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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science

Description du projet

Acquérir plus d’informations sur la compréhension de la science par le grand public

Quel est l’état de l’opinion publique européenne sur les vaccins? Quelle est l’ampleur de l’utilisation de la médecine complémentaire et alternative? Les consommateurs sont-ils préoccupés par les organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) présents dans les aliments? Quelle est l’attitude des Européens face au changement climatique? Le projet CONCISE, financé par l’UE, posera ces questions à 500 citoyens (représentant la population européenne de 500 millions d’habitants). Il mènera des consultations citoyennes en Espagne, en Italie, en Pologne, au Portugal et en Slovaquie. Les opinions des citoyens seront enregistrées, transcrites et analysées à l’aide d’un logiciel de linguistique de corpus. Les résultats permettront de faire la lumière sur le rôle que joue la communication scientifique dans l’origine des croyances, des perceptions et des connaissances relatives aux controverses sociales liées à des questions scientifiques.


CONCISE aims to generate a European-wide debate on science communication, involving a wide array of stakeholders, from media outlets to policy makers, from scientists to business companies, from science communicators to civil society organisations. CONCISE aims at providing qualitative knowledge through citizen consultation on the means/channels (media and social networks, life experience, relatives, religion, political ideology, educational system...) by which EU citizens acquire their science-related science knowledge, and how this knowledge influences their beliefs, opinions, and perceptions. For this purpose, CONCISE will explore the understanding of 500 citizens (representing the 500 million EU citizens), regarding four selected topics: vaccines, complementary and alternative medicine use (CAM), genetically modified organism (GMO), and climate change. CONCISE will carry out a citizen consultation in four countries: Lisbon (Portugal), Valencia (Spain), Vicenza (Italy), Trnava (Slovakia) and Lodz (Poland), with the participation of 100 citizens in each country (selected volunteers and representatives of different social groups, considering gender, age, educational level, ethnic minorities, impaired people, and professional careers). Their understanding and position on these four scientific topics will be evaluated, validated, compared and analysed, in order to publish the results in open access by the CONSORTIUM team. Citizen opinions will be recorded; transcript and analysed with a corpus linguistics software in order to get different indicators that will help all stakeholders to have a more direct and fruitful communication, avoiding the danger of discourses that generatedistrust and misunderstandings. CONCISE results will be scalable and its methodology could be applied to other European countries in order to increase the communication of science in terms of quality and quantity all over Europe.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 187 972,50
46010 Valencia

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Este Comunitat Valenciana Valencia/València
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 187 972,50

Participants (8)