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This report includes the development, implementation and regular update of a plan for the dissemination, marketing and exploitation of +CityxChange results. The plan will include the visual identity (see also Task 10.2), the target audiences and an analysis of channels how to reach them, default texts about the project, a record of activities related to dissemination, marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. Additionally, the report details the monthly online strategic communication meetings with local dissemination managers of the LHCs and FCs as well as the activities of the local dissemination managers identifying relevant local events which can be exploited for communication of +CityxChange results and activities and updates of cities’ local websites and social media channels in English as well as local language (connected to Task 10.1).
Limerick Energy Trading Market - Implementation ReportThis deliverable documents the implementation of the MPOWER enerXchange platform using IOTA Distributed Ledger Technology, including a feasibility assessment of adding eMaaS and other IoT devices. Based on the definitions of the regulatory zone (T4.4), these will either be actual trades, where network charges (i.e. DuoS and TuoS) are waived or virtual trades where the concept and smart pricing can be analysed to prove the concept of local trading. The management of the available resources will be carried out through the Community Grid and the Community System Operator (connected to Task 4.9).
Report and catalogue on the ICT data integration and interoperabilityThis deliverable first identifies open standards for data vocabularies and data models in the smart city domain including, but not limited to: FIWARE, INSPIRE, Transmodel, ISO/IEC 30182 and BSI PAS 182. Corresponding API specifications such as BSI PAS 212, READY4SmartCities, oneM2M, W3C SSN, Dublin core, API styles (REST, SOAP, etc.), and already implemented API libraries such as CitySDK and TK Forum, as well as existing partner APIs will be integrated. Moreover, the report provides an assessment of the potential of using IOTA and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) (e.g. Ethereum, bitcoin, litecoin etc.) as a mechanism for data transfer and fall-back security and exchange mechanisms for ensuring data integrity and confidentiality (connected to Task 1.2).
Report on bankability of the demonstrated innovationsThis report will detail new business concepts and models to create the Distributed Positive Energy Blocks using new cooperation models and distributed resources including: 1) a review of the existing value chain, including directly and indirectly connected stakeholders; 2) the results of a workshop held in the first consortium meeting with all relevant Solution Providers and LHCs/FCs; 3) financing options and the cost of financing will be analysed; and the monetized value of the innovation (expressed in Return on Investment) for all stakeholders in the value chain will be assessed (connected to Task 2.7).
Bold City Vision 2050 for each FCThis deliverable is a compilation of five individual reports (one for each Follower City) that detail the development and implementation of the FCs’ Bold City Vision with fully integrated planning process, implementation roadmaps, and guidelines for deployment, monitoring, and continuous improvement of the process. Citizens, community groups, NGOs, local leaders, and industry partners will be connected through the citizen observatories (T6.3), informed by the LHC Bold City Visions, and supported by an adequate investment and resourcing plan (T6.5). Furthermore the reports document how evidence-based data and insights were used to make informed decisions on urban, technical, financial, and social aspects of future development pathways, guided by the overarching goals and ethical standards as set in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (connected to Task 6.2).
Report on IPR protection plans, agreements and exploitation plansThis deliverable describes commerciallyexploitable results stemming from +CityxChange innovations including : 1) definition of short- and mid-term exploitation visions for partners for each exploitable result with associated customer segments, entry points, and preliminary strategies; 2) definition of IP background and constraints (e.g., through a patent search); 3) identification of the best IP protection and contractual agreements for each innovation are put in place; 4) assistance provided to all relevant partners involved with a specific innovation; 5) identification the best multilateral agreements including 3rd party licensing, royalty rates for IP or trade secrets, adjustment of terms and conditions over time, and legal dispute considerations. Finally, the possibility of transferring (i.e., assignment) or licensing the technologies to other companies will be evaluated as well as that of a dedicated spin-off to promote/commercialise specific solutions (connected to Task 8.5).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 7This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
Limerick project documentation repository including project status reports 1This report documents the organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management, dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful roll-out of the Limerick demonstration projects, risk management, clarification and detailing of KPIs for the different demonstration projects, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7. Additionally, the report details activities of coordination of local replication and scaling up with WP8, coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and LCCCs participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10 (connected to Task 4.12).
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 5This report includes the final update of the +CityxChange dissemination and exploitation plan. It will include a summary of the work done and future plans for after the project period,, in addition to content as in previous deliverables.
Framework for DPEB learning and educationThis deliverable will provide a replicable physical and operational infrastructure for intergenerational learning initiatives and events across the Lighthouse and Follower Cities, including formal learning activities for DPEB-related content connected to existing programmes such as peer-to-peer learning, user group meetings, mapathons, community auditing events, hackathons, design sprints and open days. The framework will support the direct integration of youth learning programmes at different age levels with active aging societies such as environmental stewardship and awareness groups, local heritage societies, arts and cultural groups and craft and maker communities. It will also combine the use of digital platforms (T3.2) with social gaming techniques. Finally, the framework will provide the LHCs and FCs with a standard framework for integration into local educational governing bodies to promote these activities in through schools and community groups (connected to Task 3.3).
Playbook of regulatory recommendations for enabling new energy systemsThis deliverable based on the overall guidebook on regulatory mechanisms produced in T21 describes the special regulatory district guidelines and framework for innovative planning policy and procurement within the city including energy planning conservation fire safety and building regulations This report describes 1 the establishment of a special regulatory district within the city DPEBs Sluppen and Brattra 2 the procedure to secure dispensation from the relevant nationalregionallocal authorities for the project duration to trial innovative Distributed Positive Energy BlocksDistricts and 3 playbook with recommendations for other cities to replicate and use connected to Task 54
Risk Mitigation RegistryThis deliverable contains a review and update of the risk tables in the Description of Action. Including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines. The report also includes a state of the art review of existing SCC-01 projects in collaboration with T9.1 in order to identify gaps in the risk management strategy and collect lessons learned from existing SCC-01 projects(connected to Task 11.5)
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 5This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors.
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 10This deliverable is the final semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors.
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 4This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1)
Framework for Innovation PlaygroundsThis deliverable provides a spatial and socio-economic framework for an Innovation Playground, where citizens and local companies can connect with each other, ideate, develop and test urban prototypes and beta projects, get help to nurture their ideas into maturity through crowd-solving, crowd-funding and match-funding, and receive mentoring to develop business models to bring their ideas to the DPEBs and the broader market. Additionally, this deliverable details a series of steps including: developing a brief; examining precedents; identifying user personas - focus on understanding users; identifying supports - existing and needed - how to integrate them; developing a mock up - initial prototype - User Interface and User Experience design; initial user testing; and developing a Minimal Viable Product ready for localisation and application to the LHCs in Tasks 4.5 and 5.5, and for replication in the Follower Cities in WP6. (connected to Task 3.6).
Report on enabling regulatory mechanisms to trial innovation in citiesThis report will map the regulations in each LHC/FC, perform a gap analysis of the demands for each of the Demonstration Projects including necessary changes and flexibility in the system, and perform feasibility assessment/state-of-the-art review of existing energy markets and models in Europe (DSO/TSO) linked to EU legislation/regulation. The experiences will be documented and integrated in a guidance package/replication handbook and will result in regulatory recommendations for how such regulatory sandboxes can be planned, designed, and implemented (connected to Task 2.1).
Report on ‘get involved' workshops and facilitation of replication across 20 EU citiesThis deliverable details the engagement of at least twenty cities via national and EU wide channels (WP9, WP10) including: 1) assistance with preparing for replication of +CityxChange solutions; 2) feasibility studies; and 3) identification of necessary competences and resources. The report will also describe the outcomes of ‘Get involved’ practical sessions with municipal decision makers to liaise with +CityxChange in developing and implementing their ambitious agendas towards becoming positive energy cities, leveraging EU-wide umbrella organisations and projects such as EIP SCC, Covenant of Mayors and Sustainable Energy Investment Forum, and CITYnvest, as well as the LHC’s and FC’s national city networks (connected to Task 8.2).
