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Integrating community power in energy islands

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - COMPILE (Integrating community power in energy islands)

Reporting period: 2021-05-01 to 2022-10-31

COMPILE aims to show the opportunities of energy islands for decarbonisation of energy supply, community building and creating environmental and socioeconomic benefits. These opportunities are demonstrated at 5 pilot sites with the help of 6 tools. With the technological development and the increasing integration of RES, storage of various energy vectors supported by new organisational measures and business models is used to foster the development of local energy systems and to boost the use of local energy sources. In COMPILE we focus on showing the benefit of cooperation through EnC that will help solving current and arising grid problems in a coordinated way, avoiding the costly network reinforcement while leading to an increased RES share.
The main objectives are: empowering Local Energy Systems, optimal integration and control of all the energy vectors, storage and electromobility options to maximize decarbonisation and energy savings, foster the creation of energy communities taking into account positive effects on the local economy and user acceptance including vulnerable groups, enabling them to maximize the societal benefit, to foster the adoption of the technological solutions and to enable a large-scale replication of the developed technological solutions and business models.
WP1-UL made sure that the project met its deadlines and delivered the foreseen results.
WP2-Transposition process of legal frameworks for EnCs was assessed and major supporting factors and barriers for implementation identified. Through a exchange with the pilot and follower countries, important implications for implementation were tracked and solutions discussed. The transposition process in Croatia was specifically supported through the establishment of a policy brief that flew into ZEZ's work. Definition of KPIs allowed for detailed monitoring of project results during the demonstration phase in terms of achievement of project high-level objectives and goals linked to primary and secondary use cases.
WP3-Preliminary forecasting models have been developed for Luče, Crevillent, Rafina and Lisbon, with an accuracy between 3 and 6% for day-ahead forecasts. A function for daily retraining of the forecasting models has been developed and is integrated into the forecasting microservice. GridRule and HomeRule algorithms and functionalities were designed and implemented. Algorithms for control of storage devices were fully developed and implemented in devices and respective COMPILE tools. Interfaces for communication between components were developed and tested. Field devices were installed at pilot sites and together with COMPILE tools the storage systems was integrated with COMPILE system.
WP4-In the scope of WP4 the toolkit for Energy Community creation (COOLKIT) was created. It includes sharing best practices of already established energy communities, guidance for financing and stakeholder engagement as well as a guide of the technical tools developed by the project. An organisation maturity framework that allows citizens and municipalities to assess the level of development of the community and a value analysis tool for simulating PV investment and benefits are combined to the COOLKIT.
WP5-Technical deployment of assets went according to plan in all locations. In Luče, PETR successfully installed and integrated solar power plants on 9 buildings with the total installed power of 102 kW, 5 household batteries and a community battery. Additionally, one public EV charger has been installed. In Crevillent GridRule, HomeRule and ComPilot have been successfully deployed. Regarding HomeRule, from the initial study of 44 potential locations for SLAMs deployment, 10 have been installed, integrated and are reporting data to the tool. Jointly with ComPilot, data from 250 additional meters has been integrated into both tools. Križevci acquired an EV charging station and battery management system. All energy data from the COMPILE energy system components from Tech Park and City Library was integrated and collected by ETRA. In Rafina, the deployment of the scheduled smart metering equipment took place. Additionally, 6 SLAMs and one SMX were commissioned by ETRA. After the successful activities performed during the project, the Collective Energy EnC was established with several members of the community being the citizens of the municipality of Rafina.
WP6-The scope of the WP6 is to assess the overall impacts of the proposed and developed COMPILE solutions. The evaluation of the solutions has been carried out by applying defined assessment methodologies, based on the calculation of identified KPIs. Social, environmental, economic and technical impacts of the solutions have been investigated.
WP7-COMPILE was represented in several WGs and TFs of the BRIDGE initiative. RESC was leading the WG “Consumer and Citizen Engagement”, in which JR was leading the subgroup “Assessment of engagement”. JR and UL were also contributing to the TF on Energy Communities, in which JR significantly contributed to the assessment of local grid tariffs for EnCs. Regarding business models, a comprehensive literature review was carried out. The online replication form has also been completed. Two activities were held with international cooperation-visit of UL in China and the first International Cooperation Group Meeting in Slovenia.
WP8-120 events were carried out, which reached more than 5.000 people. This was reflected in many activities on social media channels and the project’s website. The project was also promoted through 8 newsletters, 6 brochures, 11 videos, more than 60 press releases and cooperation with different stakeholders and students. COMPILE won the “Energy Efficient Project 2020” award with the example of the first self-sufficient energy community in Slovenia and RGI’s 2021 prize “Good Practice of the Year”, award in the Communication and Engagement category.
COMPILE has a vision that flexible energy community-supported networks interplay with current centralized system and with optimized planning, increasing societal benefit. This leads to a more economical use of resources, help local businesses and decarbonise local areas. COMPILE aimed to increase the digitisation of EnC to facilitate RES integration, increase the level of self-consumption and decrease RES curtailment. COMPILE fostered the creation of EnC and activation of end users, which will result in economic and environmental benefits for the society.
COMPILE continued the work of previous developments and improved them and supported them by implementing the latest ICT and control technologies. TRL levels achieved in the project were TRL7 (GridRule, HomeRule, EVRule), TRL8 (ComPilot, Value Tool) and TRL9 (EVRule). Energy Community Development Support Package (COOLKIT, Maturity Scale and Stakeholder Guides) are not technological products in a standard, commercial definition as their aim is to enable knowledge sharing and therefore, their TRL levels are hard to quantify.
Dissemination, exploitation & communication plans strive to maximize the project technical, social and economic impact among the key stakeholders and general public across Europe. To ensure that the COMPILE work lives on, RESC teamed up with several EU projects to create the Energy Community Platform, a one-stop solution for everything about community energy. With aim to highlight the main achievements official website was redesigned.
COMPILE light bulb