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Risultati finali
Cluster-Innovators Assembly: A detailed event preparation pack including schedule, agenda. Post Event reports summarising meetings and results. (Leader: IDI; OTHER, PU, M09, M21, M32)
Block.IS technical and business support service design - v2Block.IS technical and business support service design - v2: This deliverable is the output of tasks 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 and include the modifications of D2.1 and D2.2 that the consortium decides based on the feedback collected through the first acceleration programme (Leader: CIVITTA, OTHER, PU, M18)
Cluster-Innovators Assembly 2ClusterInnovators Assembly A detailed event preparation pack including schedule agenda Post Event reports summarising meetings and results Leader IDI OTHER PU M09 M21 M32
Block.IS enablersBlock.IS enablers: This deliverable is the output of task 2.2 and includes the software of the Block.IS enablers along with their supporting materials (Leader: INTRA, OTHER, PU, M5)
Cluster-Innovators Assembly 3ClusterInnovators Assembly A detailed event preparation pack including schedule agenda Post Event reports summarising meetings and results Leader IDI OTHER PU M09 M21 M32
External challenges and prizes documentation kit and financial rules
Open call documents KIT and third-party financing rules 1Open call documents KIT and third-party financing rules: This del. is the output of task 3.1 and comprises the information needed for the applicants to submit like Guidelines for Applicants, F6S application, template for the declaration of honour, template of the sub-grantee agreement and FAQ. Updates before the publication of each call. (Leader: SYN; M4, M16; R; PU)
Block.IS technical and business support service designBlock.IS technical and business support service design: This deliverable is the output of tasks 2.1 and 2.3 and include the design and references to the materials produced towards the delivery of the technical and support services apart the enablers (Leader: TNO, RE, PU, M5)
Acceleration Programme 3 documentation kitAcceleration programme 3 Documentation kit and thirdparty financing rules
Block.IS stakeholder mappingBlock.IS stakeholder mapping: reporting on mapping results, assessment of campaign impacts and project understanding (Leader: DSME; R, PU, M03)
Open call documents KIT and third-party financing rules 2Open call documents KIT and third-party financing rules: This del. is the output of task 3.1 and comprises the information needed for the applicants to submit like Guidelines for Applicants, F6S application, template for the declaration of honour, template of the sub-grantee agreement and FAQ. Updates before the publication of each call. (Leader: SYN; M4, M16; R; PU)
Block.IS Policy & Strategy reportBlockIS Policy Strategy report This deliverable is the output of task 43 reporting the organised activities Leader TNO M30 R PU
Block.IS technical and business support services - lessons learnedBlockIS technical and business support services lessons learned This deliverable defines the technical and business support services that BlockIS accelerator will support post project based on the feedback collected throughout the BlockIS project lifetime Leader INTRA R PU M32
Section of BlockIS website in a gallery like format to showcase supported SMEs and projects
Artemis Voulkidis, Theodore Zahariadis, Andreas Papadakis and Charalambos Ipektsidis
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Numero 14 (1), 2022, ISSN 0974-9330
AIRCC Publishing Corporation
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