Report on replication assessment and profiles for each +CityxChange demonstration projectThis deliverable details a replication assessment approach including the creation of an individual and unique replication profile for each of the +CityxChange demonstration projects. The profile will be organic, i.e. it will be updated after a LHC or FC deploys or replicates a DP (WP4-5-6) so that lessons learned from that deployment/replication can be used to modify and adapt the replication profile. The profiles will be available online via a wiki enabling each city, after they carry out their deployment or replication, to update the wiki with the success, failure, obstacles, etc. that they encountered, the technologies used, how much it cost, any environmental savings, etc. The assessment will include the baseline, bold city vision, adaptation to local conditions, as well as technical, social, legal, economic and environmental implementation (connected to Task 8.1).
Report on the architecture for the ICT ecosystemThis deliverable describes the +CityxChange ICT ecosystem architecture including overall architecture concepts and diagrams, principles and guidelines, use cases, and roadmap. It includes the report and repository of architecture elements and APIs used within the DP use cases. (connected to Task 1.1).
+CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 3This report is an annual update describing the results from storytelling workshops where existing and aspiring LHCs and FCs exchange trialanderror experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders create justifiable impacts manage complex projects across divergent interests goals and needs build targeted networks locally and internationally support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses mobilize demonstration and research partners develop IPR agreements distribute responsibilities create the right storyline vision and profile for their city and arrange successful partner workshops building on the replication profiles created in T81 connected to Task 93
+CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 5This report is the final update describing the results from storytelling workshops where existing and aspiring LHCs and FCs can exchange trial-and-error experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders, create justifiable impacts, manage complex projects across divergent interests, goals, and needs, build targeted networks locally and internationally, support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses, mobilize demonstration and research partners, develop IPR agreements, distribute responsibilities, create the right storyline, vision and profile for their city, and arrange successful partner workshops building on the replication profiles created in T8.1 (connected to Task 9.3).
Report on community participation and playground resultsThis deliverable describes the activation of local stakeholder knowledge and resources and contribute to transform all five Follower City Bold City Visions into practice. Using the Innovation Playground framework developed in T3.5 and the LHC experiences in T4.5/5.5 as a basis, this report defines a spatial and socio-economic framework for each FC, in which municipal authorities, energy providers, businesses, citizens, and communities can connect with each other, ideate, develop and test urban prototypes and beta projects, get help to nurture their ideas into maturity through crowd-solving, crowd-funding and match-funding, and receive mentoring to develop business models to bring their ideas towards the creation of Distributed Positive Energy Blocks and the broader market. The steps include: 1) adaptation to local conditions, including developing a brief; 2) examining precedents; 3) identifying user personas - focus on understanding users; and 4) identifying supports. The communication of observations, ideas and projects will be spatially organised through a map of the city/district, using interactive mapping to engage citizens with their place and local issues (connected to Task 6.3).
Data Management Plan 5This deliverable is an annual update describing how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected will be described (connected to Task 11.6).
eMobility in Limerick DPEB Implementation GuideThis deliverable documents the implementation of the seamless e-mobility platform and the V2G/V2B technologies as described in T2.2, including the installation and operation of three eMaaS hubs at the Gardens International Building (DS01, including V2G/V2B connections), the University Campus (DS08) in Castletroy and the Crescent Shopping Mall. It includes respective eMaaS schemes and business models. Additionally, existing air quality sensors, noise sensors, and pedestrian counters on O’Connell street ( will be used to monitor any potential impacts to air quality and noise in the DPEB as a result of the eMaaS, or substituted/complemented with GoCAR data (connected to Task 4.8).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 2This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 2This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors.
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 3This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors (connected to Task 9.3).
Report on the Flexibility MarketThis report will deliver an integrated local microgrid balancing market, to secure power distribution and grid balance connected to DPEB allowing all prosumers and consumers to participate in the Flexibility Market. In addition, a market design tool will be detailed that includes requirements for data and analytics that will constitute a digitized and standardized method that takes into account local conditions in the market design (connected to Task 2.6).
Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of +CityxChange Project Results 4This report includes an annual update of the +CityxChange dissemination and exploitation plan. The plan will include the visual identity (see also Task 10.2), the target audiences and an analysis of channels how to reach them, default texts about the project, a record of activities related to dissemination, marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. Additionally, the report details the monthly online strategic communication meetings with local dissemination managers of the LHCs and FCs as well as the activities of the local dissemination managers identifying relevant local events which can be exploited for communication of +CityxChange results and activities and updates of cities’ local websites and social media channels in English as well as local language (connected to Task 10.1).
Data Management Plan 2This deliverable is an annual update describing how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected will be described (connected to Task 11.6)
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 6This report contains a semiannual update detailing intraproject between CityxChange LHCsFCs collaboration including preparation results evaluation of study visits and peertopeer workshops held and key lessons learneddisseminated connected to Task 91
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 9This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors.
Report on management of +CityxChange replication in PisekThis deliverable describes the integration of WP 4-5 results in Pisek, aiming to support the early replication of selected +CityxChange solutions into the local aspiring DPEB area. This includes organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management; dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful replication of +CityxChange solutions in Pisek; risk management; clarification and detailing of KPIs for the selected replications, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7; coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and Pisek’s participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10.Additionally, the deliverable will describe the potential to implement in DA1 prosuming and battery-based grid balancing to cover municipal building energy demand. It will investigate the creation of a specific PEB to trial the replication activities envisaged by first establishing a regulatory zone for the demonstration of the PEB whose parameters will be discussed with local and national authorities, including the energy trading schemes, market actors and potential business interactions between them. It will include the T6.4 feasibility assessment along with technical specifications and tendering documentation, review of the solution providers who could deliver the technology, and identification of community grid technologies and demands for integration. The City of Pisek will involve the stakeholders and citizens in DA1 through an Innovation Playground and organize sessions to increase the awareness of the PEB development (connected to Task 6.7).
Report on management of +CityxChange replication in Alba IuliaThis deliverable describes the integration of WP 4-5 results in Alba Iulia, aiming to support the early replication of selected +CityxChange solutions into the local aspiring DPEB area. This includes organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management; dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful replication of +CityxChange solutions in Alba Iulia; risk management; clarification and detailing of KPIs for the selected replications, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7; coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and MAIs participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10 (connected to Task 6.6).
Framework for DPEB Innovation LabsThis deliverable provides a framework for the LHCs/FCs to implement dedicated centres for digital innovation within a city, and enhancement of existing centres, where they exist. This framework will include new collaborative operating structures and an open innovation 2.0 ecosystem for entrepreneurs and start-ups. The framework provides guidance for hosting open challenges to develop solutions to progress the creation of DPEBs in the district and provide a place where the design and operation of the DPEBs will be visualised and analysed. Connections with WP1 and the ICT ecosystem and Decision Support Tool will be made to ensure that data is available to the stakeholders using the Innovation Lab as well as visualisation tools to support competition and innovation. The framework will also ensure that the Innovation Labs can be directly integrated with the city governance systems and participatory processes (Task 3.1 and Task 3.2) for the creation of DPEBs enabling local RES and eMobility solutions. Finally, this framework will create a specification for a small prototyping lab for DIT (Do-It-Together) RES projects, which will be designed, piloted and delivered during WP4 and WP5 (connected to Task 3.5).
Report on management of +CityxChange replication in SmolyanThis deliverable describes the integration of WP 4-5 results in Smolyan, aiming to support the early replication of selected +CityxChange solutions into the local aspiring DPEB area. This includes organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management; dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful replication of +CityxChange solutions in Smolyan; risk management; clarification and detailing of KPIs for the selected replications, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7; coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and Smolyan’s participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10. Moreover, the report describes the possibility of specific energy management schemes in public buildings to balance the prosuming of PV and solar thermal energy in DA1 including : 1) modeling of different scenarios for energy management scheduling and balancing options for the installed PV capacities to satisfy the energy demands for street lighting in the PEB; 2) balancing the production of hot water to reduce the energy demands of Smolyan’s public swimming pool; 3) establishing a regulatory zone of the PEB buildings and communicate the outcomes of the balancing scenarios to the regulatory bodies; and 4) options appraisal for new market trading schemes. Additionally, Smolyan will prepare technical design documentation, procurement documents, solution provider shortlist, and technical solutions specifications to trigger the scaling up of the prosuming to all public buildings and look for innovative investment options to finance it. Finally, the deliverable describes the establishment of a Citizen Engagement Group to promote urban development managed by the citizens themselves (connected to Task 6.9).
