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Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition.

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Detailed impact assessment of the application of Smart Technologies of the IElectrix project in 3 sections, to enable a faster and affordable connection of new assets, fostered by green recovery funds

Section 1 Analysis of the potential to increase the photovoltaic PV hosting capacity in the existing medium voltage MV distribution networks in Hungary An analysis of constrained network sites and a summary of conclusions describing the scalability of utilityscale battery energy storage system BESS based solutions needed for Hungary to meet its 2030 PV development targets This deliverable will compare business models around ownership and operation of the BESS assets by DSO and other market actors Section 2 Solution to manage the mass connection of distributed residential generation boosted by green recovery funds Specification of a demand response solution for low voltage LV network congestion management to control residential assets such as PV and BESS and provide voltage control in the LV distribution network of Hungary Based upon the solution there will be a study of the market deployment potential of this system assessment of the impact on the national decarbonization plans of the residential sector and possibilities of its further extension to add the control to other residential load assets Section 3 Smart technologies for the electrification of remote villages Analysis of the replicability and scalability of storage systems local generation and load control to decarbonise Hungarian villages that have weak connections to the distribution network

Exploitation plan of the project results

Exploitation plan of the project resultat include the description of all the results produced in the project and the identification of those with commercial and industrial applications as well as the description of the property rights associated to these results The exploitation plan includes an estimation of the market potential and plans for replication based on the CBAThis Deliverable is linked to task T512

Monitoring and evaluation toolkit

The customer engagement should ideally increase as a result of the actions and demonstrations, in this deliverable, ways of assessing this will be proposed, this will include both equipment (software) and suggestion of KPIs. This Deliverable is linked to task T2.3

Best practices of the Austrian demo in Güssing. Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy at community level

Dynamics of customers to optimize usage and acceptance of RES resources. Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy on community level. Creating conditions for the development of economic centres for the use/conversion of renewable energies. This Deliverable is linked to task T6.9

Proceedings of two workshops towards regulatory bodies available through the web site - Year 1

Proceedings of two workshops towards regulatory bodies available through the web site The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshopMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 and 36This Deliverable is linked to task T510

Data Management Plan

D2.4 will implement a secure and fully compliant data management plan, thus taking full advantage o the results of the demonstrations and ensuring results can be used for further research (if needed). This Deliverable is linked to tasks T2.5 / T2.6

Dynamics of customers to optimize usage and acceptance of RES resources. Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy on community level

Dynamics of customers to optimize usage and acceptance of RES resources. Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy on community level. Analysis of conditions for the development of economic centres for the use/conversion of renewable energies. This Deliverable is linked to task T7.4

Proceedings of yearly workshops towards other stakeholders available on the web site - Year 2

Proceedings of yearly workshops towards other stakeholders available on the web site The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshopMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 and 36This Deliverable is linked to tasks T54 T57 T58 T59

Dissemination master plan

The Dissemination Plan will be done at the begginning of the project . It contains the dissemination policy for the knowledge and know-how generated by the project; objectives of the dissemination actions; targeted audience, communication channels, schedule of the disseminations actions, methodology to assess the effectiveness at delivering information to the addressed stakeholders based on measurements of stakeholder feedbacks. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T5.1 / T5.5 / T5.11

Engagement evaluation

Based on conclusions of the D29 the customer engagement will be evaluated in the D210This Deliverable is linked to task T23

New generic iElectrix high-level use cases and business models for future BESS deployment

Development of the following use cases which will be generically applicable to demo and replicability countriesUse case 1 Grid ResilienceUse case 2 Voltage ManagementUse case 3 Congestion ManagementUse case 4 Grid Booster

Minimal set of use case KPIs and measurement methods to perform the technical and economic analysis of the resulting definitions

D2.2 will ensure a fair evaluation of the the demonstrations by delivering a minimal set of KPI:s which can be techonlogical KPI:s as well as economical. This will ensure systematic evaluation based on the same grounds. This Deliverable is linked to task T2.4

