Descrizione del progetto
Per una parità di genere efficace nelle università
Un maggiore accesso e inclusione delle donne nell’istruzione superiore non significa che sia stata raggiunta una condizione paritaria tra uomini e donne o l’emancipazione personale di queste ultime. Sebbene università e centri di ricerca siano obbligati a mettere in atto piani per la parità di genere (GEP, gender equality plans), garantirne un’implementazione efficace ed evitare opposizioni è difficile. Il progetto GEARING ROLES, finanziato dall’UE, valuterà i GEP attuati in cinque università e in un’organizzazione di ricerca. Applicando i criteri stabiliti e verificati dagli strumenti realizzati nel suo ambito, esso valuterà il riconoscimento e la promozione delle carriere di ricerca delle donne e l’integrazione delle stesse in posizioni decisionali. I risultati contribuiranno a generare una maggiore comprensione e a eliminare stereotipi inconsci basati sul genere che ostacolano la parità tra donne e uomini.
Devising and implementing GEPs in higher education institutions or research centers is a formal requirement to enhance actions that favor real and effective equality between women and men. While this is a reality, its effectiveness is bound to a series of factors, like the suitability of the agents involved in its setting-up, the strategic alliances built, and the awareness raised on the potential resistances –both tangible and intangible- that are to be faced in its implementation and prevent real structural changes in these organisations. Every GEP should be understood as a process that is born out of the will to grow and become stronger so that equality between women and men can be promoted and legitimised. One way to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of a GEP is to collect and incorporate the expertise, knowledge and experience of previous projects. For this reason, our project aims to implement 6 equality plans in 6 organizations (5 Universities and 1 Research Funding Organization) applying the criteria established and tested by GEAR-tools. The goal is to advance in the application and evaluation of equality measures in universities with the support of non-university entities that favor their promotion, impulse, evaluation and development. The GEPs will pursue the recognition and promotion of the research career of women, the incorporation of women in decision-making positions, and the promotion of a culture of equality in organizations. To this end, the focus will be on the deconstruction of sexual roles in order to unveil often unconscious gender biases that operate in processes of decision-making, selection and promotion of people and in the attribution of value and recognition.
Parole chiave
- H2020-EU.5.b. - Promote gender equality in particular by supporting structural change in the organisation of research institutions and in the content and design of research activities Main Programme
- H2020-EU.5.f. - Develop the governance for the advancement of responsible research and innovation by all stakeholders, which is sensitive to society needs and demands and promote an ethics framework for research and innovation
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