Press kits about the project for each cityThis deliverable contains press kits for +CityxChange partners that include: 1) a compilation of Year 1 results, particularly for LHCs/FCs, including upcoming events, results and milestones and 2) summaries of press releases, website/social media activities, project flyers, and workshop results (connected to Task 10.1).
Limerick DPEB Implementation Guide 2This report details the final implementation guide for the Limerick Distributed Positive Energy Block, including the following elements: 1) installation in Block 1 of bespoke MPOWER smart meters and controllers starting in 5 mixed use buildings and up to 24 buildings as agreed with buildings owners through community engagement; 2) building owners in Block 1, 2 and 3 will be encouraged to invest in their buildings and using the stepped approach described in Section, this consumption across the block will be reduced by a targeted minimum of 50% across the block (if heat pumps are included), reducing the energy demand of the block to approx. 2.7GWh/year; 3) stimulation of building owners to install local RES (PV on the roofs of their buildings); 4) the implementation of a 180kWh tidal power plant, located within the district, on the river adjacent to the Limerick DPEB providing an estimated 0.6GWh/year; 5) installation of 150kWh community grid stabiliser leveraged by the community grid (Task 4.7) to create flexibility; and 7) integration of a community grid through T4.7, enabling the trading platform and flexibility market (connected to Task 4.6).
Report on the identification and assessment of exploitable resultsThis deliverable will detail an assessment of commercially exploitable results from +CityxChange including the following elements: 1) a SWOT analysis of the foregrounds to identify a complete list of benefits, advantages compared to competitor/substitute technologies, or problem reliever (technical, social, economic) that customers/markets can expect from each product (short down time, limited disturbance, reduced maintenance, aesthetic, great performance); 2) identification of the distinguishing features setting them apart from competitors and a preliminary list of steps for market uptake; 3) compilation of a list of risks, barriers and how these can be overcome to expand the business opportunities of the results; 4) identification of an exploitation manager assigned to each development, supported by the project exploitation manager (R2M); 5) publication of periodic reports on the exploitation progress and actions needed to maximize exploitation (e.g., validation, testing, demonstration, partner agreements, certification); and 6) creation of a summary table listing the results, business visions and needed steps (connected to Task 8.4).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 10This report contains the final semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
Established Baseline and DST for each FCThis deliverable will provide the Follower Cities a baseline using the Integrated Modeling and Decision Support Tool including 1 the energy baseline ie the primary energy end use of the various buildings and assets renewables and storage that exist in the city 2 the mobility baseline with respect to traffic patterns congestion and movement as well as any evehicle charging points and 3 the citizen baseline with respect to socioeconomics health population spatial demographics etc to support scenario development for the FCs Bold City Vision 2050 and all other tasks in the Follower Cities Additionally the report will detail how the DST based upon existing municipal databases and other tools in the ICT ecosystem will serve as a playground for simulating urban interventions estimating their impacts and optimising scenarios Finally the report outlines training provided to FC staff with respect to the use of the DST so that it can be used beyond the CityxChange project and its requirements connected to Task 61
+Trondheim sustainable investment and business concepts and modelsThis deliverable includes a description of measures and actions that enable and boost innovative sustainable public and private investments for citizens, building owners, and other stakeholders in the Trondheim DPs.It includes monitoring, analysis and improvement of existing business models of T5.3 and T5.5-T5.10. Analyses and business model improvements will take into account effects of frame condition changes including regulatory mechanisms and include scenarios on how and to what extent legislative and regulatory changes (T5.4) may improve business models on a longer time scale. It details economic analysis and forecasting tools especially designed for sustainable private business and CSO/DSO investments, for maximum impact including considerations of environmental/energy, cost/benefit, and return on investment for scaling out the Demonstration District. Energy Performance Contracting (EPCs) will be developed for an optimized impact to investment ratio for both corporate and private tenants. Possible obstacles for EPCs within the National Tenancy Act (T5.4) will be considered.It will detail the financing/risk-sharing model for the equipment needed to obtain a DPEB and its refinement. The improved and disruptive business and investment models will be fed into the Bold City Vision and Guidelines (T5.2), as well as guidelines for replication onto larger markets (T8.3).
List of targeted media and partnershipsThis report identifies the the target audiences, media channels, media partnerships, including standard texts regarding the project, a record of activities related to dissemination, and marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned (connected to Task 10.1).
Risk Mitigation Registry 3This deliverable contains an annual review and update of the Risk Mitigation Registry including an analysis of lessons learned new risks identified risk avoidance measures and mitigation measures employed based upon ISO 310002018 guidelines connected to Task 115
Report on Investment Pipelines and Novel Business Models for FCsThis deliverable details Follower City investment pipelines and new business models for replication of +CityxChange demonstration projects including: demonstrable technologies capability, cost- effectiveness, social acceptance and engagement, crowd-funding options, and innovative financial schemes. Additionally, the local structure of the quadruple helix composition will be involved in the development of an adaptive, captive, and disruptive business model concept. This will enable the business model to be not only on canvas but bankable, having evaluated since the co-design phase the gap analysis, underpinning all the constraints and all the bottlenecks (regulatory, financial, technological and social). Finally, each FC will create a project pipeline in order to enably application for innovative financing instruments (connected to Task 6.5).
Limerick DPEB Implementation Guide 1This report details the first draft of the implementation of the Limerick Distributed Positive Energy Block, including the following elements: 1) installation in Block 1 of bespoke MPOWER smart meters and controllers starting in 5 mixed use buildings and up to 24 buildings as agreed with buildings owners through community engagement; 2) building owners in Block 1, 2 and 3 will be encouraged to invest in their buildings and using the stepped approach described in Section, this consumption across the block will be reduced by a targeted minimum of 50% across the block (if heat pumps are included), reducing the energy demand of the block to approx. 2.7GWh/year; 3) stimulation of building owners to install local RES (PV on the roofs of their buildings); 4) the implementation of a 180kWh tidal power plant, located within the district, on the river adjacent to the Limerick DPEB providing an estimated 0.6GWh/year; 5) installation of 150kWh community grid stabiliser leveraged by the community grid (Task 4.7) to create flexibility; and 7) integration of a community grid through T4.7, enabling the trading platform and flexibility market (connected to Task 4.6).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 9This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
Risk mitigation registry 5This deliverable contains the final review and update of the Risk Mitigation Registry including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines (connected to Task 11.5).
Technical feasibility study of the potential PEB replications in each FCThis deliverable is comprised of five individual feasibility studies (one for each FC) that will consider existing technical documentation for energy performance, existing infrastructure and necessity to upgrade it, primary energy end use of the different blocks under consideration, what is the potential for energy management/reduction in the different building types and how much resulting energy would have to be generated to represent a Energy Positive Block/District. Also, energy trading schemes within and outside the DPEB will be explored, linked to innovative regulation schemes and composition of novel business models. Additionally, each FC will not only define urban areas with high readiness to become DPEB/PED, but also choose the most appropriate blocks where successful +CityxChange solutions could be applied along with technical design specifications for smart city intervention, new business models to be applied, and stakeholders exchanges. Technical and other documentation necessary to apply for public and private funding as well as regulatory dispensation will be developed correspondingly (connected to Task 6.4).
Final reportThis deliverable describes the overall experiences and results of the project with input from all partners. The report will present the +CityxChange innovation activities and demonstration projects, monitored impact, replication plans and profiles, and practical recommendations for further exploitation of the project results (connected to Task 10.6).