Contribution to the four working groups of BRIDGE - Year 4

This report will summarize the contributions of projects experts to the four working groups of the BRIDGE initiative Such contributions will include participation in working groups and joint workshops registered in the corresponding minutes written contributions to the reports periodically prepared by the BRIDGE members and contribution to the yearly working plans of each working groupMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 36 and 42This Deliverable is linked to task T43

Proceedings of yearly workshops towards other stakeholders available on the web site - Year 1

Proceedings of yearly workshops towards other stakeholders available on the web site. The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshop. Multiple versions will be submitted in months 12, 24 and 36. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T5.4 / T5.7 / T5.8 / T5.9

Scalability and replicability analysis (SRA): methodology and scope

This deliverable will lay out the plan and methodological approach to carry out the scalability and replicability analysis within IELECTRIX, considering both the technical quantitave dimension as well as the qualitative one related to regulation and stakeholders' perspectives. More specifically, this report will define the scope of the analyses for both demo countries and replication countries, and the steps to be followed, data requirements and collection process. This Deliverable is linked to task T4.1

Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy at community level. WP9

Dynamics of customers to optimize usage and acceptance of RES resources. Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy on community level. Creating conditions for the development of economic centres for the use/conversion of renewable energies. This Deliverable is linked to task T9.5

Contribution to the four working groups of BRIDGE - Year 2

This report will summarize the contributions of projects experts to the four working groups of the BRIDGE initiative Such contributions will include participation in working groups and joint workshops registered in the corresponding minutes written contributions to the reports periodically prepared by the BRIDGE members and contribution to the yearly working plans of each working groupMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 36 and 42This Deliverable is linked to task T43

Scalability and replicability analysis (SRA): qualitative SRA of the IELECTRIX use cases and solutions

Applying the methodology described in gD41 this report presents the results of the nontechnical and qualitative SRA for all use cases and countries analyzed regulation stakeholders interoperability This Deliverable is linked to task T41 subtask 412

Field data access rights

This deliverable will give the rules to manage the flow of data necessary for the management and the control of the project takink into account the confidentiality constraints for the European DSOs network data. This report will detail the access right to the data required to calculate the KPIs, as well as the retained KPIs. This Deliverable is linked to task T2.5

Final assessment of the national implementation of key European regulations in the demonstration countries

As the implementation of the Clean Energy Package takes place until Jan 2021 the national requirements cannot be fully assessed by D21 Therefore this deliverable describes the evolution of the assessment from D21 over the project duration and thus include the iteration process The results will then be handed over to Comillas as an input to D44

Research road map and Community Implementation Model

Based on previous deliverable, a customer engagement strategy will be devised to ensure customer engagement in the demonstrations aiming to create a win-win situation whilst allowing more integration of renewable energy. This Deliverable is linked to task T2.3

Summary of the innovative solution performances based on the measured KPI during the demos

D26 will sumarize the key learnings from the demonstrations based on KPIs from D22 This will be done on a continious basis so that methods and technologies can be adapted based on the results if neededThis Deliverable is linked to task T27

CBA calculation methodologies definition

After the evaluation of the specifications and KPIs for the different Use Cases and considering the detailed models given in task T31 this deliverable would provide with the plannification for different business models and uncertainty levels that would be evaluated and how this would be doneThis Deliverable is linked to task T32

Contribution to the four working groups of BRIDGE - Year 3

This report will summarize the contributions of projects experts to the four working groups of the BRIDGE initiative Such contributions will include participation in working groups and joint workshops registered in the corresponding minutes written contributions to the reports periodically prepared by the BRIDGE members and contribution to the yearly working plans of each working groupMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 36 and 42This Deliverable is linked to task T43

Proceedings of the yearly DSOs workshops available through the web site - Year 3

Proceedings of the yearly DSOs workshops available through the web site The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshopMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 and 36This Deliverable is linked to task T56

Project Quality Management Plan

The project quality management plan includes all the project procedures, explains the consortium organization and structure, decision making procédures, roles and responsabilities, internal communication policy, quality control and risk management procedures. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T1.1 / T1.2 / T1.3 / T1.4 / T1.5 / T1.6 / T1.7. This deliverable will be reviewed and revised at the end of each reporting period (except for final reporting). This deliverable will also include Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Identifying key stakeholders of each community

