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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Based on the previous deliverable D 71 D 72 D 73 we will develop of a formal longterm mission and vision for the sustainability of the PaNOSC infrastructure and software developed which will take into account the requirements of the different stakeholder and propose a sustainability strategy
Report on lessons learned for adopting the e-learning platform at the PaNOSC facilities, task 8.4The purpose of this report is to discuss and describe what did and did not work in order to improve the uptake of the elearning platform in the future
Guidelines on implementing Data PolicyReport describing best practices and guidelines on how to implement the PaNOSC data policy framework based on the experience from the PaNOSC partners The guidelines will take into account the different communities and environments of the PaNOSC partners
Report on EOSC integrationThe deliverable will report on PaNOSC organizational technical and strategic activities contributed to establish a PaNOSC data application and services Commons In particular the deliverable will report on EOSC service management processes and the related performance including incident management data archiving and distributed computing in EOSC and experience in cloud procurement and adoption
Data-hubThis report should describe the technical integration of partners‘ data catalogues with the EGI DataHub solution for providing federated access to data. This will include technical documentation, constraints, if any, and evaluation.
AAIThe report will present the results of the feasibility study Task 64 concerning the PaN AAI integration with EOSC and the result of the collaboration with GANT concerning the implementation A demonstration of PaNOSC services with EOSC AAI will be presented
Photon and Neutron EOSC Stakeholder FeedbackThis report will include a list of stakeholders. Creation of links with the main players of the EOSC-hub, to the RDA and PaNdata community, ERF Data working group, and relevant industries in order to be able to collect input and feedback from them. The stakeholders will be involved in surveys during project execution in order to collect their important feedback.
Project initiation documentationThis set of documentation will include an executive summary for the project, its governance (including rules to appoint Executive Committee members), scope, organisation, risk management strategy, communication strategy, list of stakeholders, the list of executive committee members, executive committee appointment rules and initial set of risks and issues identified.
NeXus Metadata SchemaNeXus provides a community agreed standard for encoding data and metadata in file PANOSC will work with the community In trying to find rich metadata definitions for all the experimental techniques partner institutions provide access to That allows the definitions to be utilised in metadata searches This deliverable reports on suggested additions extensions or simplifications to NeXus and the acceptance status or feedback from the community
Prototype simulation data formatsDocumentation of domain specific extensions for openPMD for simulated radiation sources and target/sample trajectories developed in T5.1. Simulated detector signals will be stored in the NeXuS format.
Mid-year summary 1This will consist of a summary of the regular video conferences that will take place as part of Task 1.2 Project management and coordination and it will include news from the partners about their progress and a snapshot of the current health of the project.
Report of annual workshop 1Report will focus on the activities of the annual workshop, status of the project, summary of progress achieved during the year, residual risks, main changes to the project and a report from the Executive Committee.
Photon and Neutron EOSC Business model reference documentDevelopment of advanced business and funding models in connection with Industrial Liaison Offices of each facility the user communities and all the relevant industrial and research community EOSC stakeholders
API definitionThe deliverable consists of the interface definition of a web API that can be used to federate data from all the PaNOSC catalogues. This is the first tier of the PANOSC metadata search API that supports queries based on generic metadata terms included in, for example, OpenAIRE or DOIs. Consideration should be given to how this can be implemented at partner sites in their local metadata catalogues. An extension for rich domain specific metadata should be planned, but does not have to be fully defined at this point.
DMP TemplateDevelop a Data Management Plan template for scientists applying for beam time at the ESFRI PaNs which is compatible with the implementation of the PaNOSC data policy at each site
Integration of RIs in EOSCPlan enable and support integration and provision of services from WP3 4 5 and 8 into the EOSC portfolio with lead partner EGI
Report on lessons learned and future prospects for adopting best practises data stewardship at the PaNOSC facilitiesMany technical and cultural barriers must be passed before best practise data stewardship is adopted at all involved facilities and it is important to learn from the past and the experiences gained during this work package Therefore this report will discuss lessonslearned from the activities related to this topic in WP8 and what should or can be done in order to promote the adaptation of best practise data stewardship
Report of annual workshop 2Reports will focus on the activities of the annual workshop status of the project summary of progress achieved during the year residual risks main changes to the project and a report from the Executive Committee
Software tested and released including interactive simulation and analysis workflowUpdated release of tested and documented open source VINYL software package including integration into interactive data analysis workflow with feedback loop Tests utilize validation datasets documented in Milestone MS54
Closing report including report from summer school, task 8.8Write a report summarising the lessonslearned of the whole work package and with suggestions for future development and actions required for ensuring sustainability The report should particularly summarize the lessonslearned from the final summer school task 88 because that in itself wrasp up and exploits all activities in this work package
Mid-year summary 2This will consist of a summary of the regular video conferences that will take place as part of Task 1.2 Project management and coordination and it will include news from the partners about their progress and a snapshot of the current health of the project.