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 7This deliverable is a semiannual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC01 projects events workshops and expert meetings from EIPSCC Action Clusters EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities Urban Europe Research Alliance and the Covenant Compact of Mayors
Community Grid Implementation GuideThis deliverable documents the implementation of the Community Grid in Limerick that includes the following elements: 1) use of recorded data from the MPOWER smart meters to determine the requirements to create enough flexibility to support the proposed generation including a new tidal energy source and ensuring grid stability for the DPEB; 2) citizen-led open innovation (T4.3), the citizen participation platform (T3.1) and the Innovation Playground (T4.5) used to extend the Community Grid from five buildings adding twenty additional buildings to join from across the 3 blocks by M36; 3) a sandboxed +CityxChange CSO deployed to avoid interference with the operations of the DSOs including applications for connections with the existing grid infrastructure and any other potential regulatory conditions that need to be altered; and 4) implementation of the MPOWER prosumer dashboard including the IOTA protocol to enable peer to peer trading between building owners and assets for local trading through T4.9 (connected to Task 4.7).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 3This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
+CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 1This report describes the results from storytelling workshops where existing and aspiring LHCs and FCs can exchange trial-and-error experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders, create justifiable impacts, manage complex projects across divergent interests, goals, and needs, build targeted networks locally and internationally, support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses, mobilize demonstration and research partners, develop IPR agreements, distribute responsibilities, create the right storyline, vision and profile for their city, and arrange successful partner workshops building on the replication profiles created in T8.1 (connected to Task 9.3).
Energy profile of Community Grid and EV usersThis deliverable details the DPEB trading system of energy/resources, products and services, within the DPEB and with its adjacent districts (virtually), while also putting a value on the flexibility of the Community Grid. The main outcome of this task will be to inform the national regulatory authority (CRU), the DSO (ESBN), and the TSO (Eirgrid) in Ireland with respect to the potential for Community Grids and a Local Flexibility Market (connected to Task 4.10)
Approach and Methodology for Monitoring and EvaluationThis report provides a detailed M&E standardised approach applicable to all eleven Demonstration Projects and the overall project impact, undertaken in close conjunction with the LHCs, FCs, and Solution Providers. This approach will incorporate the defined KPI Framework (Section (based on existing Smart Cities projects and programmes, and extended with KPIs specific to the +CityxChange project). Moreover, the standardised approach includes transformation of the incoming measurements to KPI measures into a M&E scoring output. In addition, the results from a workshop held during the first consortium meeting will be described. Finally, the report will specify periodic updates of the KPI Framework to ensure most relevant KPIs are being captured and the frequency of collection is appropriate (connected to Task 7.1).
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project resultsThis report includes an annual update of the CityxChange dissemination and exploitation plan The plan will include the visual identity see also Task 102 the target audiences and an analysis of channels how to reach them default texts about the project a record of activities related to dissemination marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned Additionally the report details the monthly online strategic communication meetings with local dissemination managers of the LHCs and FCs as well as the activities of the local dissemination managers identifying relevant local events which can be exploited for communication of CityxChange results and activities and updates of cities local websites and social media channels in English as well as local language connected to Task 101
Delivery of the citizen participation playbookThis deliverable provides the LHCs/FCs with a citizen participation playbook that includes activities such as open-door events, community meetings, co-design workshops and consultation processes and design processes as well as digital tools such as debating forums, voting and participatory budgeting platforms that enable citizens to co-create the solution with the local authority. In addition, this deliverable includes a +CityxChange participatory platform that will enable five different participatory processes to be undertaken by citizens including: 1) surveys and voting for consultation processes (e.g. voting on proposed what-if scenarios from the Decision Support Tool created in WP1), 2) citizen debates, 3) proposals from citizens, 4) participatory budgeting, and 5) complex citizen participation processes (connected to Task 3.2).
+Trondheim Flexibility Market Deployment ReportThis deliverable describes the implementation of the +Trondheim Flexibility Market that includes: 1) design and installation of the flexibility market operating system, 2) integration between the control system and trading platform (T2.5/T5.9), 3) integration of the DPEB physical installations of T5.6, 4) connection between flexibility providers, and 5) operation of the flexibility market. Additionally, the report details the installation of 7 additional smart building energy control systems (to extend the Brattøra DPEB with 3 buildings in T.5.6) and the inclusion of 10 flexibility providers with at least one being a positive building with flexible loads (Powerhouse) with permission secured from the building owners for market participation. Finally, based on experiences and lessons learnt at Brattøra, the Local Flexibility Market will then be deployed at Sluppen as a demo by M42, and is planned as replication at Campus Gløshaugen by M60 (connected to Task 5.10).
Energy Trading Market DemonstrationThis deliverable describes the deployment of a local energy market in Trondheim for trading between prosumers energy producers CSOsDSOsTSOs and mobilestationary sectors integrating IOTA Trades include energy heat storage flexibility next generation aggregator with lowest possible entrance fee in terms of kW flexibility to trade The report also details the deployed dashboard solution connected to the Powel marketplace the cloud data solution and management of available resources will be optimized using developed algorithms eg AlgoTrader based on predefined characteristics and restrictions for the actual resources Additionally the deliverable describes the phased deployment of the energy market where Phase 1 includes 8 buildings at Sluppen and 3 buildings at Brattra and Phase 2 where the market is extended to the remaining buildings in the demo areas of Sluppen and Brattra and integrates Campus Glshaugen for physical and virtual trade connected to Task 59
Data Management Plan 3This deliverable is an annual update describing how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected will be described (connected to Task 11.6).
Framework for Bold City Vision, Guidelines and Incentive SchemesThis report will outline the framework for the development of Bold City Visions and corresponding guidelines and incentive schemes to support the LHCs/FCs, detailing an inclusive process with citizens, community groups, local leaders, and industry partners. This report will also examine existing policies, what works, what hasn’t and will create new innovative urban policies that can be implemented by the urban authority. It will also define potential roadmaps for the LHCs/FCs with measurable milestones and defined interfaces for a comprehensive action plan. Finally, the report details methods to measure key performance indicators and impact, that will provide input to the KPI framework (connected to Task 3.1).
Framework for Intra-Project CollaborationThis report details an open innovation framework facilitating interaction to better align goals and priorities, promote cross-cultural communication, understanding and collaboration between the partners, and speed up the learning process and iteration of results. The framework will include study visits to the lighthouse cities as well as peer-to-peer workshops using participatory design methods, forecasting, mock-ups, storyboards, future workshops, brainstorming and experience prototyping, building on the innovation playground frameworks. Finally, the report will include an ex-ante/ex-post evaluation framework of cross-cutting issues within clean energy, open innovation, gender, socio-economic science and humanities (connected to Task 9.1)
Report on management of +CityxChange replication in VoruThis deliverable describes the integration of WP 4-5 results in Voru, aiming to support the early replication of selected +CityxChange solutions into the local aspiring DPEB area. This includes organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management; dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful replication of +CityxChange solutions in Voru; risk management; clarification and detailing of KPIs for the selected replications, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7; coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and Voru’s participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10.The report also describes an analysis of the historical area to determine how six buildings in the middle of the historical area could communicate with each other to support innovative energy transition integrating contributions from T6.4 on technical design documents for energy-efficient renovation of historical buildings including which kind of smart materials are appropriate for integration into the historical building fabric. Additionally, the report describes: 1) the replication of local trading schemes for energy produced within the PEB and possibilities for further investment opportunities for the area; 2) procurement routes; 3) investment options; 4) tendering documentation; and 5) stakeholders to be engaged to implement a PEB of historical buildings resulting in a complete replication plan for the PEB. Finally, the report details how the innovation playground activities with citizens and policy makers were exectued to promote the historical buildings as an effective instrument to trigger PEBs (connected to Task 6.10).
Trondheim Innovation Lab Solutions CatalogueThis deliverable based on the methodology developed in Task 35 describes the catalogue of Innovation Labs solutions in Trondheim derived from crowdsourcing projects linked to local initiatives through open calendars defined by the local communities building on existing formats such as local festivals city engagement weeks support for hackathons and youth energyrelated programmes The innovation playgrounds will use crowdfunding and matchfunding techniques T35 to reinforce prioritised activities and integrated in T56T511 and upscaled and replicated outside the demonstration district WP8 The municipality will use its role as bridge to connect initiatives and incentives T36 Important output from the activities will be fed back to T52 and T53 connected to Task 55
Trondheim project documentation repository including project status reports 1This report documents the organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management, dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful roll-out of the Trondheim demonstration projects, risk management, clarification and detailing of KPIs for the different demonstration projects, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7. Additionally, the report details activities of coordination of local replication and scaling up with WP8, coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and LCCCs participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10 (connected to Task 5.12).
