CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Under this WP we will develop the following tools and information on the S3FOOD website idea validation template webbased matchmaking tool Technology and Business Support Community ask service and agenda
‘Technology training set' elaborated and available with webinars and face-to-face trainingsTechnology training set elaborated and available with webinars and facetoface trainings
Strategic vision, implementation roadmap and thematic priorities for the S3FOOD projectStrategic vision implementation roadmap and thematic priorities for the S3FOOD project
'Business coaching set' elaborated and available for the support of SMEsBusiness coaching set elaborated and available for the support of SMEs
Technology interactive mapThis interactive map will build on the collaborative database and will consist of a visually attractive public interface with a focus on available technologies linked to the thematic priorities and where it is possible to find them
This deliverable includes the overall strategy for the communication and dissemination during the project focusing on the structure and processes of involving partners stakeholders and SMEs
Operational HandbookDescribing the framework for operating the network of living labs for facilitating the implementation of Industry 40 related technologies in the food industry and the available services in these facilities
Sustainability planSustainability plan to ensure the longevity of the S3FOOD findings and generated tools
Position paper on the application of smart sensor systems in the food industryCollection of lessons learned during the project for food companies with particular focus on SMEs solution providers and policy makers
Report and conclusions of final meetingIn this report of the final meeting the main project results and findings will be outlined
SMEs voucher call 1This deliverable will provide the text of the call for SMEs including all aspects that the applicants shall take into consideration along with complementary documents and related information to the call
SMEs voucher call 2This deliverable will provide the text of the call for SMEs including all aspects that the applicants shall take into consideration along with complementary documents and related information to the call
Vouchers scheme implementation reportThis deliverable will expose the methodology developed and followed in order to monitor the implementation of the granted projects and will provide insights on several figures such as the progress of the vouchers scheme implementation and distribution of budget to the SMEs
Policy recommendations on fostering the application of smart sensor systems in the food industryConcise recommendations for the food companies SMEs solution providing businesses SMEs innovation supporting intermediaries etc
Introducing website and the selected communication platforms alongside the visual identity to be used on all communication material during the project
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