Voice Conversion-based Privacy Protection against Informed Attackers

Author(s): Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal; Vauquier, Nathalie; Sahidullah, Md; Bellet, Aurélien; Tommasi, Marc; Vincent, Emmanuel
Published in: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Issue 04/05/2020, 2020, Page(s) 2802-2806
Publisher: IEEE

Investigating the Impact of Pre-trained Word Embeddings on Memorization in Neural Networks

Author(s): Thomas, Aleena; Adelani, David; Davody, Ali; Mogadala, Aditya; Klakow, Dietrich
Published in: 23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, Issue 08/09/2020, 2020
Publisher: Springer

Design Choices for X-vector Based Speaker Anonymization

Author(s): Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal; Tomashenko, Natalia; Wang, Xin; Vincent, Emmanuel; Yamagishi, Junichi; Maouche, Mohamed; Bellet, Aurélien; Tommasi, Marc
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2020, Issue 25/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: ISCA

The COMPRISE Cloud Platform

Author(s): Skadiņš, Raivis; Salimbajevs, Askars
Published in: 1st International Workshop on Language Technology Platforms, Issue 16/05/2020, 2020, Page(s) 108–111
Publisher: European Language Resources Association

Using Privacy-Transformed Speech in the Automatic Speech Recognition Acoustic Model Training

Author(s): Salimbajevs, Askars
Published in: 9th International Conference on Human Language Technologies – the Baltic Perspective, Issue 22/09/2020, 2020
Publisher: IOS Press

Assessing Unintended Memorization in Neural Discriminative Sequence Models

Author(s): Helali, Mossad; Kleinbauer, Thomas; Klakow, Dietrich
Published in: 23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, Issue 08/09/2020, 2020
Publisher: Springer

Private Protocols for U-Statistics in the Local Model and Beyond

Author(s): Bell, James; Bellet, Aurélien; Gascón, Adrià; Kulkarni, Tejas
Published in: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Issue 27/08/2020, 2020, Page(s) 1573-1583
Publisher: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research

Data Augmentation for Pipeline-Based Speech Translation

Author(s): Alves, Diego; Salimbajevs, Askars; Pinnis, Mārcis
Published in: 9th International Conference on Human Language Technologies – the Baltic Perspective, Issue 22/09/2020, 2020
Publisher: IOS Press

A Comparative Study of Speech Anonymization Metrics

Author(s): Maouche, Mohamed; Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal; Vauquier, Nathalie; Bellet, Aurélien; Tommasi, Marc; Vincent, Emmanuel
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2020, Issue 25/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: ISCA

On Semi-Supervised LF-MMI Training of Acoustic Models with Limited Data

Author(s): Sheikh, Imran; Vincent, Emmanuel; Illina, Irina
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2020, Issue 25/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: ISCA

Achieving Multi-Accent ASR via Unsupervised Acoustic Model Adaptation

Author(s): Turan, M. A. Tuğtekin; Vincent, Emmanuel; Jouvet, Denis
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2020, Issue 25/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: ISCA

Privacy Guarantees for De-identifying Text Transformations

Author(s): Adelani, David Ifeoluwa; Davody, Ali; Kleinbauer, Thomas; Klakow, Dietrich
Published in: INTERSPEECH 2020, Issue 25/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: ISCA

Who Started this Rumor? Quantifying the Natural Differential Privacy Guarantees of Gossip Protocols

Author(s): Bellet, Aurélien; Guerraoui, Rachid; Hendrikx, Hadrien
Published in: 34th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, Issue 12/10/2020, 2020
Publisher: LIPIcs

Fully Decentralized Joint Learning of Personalized Models and Collaboration Graphs

Author(s): Zantedeschi, Valentina; Bellet, Aurélien; Tommasi, Marc
Published in: 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Issue 26/08/2020, 2020
Publisher: PMLR

Anonymisation and re-identification risk for voice data

Author(s): Moretón, Alvaro; Jaramillo, Ariadna
Published in: European Data Protection Law Review, Issue 19/07/2021, 2021, ISSN 2364-284X
Publisher: Lexxion

MasakhaNER: Named Entity Recognition for African Languages

Author(s): David Ifeoluwa Adelani; Jade Abbott; Graham Neubig; Daniel D’souza; Julia Kreutzer; Constantine Lignos; Chester Palen-Michel; Happy Buzaaba; Shruti Rijhwani; Sebastian Ruder; Stephen Mayhew; Israel Abebe Azime; Shamsuddeen H. Muhammad; Chris Chinenye Emezue; Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende; Perez Ogayo; Aremu Anuoluwapo; Catherine Gitau; Derguene Mbaye; Jesujoba Alabi; Seid Muhie Yimam; Tajuddeen Rabiu
Published in: Transactions of the ACL, Issue 07/10/2021, 2021, ISSN 2307-387X
Publisher: MIT Press
DOI: 10.1162/tacl_a_00416

How can Private Information Recorded by Voice-Enabled Systems be Identified?

Author(s): Moretón Poch, Álvaro; Jaramillo, Ariadna
Published in: European Data Protection Law Review, Issue to appear, 2020, ISSN 2364-2831
Publisher: Lexxion

Monolingual and cross-lingual intent detection without training data in target languages

Author(s): Jurgita Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė; Askars Salimbajevs; Raivis Skadiņš
Published in: Electronics, Issue 11/06/2021, 2021, ISSN 2079-9292
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/electronics10121412

The VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge: Results and findings

Author(s): Tomashenko, Natalia; Wang, Xin; Vincent, Emmanuel; Patino, Jose; Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal; Noé, Paul-Gauthier; Nautsch, Andreas; Evans, Nicholas; Yamagishi, Junichi; O'Brien, Benjamin; Chanclu, Anaïs; Bonastre, Jean-François; Todisco, Massimiliano; Maouche, Mohamed
Published in: Computer Speech and Language, Issue to appear, 2022, ISSN 1095-8363
Publisher: Elsevier

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