"White Paper ""Regulations Unlocking Innovation Potential"""This deliverable consists of a white paper that describes the controlled dispensation from the relevant national/regional/local authorities for the project duration to trial innovative PEB/D solutions such as peer-to-peer trading, integrated energy system optimisation/balancing between electricity, thermal, and liquid fuels, and new markets for delivery of consumer-driven decentralised energy systems. The special regulatory district will provide a basis, guidelines and framework for innovative procurements within the cities, and include energy, planning, conservation, fire safety and building regulations (connected to Task 4.4).
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 3This report includes an annual update of the +CityxChange dissemination and exploitation plan. The plan will include the visual identity (see also Task 10.2), the target audiences and an analysis of channels how to reach them, default texts about the project, a record of activities related to dissemination, marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. Additionally, the report details the monthly online strategic communication meetings with local dissemination managers of the LHCs and FCs as well as the activities of the local dissemination managers identifying relevant local events which can be exploited for communication of +CityxChange results and activities and updates of cities’ local websites and social media channels in English as well as local language (connected to Task 10.1).
Risk Mitigation Registry 2This deliverable contains an annual review and update of the Risk Mitigation Registry including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines (connected to Task 11.5).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 8This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1)
Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 2This deliverable includes an annual update of technical monitoring and evaluation data collection and management recommendations to LHCs/FCs regarding Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, eMaaS, storage solutions,Energy Trading and Flexibility Markets; regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives; and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. In addition, the report will also follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, The reports will act as health checks for the +CityxChange project partners and will be submitted to the SCIS website (T9.2) for further dissemination, as well as translated into policy briefs (T10.4).
Framework for Community Grid ImplementationThis report details the protocols for community grids and the creation of the Community System Operator (CSO) and the required associated licence, regulatory parameters and potential legal structures of a CSO. The available choices will be implemented in the DST developed in WP1, so that communities can make an informed decision of the form most suitable for them. Additionally, the report will outline ‘smart’ contracts for local energy and flexibility marketplaces, the supervision of delivery on the contracts, and ex-post settlement, integration of the IOTA platform, automated trading strategies for the market places to be used by prosumers, open APIs to support an open market for trading strategies on different platforms. Finally, this report will also describe how a Distribution System Operator (DSO) implements an oversight role and how a mutual beneficial relationship between the DSO and one or more local CSOs could be developed, technically and commercially (connected to Task 2.3).
Report on commercialisation plans for different solutions and marketsThis deliverable describes specific business plans for the products, tools and services developed within +CityxChange including the appropriate strategies, organizational structure, infrastructures, and policies for each result. The appropriate business plans will leverage the existing channels of cooperation with local actors (planners, ESCO, owners/developers, facility managers) that partners already have established and adapt the existing business models to the new products and services being offered. Additionally, the report will assess specific market requirements to define strategies for adapting and replicating commercialisation plans to different markets/countries. This could also leverage re-seller agreements or local commercial agents defined among the consortium partners or with external actors or partnership with key local actors. The report will also define indicators, specific target customers/channels and goals (e.g., target prices, volume sales, foreseen turnover) for each technology and for different time spans. Therefore, specific figures regarding financial indicators including cash flow, gross margin and earnings will be defined divided for different countries/geographical areas and applications. Finally, all the steps and actions needed to implement them including promotion, dissemination activities and discussion with strategic organizations and players are detailed (connected to Task 8.6).
Publications in local media and professional mediaThis report includes a summary of all publications in local and professional media that will have been collected continuously through the project.(connected to Task 10.3)
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 6This deliverable is a semiannual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC01 projects events workshops and expert meetings from EIPSCC Action Clusters EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities Urban Europe Research Alliance and the Covenant Compact of Mayors
Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 3This deliverable includes an annual update of technical monitoring and evaluation data collection and management recommendations to LHCs/FCs regarding Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, eMaaS, storage solutions,Energy Trading and Flexibility Markets; regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives; and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. In addition, the report will also follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, The reports will act as health checks for the +CityxChange project partners and will be submitted to the SCIS website (T9.2) for further dissemination, as well as translated into policy briefs (T10.4).
Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 4This deliverable includes an annual update of technical monitoring and evaluation data collection and management recommendations to LHCs/FCs regarding Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, eMaaS, storage solutions, Energy Trading and Flexibility Markets; regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives; and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. In addition, the report will also follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, The reports will act as health checks for the +CityxChange project partners and will be submitted to the SCIS website (T9.2) for further dissemination, as well as translated into policy briefs (T10.4).
+CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 2This report is an annual update describing the results from storytelling workshops where existing and aspiring LHCs and FCs can exchange trial-and-error experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders, create justifiable impacts, manage complex projects across divergent interests, goals, and needs, build targeted networks locally and internationally, support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses, mobilize demonstration and research partners, develop IPR agreements, distribute responsibilities, create the right storyline, vision and profile for their city, and arrange successful partner workshops building on the replication profiles created in T8.1 (connected to Task 9.3).
Framework for a Positive Energy Champion networkThis deliverable details a framework for citizens in the LHCs/FCs to become part of a team of Positive Energy Champions, whom will foster a positive energy community by incorporating positive energy concepts into their daily routines and helping their fellow citizens to do so as well. This includes positive energy actions and lifestyle redesign for each Champion, connection of Champions within and across the participating cities, and regular interviews and monitoring (with WP7). The framework will be published via the wiki (T8.1) along with success stories and learnings from other Positive Energy Champions (connected to Task 3.4).
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 1This report details intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, and evaluation of study visits, peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
Report on market and Stakeholder analysisThis deliverable includes 1 an indepth market analysis across the different sectors associated with the CityxChange project eg Positive Energy Blocks emobility integrated modelling microgrid solutions communication and trading platforms including present and expected market trends 2 analysis of size and share of the markets for different segments and products 3 mapping of specific technological drivers eg added values regarding performances due to synergies among technologies uses and applications and barriersrisks a needs assessment for the different stakeholders involved and applications of interest will be identified including the outlining of possible exploitable synergies among technologies and servicesAdditionally the report analyses the potential for different applications possible breakdown could include geographicclimatic potential composition of PEB features of the grid nature of transport ecosystems etc The task will also elucidate the role needs and challenges of different stakeholders such as i City planners ii Building ownermanagers iii Energy managers iv Investors eg ESCo v Designers vi Policymakers vii Citizens and Communities viii Grid operators The specific challenges that could limit the diffusion of CityxChange results will be determined especially regarding privacy flexibility of integration system performance ROI maintenance regulations business modelling connected to Task 83
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 8This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors.
5 Conference papers and 5 scientific articlesThis deliverable documents the presentation of +CityxChange project results, evaluation, or experiences at a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed conferences and in 5 scientific journals, to support the validity of the innovation activities and demonstration projects and to promote development and exploitation of +CityxChange open innovation and cross-cutting issues (T9.1) in research (connected to Task 10.5).
Risk Mitigation Registry 4This deliverable contains an annual review and update of the Risk Mitigation Registry including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines (connected to Task 11.5).
Limerick Energy Investment Models White PaperThis deliverable includes a description of different investment models in Limerick for both public (i.e. the local authority), private (i.e. the local building owner), the crowd-funding platform (T3.5) and the participatory budgeting approach (T3.1). The success criteria include: 1) how many stakeholders have invested in their buildings and their upgrade; 2) how much potential investment has been secured by the public authority; and 3) how much private external investment for the DPEB through crowd-funding has been received (connected to Task 4.11).
+CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 4This report is an annual update describing the results from storytelling workshops where existing and aspiring LHCs and FCs can exchange trial-and-error experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders, create justifiable impacts, manage complex projects across divergent interests, goals, and needs, build targeted networks locally and internationally, support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses, mobilize demonstration and research partners, develop IPR agreements, distribute responsibilities, create the right storyline, vision and profile for their city, and arrange successful partner workshops building on the replication profiles created in T8.1 (connected to Task 9.3).
