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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Stimulating effects of Future and Emerging Technologies through communication and outreach

Descrizione del progetto

Comunicare a tutti le tecnologie future ed emergenti

L’emergere di innovazioni rivoluzionarie guidate dalla scienza è l’essenza del FET, il programma pionieristico alla base del CEI e del suo Pathfinder per la ricerca avanzata. Il progetto FETFX, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di creare interesse attorno alle tecnologie emergenti attraverso la comunicazione e la divulgazione. Agendo come hub di comunicazione, il progetto contribuisce ad aumentare l’influenza e l’impatto dei progetti del FET nella società, tra i responsabili politici e le comunità di ricerca e innovazione. Attraverso vari mezzi di comunicazione, FETFX condivide storie ispiratrici di scoperte dalla scienza alla tecnologia, capaci di creare nuove opportunità di mercato e di business. Attraverso le attività di sensibilizzazione, si farà sentire da leader d’opinione e moltiplicatori, che potrebbero indagare, beneficiare, investire o semplicemente promuovere la tecnologia emergente sostenuta nell’ambito del Pathfinder per la ricerca avanzata del CEI.


The strategic objective of the “FETFX - Stimulating effects in Future and Emerging Technologies through communication and outreach” project is to promote FET research among a wide range of actors (researchers and innovation community, policy makers, and general public) a through dedicated community building and multi-stakeholder engagement actions. FETFX proposes an innovative and customized communication and outreach strategy, based on the previous efforts made by the EFFECT project and taking advantage from the experience gathered by other Coordination and Support Actions, such as COFET and FEAT, funded under the FET programme in both FP7 and H2020.
The FETFX communication activities will be based on the implementation of an innovative communication model, based on a content-centric and challenge-based approach. The FETFX project will be developed exploiting the connection with the former EFFECT project, based on novel and former communication channels (website and social media) and formats (different video formats, articles, news releases, multimedia storytelling, interviews), distribution mechanisms and contents classification.
FETFX engagement actions will be implemented through different initiatives around the following key elements: (i) innovation potential (FET START Cup competition), (ii) communication potential (journalists in-the-lab), (iii) communication gaps on high-risk research (policy workshop and Recommendation Paper), (iv) engagement of the civil society (FETFX Photo Contest), (v) increase FET researchers communication skills (webinars and training sessions), (vi) foster the emergence of the FET community around its achievements (FET Day and Booklet).
Thanks to its inclusive and creative approach, FETFX will stimulate the awareness and the engagement of a broader community around the mission-oriented scope of the FET Programme and the future and emerging technologies capable to renew European growth in terms of innovation and benefit for society.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 227 250,00
00184 Roma

Mostra sulla mappa

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 227 250,00

Partecipanti (4)