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Transport Innovation Gender Observatory

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TInnGO (Transport Innovation Gender Observatory)

Período documentado: 2020-06-01 hasta 2021-11-30

The H2020 TInnGO (Transport Innovation Gender Observatory) project addressed the topic ‘demographic change and the participation of women in transport’ (MG-4.3-2018).
Its main objective was to create a framework and mechanisms for a sustainable game change through a transformative strategy of gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility.
A paradigm shift is needed that enables transport, research and innovation to become more integrated with, and responsive to societal, economic, and cultural factors. Poor transport provision has a disproportionate, negative impact on the mobility of those who most need and value sustainable modes of transport (e.g. elderly, women, those with dependents and disabilities, from lower socio-economic and ethnic groups) and who already suffer from multiple levels of deprivation. When people are denied access to transport, their quality of life is affected through reduced access to education, employment, and recreation.
This means we have to look beyond data that simply measures transport usage to develop smart, inclusive cities. Focussing chiefly on the smart mobility sector, TInnGO's objectives were to:
1. Assess specific transport requirements of diverse groups of women
2. Evaluate barriers to employment and education
3. Develop actions and measures to remove barriers to mobility and increase opportunities
4. Promote gender smart mobility and the outcomes of the project
5. Create opportunities for development of gender-sensitive smart mobility products and services.
6. Spotlight female entrepreneurship as an emerging field of transport-related employment and innovation
7. Develop 10 national Hubs to explore specific areas of mobility and formulate best practices
8. Provide an interrogatable and easily accessible, standardised mobility data repository for gendered mobility data
9. Provide a one-stop Observatory for policy makers, scholars and citizens involved in Smart Mobility
10. Disseminate, communicate, coordinate, co-operate and build on existing work.

This means understanding the current start of play regarding lack of dieversity, developing practical tools, methods and guidelines to remove barriers and provide spaces for sharing of good practices, gender disaaggregated mobility data and information
Drawing on an interdisciplinary approach, TInnGO developed and validated tools and methods to:
• increase understanding of intersectionality,
• demonstrate the value of gender-disaggregated data,
• highlight women' s mobility problems,
• discover barriers to workplace diversity in transport employment and STEM education.

In terms of creating a paradigm shift, TInnGO’s outputs (e.g. policy briefs, guidelines, GaDAPs, training material and the gender smart mobility charter) together with action research of the 10 national hubs provide a means of challenging the lack of diversity and the prevailing quantitative approaches to understanding mobility.
The Observatory has been used to disseminate ideas, methods, training material, design provocations, best practices and project outputs. Using the Open Data Repository, we have shared and invite others to contribute gender-disaggregated data to create a foundation for future research, policy and practice.,

10 national hubs ( Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, the Baltics, Scandinavia, UK and Romania) have undertaken research and mobility surveys, reached out to local communities and organisations and increased awareness of gender inequalities, demonstrating the need and value of gender and diversity action planning for businesses to increase diversity within transport organisations and increase gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility products.

In relation to the challenges of the call, TInnGO has,
1. Shown the prevalence of sector wider issues (employment, education, and transport usage) in gender and diversity and developed usable methods and recommendations to address these.
2. Shown how visual representations are used to develop and perpetuate bias in future transport.
3. Created greater awareness of inequalities in transport and the need to address them and provided a space for discussion and dissemination of best practice and data.
4. Developed tools to increase collection and use of gender and diversity data.
5. Shown the effectiveness of national hubs in working with local stakeholders and citizens.
6. Shown that Gender and Diversity Action Plans (GaDAPS) are a practical way to reduce gender and diversity inequalities.
7. Developed a set of indicators for the smart mobility sector – effective, attractive, affordable, sustainable and inclusive which can be used in GaDAPs and to guide and evaluate future designs.
8. Supported long term policies and focus through policy briefs, the TInnGO Observatory, the Open Data Repository and the draft Gender Smart Mobility Charter and training material.
9. Effected change at local level through work with stakeholders and citizens.
Aiming to develop a sustainable strategy for Gender Smart mobility, fit for 21st century Europe, reserarch outputs have targetted the local, national and EU levels relating to.
1. Increased representation and fair treatment of women and diverse groups across the TBE,
2. Reduction of gender bias in research, media and discourse around SM,
3. Reduction in gender gap in SM in employment and education,
4. Increased confidence of women to enter STEM education,
5. Better inclusion of women in society with better access to economic opportunities,
6. Improved marginalized groups' representation

In terms of progress beyond start of the art

TInnGO developed a more holistic way to conduct transport research throught the use of intersectionality and mixed methods which enables a broad picture to be developed of the barriers faced by women and those from excluded groups in their use of transport and entry/development as researchers, employees and entrepreneurs in the sector.

Transformed Gender Action Plans into Gender and Diversity Action Plans as practical ways to encourage gender and diversity.

The online mobility survey designed to capture intersectional, and sex disaggregated data has been used to reveal gender-based difference in travel perceptions. Tools have been developed to support sex disaggregated data collection and sharing.

New visual analysis techniques and gendered scripts have emphasised the lack of diversity in visual representations of smart mobility and the push of technology solutions to address global problems.
TInnGO's distributed hub and spokes model, allowed cross over of tools, techniques and the sharing of resources to build a snapshot of smart mobility and enable joined up data collection. This is a replicable model in which the hubs acted as semi-autonomous research units working to address issues of local concern, thereby bringing to life, for citizens and stakeholders’ concepts of intersectionality, equality and smart mobility.
Design has been used as a means of discovering and communicating mobility needs through design provocations. This has demonstrated the complexity of transport innovations, the need for solutions to integrate with existing services, address a wide variety of needs and enabled people to share the complexity of their lives, in different ways. A more reflective, evaluation approach has been developed for projects which deal with social issues, requiring behavioural and organisational changes.
TinnGo hub specialisations
Summary of gender and diversity approach
Shot of the Open Innovation Platform
Intersectionality model
TinnGo Stakeholders
TinnGo hubs and engagement with stakeholders
Overview of the TInnGO observatory and hubs