Data Management Plan 4This deliverable is an annual update describing how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles In addition description of the processing of personal data including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects informed consent for data processing and relevance of data collected will be described connected to Task 116
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 5This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1).
Data Collation, Management and Analysis Methodology FrameworkThe report will include data collection and management guidelines, and develop and pull from other tasks technical recommendations related to Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, electro-Mobility-as-a-Service, storage solutions, energy trading and flexibility markets, regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives,; and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. The report will also include follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, and protection. The experiences of the project partners will also be captured in the replication profiles in T8.1, and used to disseminate project experiences to EU and national stakeholders (connected to Task 7.4) and be linked to the SCIS reporting of T7.4.
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 1This deliverable describes the establishment of a communication protocol that includes: 1) development, implementation and regular update of a plan of activities for the dissemination, marketing, and exploitation of +Cityxchange results; 2)target audiences; and 3) an analysis of media channels coordinated with WP11 (connected to Task 10.1).
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 1This deliverable will describe the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors. (connected to Tasks 9.1 and 9.2).
Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 5This deliverable includes the final update of technical monitoring and evaluation data collection and management recommendations to LHCs/FCs regarding Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, eMaaS, storage solutions,Energy Trading and Flexibility Markets; regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives; and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. In addition, the report will also follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, The reports will act as health checks for the +CityxChange project partners and will be submitted to the SCIS website (T9.2) for further dissemination, as well as translated into policy briefs (T10.4).
Report on management of +CityxChange replication in SestaoThis deliverable describes the integration of WP 4-5 results in Sestao, aiming to support the early replication of selected +CityxChange solutions into the local aspiring DPEB area. This includes organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management; dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful replication of +CityxChange solutions in Sestao; risk management; clarification and detailing of KPIs for the selected replications, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7; coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and Sestao’s participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10.In addition, the report details the feasibility of implementing refurbishment of several buildings in DA1 according to the Passive House concept and look at the production and storage of energy in order to cover its own demands and supply energy to a block of municipal apartments. The city will establish a regulatory zone in this DA where energy stakeholders will interact in an innovative way and engage in participatory approaches in the Innovation Playground. The study of the DA will be conducted with the close cooperation of the citizens. Based on the stakeholder exchanges, the report describes the technical design projects, procurement procedures, technologies and technical solutions needed to achieve Passive House standards, convince investors, and identify solution providers (connected to Task 6.8).
Risk Mitigation Registry 1This deliverable contains an annual review and update of the Risk Mitigation Registry including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines (connected to Task 11.5).
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 4This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors.
Limerick 2050 Vision, Integrated Action Plan and Digital GuideThis deliverable describes Limerick’s Bold City Vision including: 1) identification of existing city, regional and national strategies, vision statements and current goals under different thematic headings and align them to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 where possible; 2) a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities, Threats) analysis and review formal existing community engagement and public consultations structures and processes (e.g. Public Participation Network); 3) secure support from all political and operational levels, Councillors, Council Management, and Strategic Policy Committees for this innovative work; 4) a consultation programme to inform the relevant communities of the need to define a Bold City Vision 2050 and to communicate the initial Limerick city baseline and KPIs; 5) a supporting communication and dissemination strategy using print materials, radio campaigns, local newspapers, etc.; 6) TK and FC representatives will be invited to join these consultation sessions and share experiences, learning and results (T9.1).Additionally, a roadmap to achieve the +Limerick 2050 Bold City Vision will be co-created with the citizens as well as with local politicians, key industry partners and the urban authority. This roadmap will include the timeline and key milestones to be reached, and document these findings into an Integrated Action Plan that will be formally submitted for inclusion in the statutory Limerick City Development Plan. The city vision and roadmap will be communicated through all channels (social media, web, press, radio, etc.). Finally, a set of guidelines for future updating of the Bold City Vision and integrating current and future strategies will be created in a Digital Guide, including a catalogue of successful urban processes and solutions (with T3.6) (connected to Task 4.2).
Data Management Plan 6This deliverable is the final update describing how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected will be described (connected to Task 11.6).
The +CxC Monitoring and Evaluation database will collect all relevant data points related to the reporting requirements of the Smart Cities Information System (as specified in the KPI table). Where self-reporting features or automation are not implemented, data will be collected via data collection sheets, online surveys, or other appropriate measures. (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Reporting to the SCIS system 8This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Reporting to the SCIS system 7This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation database (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Limerick Innovation Lab Solutions Catalogue 2This deliverable consists of a catalogue of Innovation Lab solutions in Limerick derived from DIT (do-it-together) workshops trialling RES solutions (energy monitoring, environmental sensors, distributed energy production and more), involving municipal authorities, energy providers, businesses, citizens, and communities to test and prototype innovative ideas to allow a movement towards Distributed Positive Energy Blocks (connected to Task 4.5).
2 Master classesThis deliverable describes the results from two Master classes (one each at NTNU and UL) including in-kind contribution from NTNU with an annual “Experts in Team” course of 7.5 ECTS dedicated to the +CityxChange project, for around 30 students per year (connected to Task 10.5).
Consortium Identity and TemplatesThis deliverable contains a finished visual consortium identity and guidelines for communication including default file templates and texts for use by all project partners (connected to Task 10.2).
Project leaflet in local languagesDissemination material about the overall project will be translated and made available in all local languages of LHCs/FCs (connected to Task 10.1)
Project website and social mediaWebsite and social media channels set up and operational. External communication strategy and guidance complete, including standard communication templates and logos. Content available with regular updates (connected to Task 10.2).
9 Climathons and HackathonsThis deliverable details the results of at least 9 Climathons and Hackathons (2 per LHC, 1 per FC) held during the project period, to engage with local start- ups, citizens and other stakeholders. Climathons are part of the global Climate-KIC network and answer specific climatic challenges a city is facing. Participants share and develop their ideas during a 24-hour challenge. A jury of local and project stakeholders will select the most promising ideas. These Climathons and Hackathons will be linked to the Innovation Playground framework developed in T3.5 and implemented in the LHCs (T4.5/5.5) and FCs (T6.6-6.10) (connected to Task 10.4).
Reporting to the SCIS system 3This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Limerick Innovation Lab Solutions Catalogue 1This deliverable provides a catalogue of innovations stemming from workshops in which citizens build their own DIT (Do-It-Together) RES solutions (energy monitoring, environmental sensors, distributed energy production and more) designed, piloted and delivered as an extension of engagement events for providing information, consultation, and debate on PEB and RES. The catalogue will also include descriptions of available tools such as information and data sets, collaborative space, and connections to the +CityxChange solution providers, technology leaders and demonstration projects (connected to Task 4.5).
Reporting to the SCIS system 6This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Limerick Citizen ObservatoryThis deliverable describes the implementation of community-led open innovation (T3.5) to create an ecosystem with a focus on influencing positive energy behaviour to support Limerick becoming a positive energy city and deliver a Citizen Observatory. The report details results from two City Engage weeks each year including: 1) open-door activities/events related to +CityxChange demonstrations, vision, design processes, and technologies; 2) community mapping/auditing events to identify obstacles to the creation of DPEBs as well as an inter-generational problem solving workshop (with Task 3.3); 3) and both virtual and physical participation in festivals, match-making activities, social media, and awareness. Additionally, the deliverable describes the Positive Energy Champions Network building from the the citizen participation platform (T3.2) that trained a minimum of 20 PECs and the toolbox for the creation of a DPEB (T2.1), to connect key resources with the citizens, enabling and encouraging them to invest in their buildings. The task will also facilitate education activities for the next generation of smart citizen (T3.2) as well as trialling new urban authority policies and incentive schemes to understand how they can accelerate the adoption of DPEBs (T3.1). Finally, the report details the implementation of a Citizen Observatory with up to three public digital signage devices installed in Limerick using real-time city data from T4.1 and T4.6. Each of the initiatives will be documented and communicated via the citizen engagement platform (T3.2) using the KPI framework developed in WP7 (connected to Task 4.3).