Mid-year summary 3This will consist of a summary of the regular video conferences that will take place as part of Task 12 Project management and coordination and it will include news from the partners about their progress and a snapshot of the current health of the project
Mid-year summary 4This will consist of a summary of the regular video conferences that will take place as part of Task 12 Project management and coordination and it will include news from the partners about their progress and a snapshot of the current health of the project
Integration of the policyThe document will include documentation on progress in adopting or adapting existing data management policies to the PaNOSC data policy framework This deliverable will be written in collaboration with ELI
Report of annual workshop 3Report will focus on the activities of the annual workshop status of the project summary of progress achieved during the year residual risks main changes to the project and a report from the Executive Committee
Photon and Neutron EOSC metrics and costs modelAnalysis and development of metrics for the evaluation of costs and metrics which demonstrate the added value of the services provided to the community
Report of annual workshop 4Report will focus on the activities of the annual workshop status of the project summary of progress achieved during the year residual risks main changes to the project and a report from the Executive Committee
PaNOSC data policyPaNOSC data policy framework updated to take into account (1) the latest understanding of FAIR principles, (2) the experience of the ESRFI PaN partners who have adopted and implemented the PanData data policy, (3) feedback from the PaN community, and (4) EOSC requirements.
Compute cloudThis report will describe the technical work required to integrate partner compute resources into the EOSC environment In particular the security aspects and organisational challenges will be analyzed
Implementation ReportThis deliverable reports on the catalogue integration at heterogeneous and distributed facilities
Report data analysis captureThis report should provide a global vision of technical and organisational elements needed for the provision of Data Analysis Services in the context of EOSC. For instance, it should allow to understand in detail the current data infrastructures of the partners, the different authentication and authorisation systems and their current technical solutions and workflow for providing software and data access. This report will then highlight the technologies that could be implemented to build on each existing infrastructure and create a harmonized solution.
The project’s website will provide all information about the project’s scope, objectives and actions, as well as news and access to resources like documentation, training material and source code repositories, and links to the catalogue services developed throughout the project.
Dissemination and Outreach activitiesA report will be published at the end of the project of all dissemination actions publications and outreach activities carried out throughout the project Partners will regularly collect such data to monitor performance in reaching and engaging projects stakeholders
Teaching material for users of PaNOSC services, FAIR principles, and the PaNOSC facilities accessible in the e-learning platform at, task 8.5-7Teaching material developed in task 857 is accessible from panlearningorg so that users can selfeducate them on PaNOSC services FAIR principles and the PaNOSC facilities through panlearningorg
Catalog serviceThe experience of implementing metadata catalogues and the local search APIs to the federated HUB is reported in this deliverable The status report covers technical problems encountered as well as administrative hurdles in complying with the WP2 policy framework
This deliverable describes the implementation of the API from D31 and will cover lessons learned changes to the originally proposed API domain specific extensions and a rollout plan for the remaining facilities
Software catalogueAs a result of the work done in collaboration with the EOSChub project Task 66 the integration of the PaNData software catalogue with the EOSC database catalogue will be firstly demonstrated by the selection of a set software that can meet the level of qualityservice required by the EOSC database
Publicly accessible DemonstratorTo demonstrate the value of the EOSC and the science carried out at the research infrastructures, we will make available typical data sets which are not under embargo (i.e open data). Special attention will be paid to provide data which allow students and new users to use the datasets in tutorials for learning different techniques. At the same time open data from user experiments will allow users to evaluate the advantages of cloud hosting of data analysis services.
Delivery of the harmonized simulation APIs developed in T51 as an open source software package accompanied by installation instructions and reference manual
Documented simulation tasks executablePublication of online repository hosting documented jupyter notebooks and Oasys canvases showcasing configuration, execution, and analysis of selected simulation tasks through the JupyterHub or remote desktop and utilizing the VINYL APIs.
Data Management Plan following H2020 guidelines, reviewed and agreed to by all partners.
Gotz, Andy; Perrin, Jean-Francois; Fangohr, Hans; Salvat, Daniel; Gliksohn, Florian; Markvardsen, Anders; McBirnie, Abigail; Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra; Taylor,Jonathan; Matthews, Brian
Publié dans:
Fortmann-Grote, C.
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Gotz, Andy; Petzold, Andreas; Asmi, Ari; Blomberg, Niklas; Lamanna, Giovanni; Dekker, Ron
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Hafner, A.
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Juncheng, E.
Publié dans:
Fortmann-Grote, C.
Publié dans:
Gotz, Andy et al.
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PaNOSC on Zenodo
R. Dimper, A. Götz, A. de Maria, V.A. Solé, M. Chaillet, B. Lebayle
Publié dans:
Synchrotron Radiation News, Numéro 32/3, 2019, Page(s) 7-12, ISSN 0894-0886
Gordon Publications
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