In D2.7 a thorough mapping of the community in the area of the demonstrations will be made, thus identifying stakeholders. As the customer is central in the Local Energy Community this delivarble will provide the basis for further customer interaction. This Deliverable is linked to task T2.3

Proceedings of the yearly DSOs workshops available through the web site - Year 2

Proceedings of the yearly DSOs workshops available through the web site The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshopMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 and 36This Deliverable is linked to task T56

Contribution to the four working groups of BRIDGE - Year 1

This report will summarize the contributions of project's experts to the four working groups of the BRIDGE initiative. Such contributions will include participation in working groups and joint workshops (registered in the corresponding minutes), written contributions to the reports periodically prepared by the BRIDGE members, and contribution to the yearly working plans of each working group. Multiple versions will be submitted in months 12, 24, 36 and 42. This Deliverable is linked to task T4.3

Assessment of the national implementation of new key related European regulatory requirements and use case detailed definitions and interoperability specifications of joint activities in the Demonstrators

This deliverable provides an assessment of the demonstrator’s national implementation of new key related European regulatory requirements with focus on the Clean Energy Package and European Network Codes, where existing at this point in time and relevant for establishing the iELECTRIX use cases. It furthermore provides detailed definitions of use cases and interoperability specifications of joint activities in the demonstrators on technical level, in order to support the required system interoperability. This mainly incorporates standards assessments and recommendations for interoperability profiling and testing including provisions for information security.

Scalability and replicability analysis (SRA): technical/functional SRA of the IELECTRIX use cases and solutions

Applying the methodology described in gD41 this report presents the results of the technical and quantitative SRA for all use cases and countries analyzed This Deliverable is linked to task T41 subtask 411

Final documentation about the definition of modular standardized interfaces in view of disseminate to relevant DSO associations

Building on the process and definitions made in D21 this deliverable describes the final standards assessment as implemented in the demos The descriptions of interoperability profiles for key interfaces will also be part of this deliverable based on the experiences collected during the demo execution It furthermore outlines the technologies used across the demonstrators with the appropriate consistency and alignment checks between the specifications and the field implementation

Analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy at community level. WP8

We will provide the analysis, mapping and description of community dynamics and Engagement Strategy at community level in order to proove the successfull resarch. This Deliverable is linked to task T8.4

Modelling the commercial exchanges experimentally demonstrated during the use cases

Description of the detailed models for the commercial relationships between the players involved for the 5 demonstration sites regulated and nonregulatedThis Deliverable is linked to task T31

Current regulation in target countries and regulatory barriers identified for the implementation of the use case

The main aim of this deliverable is to identify key regulatory issues review that may act as a barrier for the deployment of the project solutions for local communities Thus the report will review and analyze existing regulation in the demo countries Austria Germany Hungary and India as well as the replication countries France Sweden and Greece Moreover the latest developments and discussions on the implementation of the EU Clean Energy Package will be assessedThis Deliverable is linked to tasks T41 T42

Regulatory recommendations

The main aim of this deliverable is to provide specific regulatory recommendations both at EU and national level in order to foster the deployment of the costefficient and scalable innovations demonstrated in the project In order to achieve this this report brings together the results of GWP3 on CBA and business models and those of GWP4 on SRA particularly the qualitative assesment of replicability and scalability barriersThis Deliverable is linked to task T42

Proceedings of two workshops towards regulatory bodies available through the web site - Year 3

Proceedings of two workshops towards regulatory bodies available through the web site The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshopMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 and 36This Deliverable is linked to task T510

Proceedings of yearly workshops towards other stakeholders available on the web site - Year 3

Proceedings of yearly workshops towards other stakeholders available on the web site The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshopMultiple versions will be submitted in months 12 24 and 36This Deliverable is linked to tasks T54 T57 T58 T59

Proceedings of the yearly DSOs workshops available through the web site - Year 1

Proceedings of the yearly DSOs workshops available through the web site. The proceedings will detail the implication of IElectrix or its partners in the workshops and the outputs of the workshop. Multiple versions will be submitted in months 12, 24 and 36. This Deliverable is linked to task T5.6

Demonstration activities results: contains all relevant demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models