Reporting to the SCIS system 2This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Reporting to the SCIS system 10This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4)
Reporting to the SCIS system 4This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
10 press releasesThis deliverable contains at minimum 10 press releases of the project.(connected to Task 10.3)
Final eventThis deliverable describes the results of a final conference held in cooperation with WP9, preferably interlinked with another EU initiative. The conference and corresponding report will present the +CityxChange innovation activities and demonstration projects, monitored impact, replication plans and profiles, and practical recommendations for further exploitation of the project results (connected to Task 10.6).
Reporting to the SCIS system 9This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Reporting to the SCIS system 5This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation database (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4).
Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 1The report will include data collection and management guidelines, and develop and pull from other tasks technical recommendations related to Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, electro-Mobility-as-a-Service, storage solutions, energy trading and flexibility markets, regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives,and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. The report will also include follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, and protection. The experiences of the project partners will also be captured in the replication profiles in T8.1, and used to disseminate project experiences to EU and national stakeholders (connected to Task 7.4) and be linked to the SCIS reporting of T7.4
This demo will supply a software-based Integrated Modelling and Decision Support Tool (DST), developed in WP1, to Limerick and deliver the Limerick DST together with the training and user guides. Buildings, energy production and consumption, mobility/transport patterns (including forecasted EV demand), current EV charging stations, current vacancies, current building rates, value of homes, economic activity (number of businesses, employment rate, jobs announcements, etc.) will be forecast to 2050, analysing their impact with respect to the LCCC Bold City Vision and taking future weather scenarios into account. The model will further be leveraged for the monitoring and evaluation of the demonstrations in Limerick, to compare the results from the demonstrations with the baseline and visualise this on a simple, intuitive dashboard using the KPI framework developed in WP7. Finally, the DST will be used to raise awareness, discuss potential solutions and gain feedback for further development from the National Advisory Teams and a broader set of stakeholders (connected to Task 4.1).
Campus Microgrid Model PrototypeThis deliverable details the microgrid optimization model deployed at NTNU Gløshaugen campus that includes: 1) integration of live data sources (meteorological forecasts, calendar data, regional energy market data, building level data); 2) forecasted supply mix in the local bidding area; 3) price forecasts connected to local energy markets (Task 5.9 and 5.10), 4) integration with input to control systems; 5) model set-up for demonstrating PEB technologies concepts in terms of economic, energy and environmental performance; 6) optimization of the operational system; 7) evaluation and optimization of storage solutions, different integration projects, and building refurbishments; and 8) analysis, reporting, and dissemination to the LHCs/FCs. The optimization model will be demonstrated for use in long-term planning and project evaluation (connected to Task 5.7).
+Trondheim DST including training manuals/videosThis demo will supply a software-based Integrated Modelling and Decision Support Tool (DST), developed in WP1, to Trondheim and deliver the Trondheim DST together with the training and user guides. Buildings, energy production and consumption, mobility/transport patterns (including forecasted EV demand), current EV charging stations, current vacancies, current building rates, value of homes, economic activity (number of businesses, employment rate, jobs announcements, etc.) will be forecast to 2050, analysing their impact with respect to the LCCC Bold City Vision and taking future weather scenarios into account. The model will further be leveraged for the monitoring and evaluation of the demonstrations in Trondheim, to compare the results from the demonstrations with the baseline and visualise this on a simple, intuitive dashboard using the KPI framework developed in WP7. Finally, the DST will be used to raise awareness, discuss potential solutions and gain feedback for further development from the National Advisory Teams and a broader set of stakeholders (connected to Task 5.1).
+Trondheim 2050 Bold City Vision and GuidelinesThis deliverable demonstrates how to refine and develop the bold city vision into a fully integrated planning process, implementation, and replication. Citizens, community groups, NGOs, local leaders, and industry partners will be involved in the demonstration through the citizen observatories (T5.3) and the Playgrounds (T5.5). Evidence-based data and insights will be used to make informed decisions on urban, technical, financial, and social aspects guided by the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The report will then demonstrate and document what TK as urban authority needs to do in order to enable the creation of a positive energy city by 2050, and a framework on how TK can develop this capability to last through generations, together with local stakeholders. The report further describes how to create well integrated innovative strategies with realistic implementation roadmaps that support each other, utilise open innovation, avoid duplication of effort and costs, and contributes to increased resource efficiency in the implementation phase. Finally, the report demonstrate how TK together with local stakeholders can co-create resourcing and funding mechanisms for the implementation, replication, and scaling out of solutions to social, economic, physical, and environmental issues. The bold city vision will correspondingly be supported by an adequate investment and resourcing plan (T5.11) (connected to Task 5.2).
+Trondheim eMaaS DemonstrationThis deliverable details the implementation of the electro-Mobility-as-a-Service demonstration project in Trondheim including the following elements: 1) two eMaaS hubs at Sluppen (Sluppenveien 17B) and at Brattøra (the basement of Powerhouse) with initially 10 EVs and 10 E-Bikes each; 2) V2B and V2G enabled via installation of Smart Chargers using (Open Charge Point Protocol - OCPP v.2.0 or higher) at Sluppen and integrated with the DEPB and the Energy Trading Platform (T2.2, T2.5) followed by V2B/V2G installation at Brattøra; 3) the Seamless eMobility platform (connected to Task 5.8).
Monitoring and Evaluation DashboardThe M&E Dashboard is an interactive web-based system employing various methods of modelling, pattern algorithms, and analysis to build intelligence and a representation of events. The data output from the platform will be stored and managed in an M&E repository with spatial capabilities. This database will be arranged in a variety of different spatial formats for interoperability in the design of the database. Core functionality of the Dashboard includes: 1) the ability to publish web-based or mobile reporting with intuitive interactive displays that indicate the state of a performance metric compared with a goal or target value; 2) dissemination of up-to-date data from operational applications, or in conjunction with a complex-event processing engine; 3) provision of an ‘early warning’ scoring system that will assess and measure on-going impact. Finally, the system can operate as a standalone facility or through the ICT ecosystem integrated/overlayed with other interfaces or public screens (connected to Task 7.2).
Trondheim DPEB DemonstrationThis deliverable documents the implementation of the +Trondheim Distributed Positive Energy Block including the following elements in DA1 Sluppen: 1) installation of system level microgrid kit, 6 intelligent building controllers, 500 kWh BESS, one next generation heat pump at Sluppenveien 17A (waste heat recovery from a planned data centre, 0.2 GWh/yr), and installation of 0.5 GWh of PV at the most favourable roofs (approximately 5,800 m2 PV panels); 2) ten EV chargers connected to the grid at Sluppen enabling V2B/V2G energy trading, and providing a 0.01 GWh/yr energy input; 3) 36 kW of Computational EL Heating (CELH, 60 units at 0.6 kW each) installed at Ola Frost vei 1; and 4) deployment of the Energy Trading Market (T5.9) and Local Flexibility Market (T5.10) at Sluppen, to enable an annual positive energy balance by M42. Additionally, the following elements in DA3-Brattøra will be documented including : 1) a system level Microgrid kit with three intelligent building controllers, 2) a 500 kWh BESS, 3) ten EV chargers in V2B/V2G mode (providing a 0.06 GWh/yr energy input) will be connected and integrated. Two of the buildings (Brattørkaia 16 and 17) will have approximately 0.64 GWh/yr PV production as a basis, which integrated with the BESS and the system level integration will ensure at least an additional 0.65 GWh/yr consumption reduction, resulting in a DPEB with an annual positive energy balance of 0.14 GWh. Deployment of the Energy Trading Market (T5.9) and the Local Flexibility Market (T5.10) will follow equipment installations and integration (connected to Task 5.6).
