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Citizen Science for Urban Environment and Health

Description du projet

Les citoyens au cœur de la santé publique et de l’environnement urbain

Quelle est la relation entre la qualité de l’environnement, l’activité physique et le stress sur l’hypertension chez les citoyens? Comment la pollution de votre ville affecte-t-elle votre santé? Autant de questions que le projet CitiesS-Health, financé par l’UE, va poser aux habitants de cinq villes européennes (Barcelone, Kaunas, Ljubljana, Amsterdam et Lucques). L’objectif du projet est de développer un modèle de science citoyenne afin d’évaluer la pollution atmosphérique et sonore urbaine, la combustion du bois ainsi que l’aménagement urbain et la mobilité au niveau local. Une innovation majeure du projet consistera à étudier le lien entre ces expositions et leurs impacts sur la santé. Les citoyens participant à l’étude définiront les questions de recherche et contribueront à l’analyse, l’interprétation et la communication des résultats.


Scientific evidence about the negative health effects of urban environmental exposures is mounting. Yet key scientific gaps exist. Surveys show that citizens are increasingly concerned about the consequences of these exposures on their own health, and are engaged in data collection and activism efforts around problems such as urban mobility and air and noise pollution. These concerns, along with the availability of affordable crowd-sensing and data processing technologies that allow citizens to measure environmental and health parameters, make environmental epidemiology studies an ideal, yet underexplored opportunity to develop citizen science projects. Enabling collaboration between researchers and citizens to generate solid, unbiased scientific evidence of local relevance can reduce existing information gaps. It can empower people to contribute to novel and bottom-up research agendas, interventions and co-creation of public policies.
The aim of the Citizen Science Project on Urban Environment and Health (CitieS-Health) is to develop an effective citizen science model at the maximum collaboration level. The project will develop citizen science projects in five diverse European cities (Barcelona, Kaunas, Ljubljana, Amsterdam, Lucca), assessing urban air and noise pollution, wood burning, urban design and mobility at local levels. An innovative aspect of CitieS-Health is studying the link between these exposures and health impacts. Citizens will participate in defining research questions, designing and implementing studies, and analysing, interpreting and communicating results. The projects will inform the first open toolkit for the development and promotion of citizen science projects in urban environment and health. The project will also co-design a set of governance principles and procedures to allow participants control over project data and outcomes, and will contribute indicators to assess the project's impacts on different sectors.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 389 625,00
08036 Barcelona

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Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 389 625,00

Participants (5)