Demonstration activities results: contains all relevant demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. Presentation of further possibilities of use cases for network planning, system services and solution monitoring (KPI). Dismantling procedure of the equipment used for the use case demonstration. Risk analysis for investment barriers and implementation problems for the Pug&Play storage connections.This Deliverable is linked to tasks T7.6 / T7.7 / T7.8 / T7.9 / T7.10 / T7.11 / T7.12

Demonstration activities results: contains all demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. WP8

We will provide the documents of demonstration activities results in order to show the completed implementation and its direct and possible affects, which will contains all demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. Dismantling procedure of the equipment used for the use case demonstration. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T8.8 / T8.9 / T8.10 / T8.11 / T8.12

Implementations of solution: contains information about implementation process of all technical solutions of all tasks(1,2,3)

We will provide documentation in order to show the implementations of solutions which will contains information about implementation process of all technical solutions of all tasks123This Deliverable is linked to tasks T86 T813 T814

Implementations of the solutions: contains information about implementation process of all technical solutions of all use cases

Implementations of solution: contains information about implementation process of all the implemented technical solutions and all the related tasks. Implementation of international technology standards with regard to interoperability and replication of technical solutions. Measurability of results through KPI development for all solutions.This Deliverable is linked to tasks T9.6 / T9.11 / T9.12 / T9.13

Design of solutions: contains detail design of technical solutions of all tasks results of customer’s recruitment, factory tests results and KPIs definition. WP9

Design of solutions: contains detail design of the to be implemented technical solutions and the planning of all the demo tasks. The deliverable includes the detail design of the technical solutions of all tasks results of customer’s recruitment, factory tests results and KPIs definition. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T9.1 / T9.2 / T9.3 / T9.4

Demonstration activities results: contains all demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. WP6

Demonstration activities results: contains all relevant demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. Presentation of further possibilities of use cases for network planning, system services and solution monitoring (KPI). Dismantling procedure of the equipment used for the use case demonstration. Risk analysis for investment barriers and implementation problems.This Deliverable is linked to tasks T6.6 / T6.7 / T6.8 / T6.10

Design of solutions: contains detail design of the to be implemented technical solutions and the planning of all the demo tasks

Design of solutions: contains detail design of the to be implemented technical solutions and the planning of all the demo tasks. Regulation of the overall responsibility for the demonstration project in the fields: Coordination, commissioning and control of all services, ensuring reporting. Collection and validation of all measurement data and implementation of active risk management. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T7.1 / T7.2 / T7.3 / T7.5

Demonstration activities results: contains all demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. WP9

Demonstration activities results: contains all relevant demonstration measurement results, demonstration data and KPIs evaluation, proposals for legal, regulatory and grid code updates and definition of viable business models. Presentation of further possibilities of use cases for network planning, system services and solution monitoring (KPI). Dismantling procedure of the equipment used for the use case demonstration. Risk analysis for investment barriers and implementation problems.This Deliverable is linked to tasks T9.7 / T9.8 / T9.9 / T9.10

Design of solutions: contains detail design of technical solutions of all tasks results of customer’s recruitment, factory tests results and KPIs definition

Design of solutions: contains detail design of the to be implemented technical solutions and the planning of all the demo tasks. The deliverable includes the detail design of the technical solutions of all tasks results of customer’s recruitment, factory tests results and KPIs definition. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T6.1 / T6.2 / T6.3 / T6.4 / T6.5

Implementations of solution: contains information about implementation process of all technical solutions for all use cases

Implementations of solution: contains information about implementation process of all the implemented technical solutions and all the related tasks. Implementation of international technology standards with regard to interoperability and replication of technical solutions. Measurability of results through KPI development for all solutions.This Deliverable is linked to tasks T6.11 / T6.12 / T6.13

Design of solutions: contains detail design of technical solutions of all tasks results of customer’s recruitment, and KPIs definition

In D8.1, we will provide the design of solutions in order to show the completion for the following 3 different topics; (1) detail design of technical solutions of all tasks (2) results of customer’s recruitment, and (3) KPIs definition. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T8.1 / T8.2 / T8.3 / T8.5 / T8.7