+Trondheim Citizen ObservatoryThis deliverable describes the implementation of Citizen Observatories located at and linked to the Distributed Positive Energy Blocks (DPEBs) in four sites in Trondheim: Sluppen, Brattøra, the central square of Trondheim city (Trondheim Torg), and Adressaparken. The Sluppen Observatory interacts with existing Innovation Labs FAKTRY, AI Lab and IoT Protolab. The Brattøra Observatory will use the new square in front of the new Business School and Powerhouse positive energy building while the Trondheim Torg Observatory is located in the physical centre of the city. Finally, the existing Adressaparken Observatory will be further extended to try new digital forms of narrative to support DPEBs in Trondheim. The Citizen Observatory demos include a digital platform (“Playable Trondheim”) for increased citizen understanding, ownership and active participation including interactive mapping that enables a 2-way dialogue regarding the aims, goals, motivations and ambitions of the communities with the urban authorities (connected to Task 5.3).
This deliverable describes how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, recruitment and informed consent procedures and templated will be included in the deliverable as per Sec 5.1. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected (connected to Task 11.6).
Marcel Kremer, Ruediger Kiesel, Florentina Paraschiv
Veröffentlicht in:
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020, ISSN 1556-5068
The Royal Society
Sobah Abbas Petersen, Idar Petersen, Peter Ahcin
Veröffentlicht in:
Energies, Ausgabe 13/22, 2020, Seite(n) 5932, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Bokolo Anthony Jr., Sobah Abbas Petersen, and Markus Helfert
Veröffentlicht in:
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2020, ISSN 1868-4238
Springer Verlag
Daniela Baer, Bradley Loewen, Caroline Cheng, Judith Thomsen, Annemie Wyckmans, Alenka Temeljotov-Salaj, Dirk Ahlers
Veröffentlicht in:
Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Bokolo Anthony Jnr, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Dirk Ahlers, John Krogstie
Veröffentlicht in:
International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Ausgabe 14/5, 2020, Seite(n) 1023-1047, ISSN 1750-6220
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Alan Mee; Madeleine Lyes; Philip Crowe
Veröffentlicht in:
Energies, Ausgabe 27, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Bokolo Anthony Jnr; Sobah Abbas Petersen; Markus Helfert; Hong Guo
Veröffentlicht in:
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, Ausgabe 33, 2021, ISSN 2398-5038
Emerald Publishing Limited
Vohnout, Rudolf and Bukovsky, Ivo and Chou, Shuo-Yan and Geyer, Jakub and Budik, Ondrej and Sharma, Rohit and Prokysek, Milos and Horvath, Tomas and Wyckmans, Annemie
Veröffentlicht in:
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Ausgabe Volume: 10, Ausgabe: 21, 01 November 2023, 2023, ISSN 2327-4662
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Backe, Stian; Kara, Güray; Crespo del Granado, Pedro; Tomasgard, Asgeir
Veröffentlicht in:
IAEE International Conference, Ausgabe 2, 2019, ISSN 1559-792X
Dirk Ahlers, Patrick Driscoll, Håvard Wibe, Annemie Wyckmans
Veröffentlicht in:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Ausgabe 352, 2019, Seite(n) 012060, ISSN 1755-1315
IOP Publishing
Bokolo Anthony Jnr, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Dirk Ahlers, John Krogstie
Veröffentlicht in:
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2019, Seite(n) 1-27, ISSN 1478-6451
Taylor & Francis
Bokolo Anthony, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Dirk Ahlers, John Krogstie, Klaus Livik
Veröffentlicht in:
Energy Informatics, Ausgabe 2/1, 2019, ISSN 2520-8942
Springer open
Bokolo Anthony Jnr, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Markus Helfert, Dirk Ahlers, John Krogstie
Veröffentlicht in:
Information Technology & People, Ausgabe ahead-of-print/ahead-of-print, 2021, ISSN 0959-3845
Northwind Publications, Ltd.
Guro Sæther, Pedro Crespo del Granado, Salman Zaferanlouei
Veröffentlicht in:
Energy and Buildings, Ausgabe 236, 2021, Seite(n) 110737, ISSN 0378-7788
Elsevier BV
Bokolo Anthony Jnr. and Sobah Abbas Petersen
Veröffentlicht in:
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2020, ISSN 1865-1348
Springer Verlag
Han Vandevyvere; Dirk Ahlers; Annemie Wyckmans
Veröffentlicht in:
Energies, Ausgabe 15(12), 2023, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Marcel Kremer, Rüdiger Kiesel, Florentina Paraschiv
Veröffentlicht in:
Energies, Ausgabe 13/17, 2020, Seite(n) 4501, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Bokolo Anthony Jnr
Veröffentlicht in:
International Journal of Green Energy, 2020, ISSN 1543-5075
Marcel Dekker Inc.
Bokolo Anthony Jnr
Veröffentlicht in:
Urban Research & Practice, 2021, Seite(n) 1-32, ISSN 1753-5069
Taylor and Francis Inc.
van Wees, M.; Revilla, B.P.; Fitzgerald, H.; Ahlers, D.; Romero, N.; Alpagut, B.; Kort, J.; Tjahja, C.; Kaiser, G.; Blessing, V.; Patricio, L.; Smit, S.
Veröffentlicht in:
Buildings, 2022, ISSN 2075-5309
Ahlers, Dirk; Riedesel, Kelly; Dommerholt, Taliah; Amin, Samir; Wyckmans, Annemie; Junqueira de Andrade, Elisa; Berthelsen, Bjørn Ove; Livik, Klaus; Reeves, Kieran; Prokýšek, Miloš; Drambarean, Tudor; Meeliste, Siim; Petkova, Eftima; Spasova, Borislava; Bäcker, Andy; Fitzgerald, Helena; Smit, Sander; Skoglund, Tor Rune; Brennan, Gary; Næss Guldbrandsøy, Erik; Hammervold Rørvik, Ella-Lovise
Veröffentlicht in:
Ausgabe 1, 2023
Alenka Temeljotov-Salaj, Bradley Loewen
Veröffentlicht in:
Keeping Up with Technologies to Act Responsively in Urban Environment, Ausgabe 7, 2020, Seite(n) 13-22, ISBN 978-86-7924-240-2
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
Gall, Tjark; Carbonari, Giulia; Ahlers, Dirk; Wyckmans, Annemie
Veröffentlicht in:
Malgorzata Hanzl, Jim Reilly, Mahak Agrawal, Ricardo Moura. Review of World Planning Practice. Volume 16: Post-Oil Urbanism, International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), 2020, 978-90-75524-65-9, Ausgabe 3, 2020, Seite(n) 112-127, ISBN 978-90-75524-65-9
Dirk Ahlers, Leendert W. M. Wienhofen, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Mohsen Anvaari
Veröffentlicht in:
Innovations for Community Services - 19th International Conference, I4CS 2019, Wolfsburg, Germany, June 24-26, 2019, Proceedings, Ausgabe 1041, 2019, Seite(n) 109-122, ISBN 978-3-030-22481-3
Springer International Publishing
Sobah Abbas Petersen, Zohreh Pourzolfaghar, Iyas Alloush, Dirk Ahlers, John Krogstie, Markus Helfert
Veröffentlicht in:
Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation - 20th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2019, Turin, Italy, September 23–25, 2019, Proceedings, Ausgabe 568, 2019, Seite(n) 393-402, ISBN 978-3-030-28463-3
Springer International Publishing
Dirk Ahlers
Veröffentlicht in:
22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2020, Seite(n) 1-3, ISBN 9781450380522
Sindi Haxhija, Tjark Gall
Veröffentlicht in:
Proceedings of the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, 2020
Dirk Ahlers, Bjørn Ove Berthelsen Berthelsen, Tor Rune Skoglund, Kelly Riedesel
Veröffentlicht in:
WWW '24 Companion, 2024, ISBN 979-8-4007-0172-6
Alvsvåg, R. Bokolo, A. J., Petersen, S. A.
Veröffentlicht in:
I4CS - Innovations for Community Services, 2022
van Wees, M.; Revilla, B.P.; Fitzgerald, H.; Ahlers, D.; Romero, N.; Alpagut, B.; Kort, J.; Tjahja, C.; Kaiser, G.; Blessing, V.; Patricio, L.; Smit, S.
Veröffentlicht in:
Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 2021, ISSN 2673-4931
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Helena Fitzgerald, Gerard Walsh, Gabriela Avram, Stephen Kinsella, Javier Buron Garcia
Veröffentlicht in:
The State of Responsible IoT Report 2019, 2019, Seite(n) 18-23
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