Implementations of solution: contains information about implementation process of all the implemented technical solutions and all the related tasks (1,2,3)

Implementations of solution contains information about implementation process of all the implemented technical solutions and all the related tasks 123 Implementation of international technology standards with regard to interoperability and replication of technical solutions Measurability of results through KPI development for all solutionsThis Deliverable is linked to tasks T712 T713

Project web site available for public access

Project web site will be available for public access. Web site will describe the IElectrix project and present the main actions, demonstrators, use cases and partners. It will provide information and keep the general public up to date on the status of the project. This Deliverable is linked to tasks T5.2 / T5.3


Mobile Energy with E.DIS (Moew.e) pilot project within IElectrix

Autores: Ralf Wagenitz ( E.DIS Netz), Bernhard Heiß (E.DIS Netz), Henning Schuster (E-Bridge Consulting) , Thomas Meißner (E.DIS Netz)
Publicado en: CIRED Open Access Journal, 2020
Editor: CIRED

Flexibility platform and associated role of future DSO within IElectrix SHAKTI pilot project

Autores: Jean Wild (Schneider Electric), Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec (Enedis), Aastha Prashar (TPDDL), David Pampliega (Schneider Electric), Luc Richaud (Odit-e), Francisco Ramos (Schneider Electric)
Publicado en: CIRED Open Access Journal, 2020
Editor: CIRED

"Elosztóhálózati energiatároló megoldás a napelemes energiatermelés hatásainak kezelésére. ""Distribution network energy storage solution to deal with the effects of solar energy production."""

Autores: Török Ákos
Publicado en: "Mechwart András Ifjúsági Találkozó Absztrakt és Kiadványkötet ""András Mechwart Youth Society Abstract and Volume of Publications""", Edición XI. MAIT, 2021, 2021, Página(s) 103-115, ISBN 978-963-9299-43-6
Editor: Hungarian Electrotechnical Association - András Mechwart Youth Society
DOI: 10.54232/mait.2021

IElectrix project – Demand Response

Autores: Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec Christophe Dromacque Aastha Prashar Project Lalima Goel David Pampliega P Tanguy Choné
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7867943

ISGW March 2020 - IElectrix Project - SHAKTI Demonstration

Autores: Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec; Aastha Prashar; Pampliega, David; Jouhanneau, Sylvain; Dr. G. Ganesh Das; Richaud, Luc
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2020
Editor: ISUW
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3931537

IElectrix Project – Results and lessons learned from the Indian demonstration in Delhi

Autores: Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec - Enedis David Pampliega - Schneider Electric Abhinav Pal CEO - Delhi Distribution Limited Delhi Tanguy Choné - Odit-e Chloé Lucas - Odit-e Robin Croutz Site - Enedis Delhi
Publicado en: 2023
Editor: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7868021

Energy Communities: How Tools Can Facilitate Their Enhancement

Autores: Alessandra Cuneo Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec Tanguy Choné Gabriele Comodi Katerina Valalaki Katerina Samari Tomi Medved
Publicado en: Environmental sciences proceedings, Edición Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 11(1), 2021
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011013

Heterogeneous Inertia Estimation for Power Systems with High Penetration of Converter-Interfaced Generation

Autores: Diala Nouti; Ferdinanda Ponci; Antonello Monti
Publicado en: Energies 2021, Edición 1, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14165047

A Python framework for the development andassessment of optimisation-based power scheduling algorithms formulti-energy systems in city districts

Autores: Sebastian Schwarz, Sebastian Alexander Uerlich and Antonello Monti
Publicado en: SoftwareX, Edición Volume 16, December 2021, 2021, ISSN 2352-7110
Editor: ScienceDirect
DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2021.100839

Linear Iterative Power Flow Approach Based on the Current Injection Model of Load and Generator

Autores: EHZAD ZARGAR (RWTH Aachen University), ANTONELLO MONTI (RWTH Aachen University),FERDINANDA PONCI, (The University of British Columbia) and JOSÉ R. MARTí, (The University of British Columbia)
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición IEEE Access ( Volume: 9), 2020, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2020.3047986

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